Republicans Owned

And if any of you fuckers understood the federalism that was intended for this country, you know why it is that way.

The left wing effort to fuck up our education system has succeeded and people like you are living proof.

Oh, please enlighten us the intention of Federalism as it pertains to the EC winner takes all in most states.
If you could ever define fair and equitable, that would be a great start. Then I will know if you are really full of shit or just full of shit. Older white people are just that....older white people. They give just as many fucks as the rest of the world....or do you have something scientific to back up your claim. As to marginalizing people, everyone does and they always have. The whole term deplorable was an effort on the part of Hillarybitch to ignore or downplay the interests of her adversaries. And they made her pay for it.

Nobody sees themselves as greedy....but they are the entitled ones. Both sides. Of course you loved that gives clarity to your bullshit. But it's still just that.....BULLSHIT.

Donnie is a motherfucker...won't argue that point.

If he bought the house next door, I'd sell mine and leave.

But I'll be voting for him again for the same reason. At least he's dropped the facade of the Bush's and the Obama's and the knife he's going to stick in you is in plain sight. And when he plunges it in, it will right through your heart or your gut. There won't be any attacks from the back.

What do I call fair and equitable? That a judge makes a decision based on the law, not based on their politics. That a DA goes after a criminal because they are guilty and when they are convicted but it is found to be erroneous, fess up instead of doing the "oh, we'll let you go as long as you pretend you did it and we'll put it down to time served". The DA won't apologise or say they are wrong, not because they don't have a conscience, but because it'll make their stats look bad and they think it will harm their chances of re-election.

Fair and equitable? Look who's suddenly seen as essential workers now? Food factory workers, fruit pickers, nurses, bus drivers etc. Not Wall St hacks who add nothing to anybody's lives except move money around and take home big pay checks and think they are doing good in the world.

No, the video called out a lot of good stuff. There are a couple of things he went off tangent on that I disagree with, but overall it's okay.

Hillary was calling his base Deplorable. Plenty of repubs voted for him were voting for the Repub party or hated Hillary, not that they liked him. Those that voted for him because they believe in him, are the Deplorables. And she was right. They didn't cost her the election (she got 2 million plus more votes than him remember), it was her arrogance of not visiting swing states AND the Comey BS that came out before the election.

If you look at a Hillary supporter, what are they typically? White? Yep. Black? Yep.Hispanic? For sure. Male? Sure. Female? A lot. Old? Some? Young? Very much so. Sexually diverse? Definitely. In other words, she appeals to a whole range of different criteria that make up your great country.

Trump? Mainly middle aged to old, white men and women. The odd token hispanic, black, gay person thrown in for good luck.

Trump is exclusive, the other side, inclusive. I go with inclusivity every time.
If you could ever define fair and equitable, that would be a great start. Then I will know if you are really full of shit or just full of shit. Older white people are just that....older white people. They give just as many fucks as the rest of the world....or do you have something scientific to back up your claim. As to marginalizing people, everyone does and they always have. The whole term deplorable was an effort on the part of Hillarybitch to ignore or downplay the interests of her adversaries. And they made her pay for it.

Nobody sees themselves as greedy....but they are the entitled ones. Both sides. Of course you loved that gives clarity to your bullshit. But it's still just that.....BULLSHIT.

Donnie is a motherfucker...won't argue that point.

If he bought the house next door, I'd sell mine and leave.

But I'll be voting for him again for the same reason. At least he's dropped the facade of the Bush's and the Obama's and the knife he's going to stick in you is in plain sight. And when he plunges it in, it will right through your heart or your gut. There won't be any attacks from the back.

What do I call fair and equitable? That a judge makes a decision based on the law, not based on their politics. That a DA goes after a criminal because they are guilty and when they are convicted but it is found to be erroneous, fess up instead of doing the "oh, we'll let you go as long as you pretend you did it and we'll put it down to time served". The DA won't apologise or say they are wrong, not because they don't have a conscience, but because it'll make their stats look bad and they think it will harm their chances of re-election.

Fair and equitable? Look who's suddenly seen as essential workers now? Food factory workers, fruit pickers, nurses, bus drivers etc. Not Wall St hacks who add nothing to anybody's lives except move money around and take home big pay checks and think they are doing good in the world.

No, the video called out a lot of good stuff. There are a couple of things he went off tangent on that I disagree with, but overall it's okay.

Hillary was calling his base Deplorable. Plenty of repubs voted for him were voting for the Repub party or hated Hillary, not that they liked him. Those that voted for him because they believe in him, are the Deplorables. And she was right. They didn't cost her the election (she got 2 million plus more votes than him remember), it was her arrogance of not visiting swing states AND the Comey BS that came out before the election.

If you look at a Hillary supporter, what are they typically? White? Yep. Black? Yep.Hispanic? For sure. Male? Sure. Female? A lot. Old? Some? Young? Very much so. Sexually diverse? Definitely. In other words, she appeals to a whole range of different criteria that make up your great country.

Trump? Mainly middle aged to old, white men and women. The odd token hispanic, black, gay person thrown in for good luck.

Trump is exclusive, the other side, inclusive. I go with inclusivity every time.


No good definition of fair or definition of equitable.

Like so many lefties I have argued with over the years who claim they are for the "greater fucking good", they can't tell me what that means....specifically. And when I get some shit like "You should know what it is." (After they get frustrated), I say "How the fuck would I can't even tell me."

No good definition of fair or definition of equitable.

Like so many lefties I have argued with over the years who claim they are for the "greater fucking good", they can't tell me what that means....specifically. And when I get some shit like "You should know what it is." (After they get frustrated), I say "How the fuck would I can't even tell me."

Well you asked for a definition. I gave you two examples. Apparently that's not good enough <shrug>.
Oh, and I'm no leftie. I'm a centrist more than anything.
What I find interesting is that what this guy is actually saying you think most Republicans would agree with him going by what they spout on this board. Interesting.


Who's Commie indoctrinated? That guy.
Whoah bitch, I love that flag, because my family has spilled blood for the freedom of this country, you piece of shit! Also my family built this country economically. With fair business where everyone was happy.
Stupid fuck thinks Trump is Hitler.

Americans killed Hitler, you stupid fuck.
Does Trump use the US Navy to terrorize pleasure cruise ships and commercial shipping lanes, sinking their boats randomly with submarines because he can? If not, he's not Hitler, dumbass.
I take it you do not history much.
I'll take "What is a U-boat?" for $1000, Alex.
Last edited:
And if any of you fuckers understood the federalism that was intended for this country, you know why it is that way.

The left wing effort to fuck up our education system has succeeded and people like you are living proof.

Oh, please enlighten us the intention of Federalism as it pertains to the EC winner takes all in most states.

You are not familiar with the Federalist Papers ?

Can't help that.

No good definition of fair or definition of equitable.

Like so many lefties I have argued with over the years who claim they are for the "greater fucking good", they can't tell me what that means....specifically. And when I get some shit like "You should know what it is." (After they get frustrated), I say "How the fuck would I can't even tell me."

Well you asked for a definition. I gave you two examples. Apparently that's not good enough <shrug>.
Oh, and I'm no leftie. I'm a centrist more than anything.

Yes, you gave me two examples. No core definition. No it's not even close to good enough. How the fuck do I take the third situation and discern the underlying principles needed to apply a solution that is fair and equitable from your "examples".

And since it appears you can't describe it, you might not know yourself.

At least you clowns are consistent.
Yes, you gave me two examples. No core definition. No it's not even close to good enough. How the fuck do I take the third situation and discern the underlying principles needed to apply a solution that is fair and equitable from your "examples".

It's not that hard. Unless you're being deliberately obtuse. Are you being deliberately obtuse?
:CryingCow:He is just an angry cry baby mad at losing his dream nation of socialism under Obama...well Obama may be retroactively impeached if his thugs start singing......get out the cement boots Barry...Bwhahahahahah!....

He could be a crybaby. The good news it looks like the normal people are finally starting to get their shit together.
No, they're not. Theyre all cowering in fear with face masks on being run over by tyrant tin pot dictators in local and state govts who are ruling over now by decree.
What I find interesting is that what this guy is actually saying you think most Republicans would agree with him going by what they spout on this board. Interesting.

Your buddy here:

Matthew Cooke is a tiny humanoid on a rock in a void, a filmmaker, commentator (over 100m views), the producer-editor of the Oscar-nominated documentary Deliver Us From Evil, writer-director of How to Make Money Selling Drugs and Survivors Guide to Prison. He was a surrogate and filmmaker for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns

He has no clout with conservatives from what I can see.


He 'talks' all of the lib/dem talking points.

OP is moot - means nothing.

Try harder next time.
I know. Self-reflection is anathema to Deplorables. As is intelligent debate.
Well said. But I think they do see themselves in the mirror of what that guy said. It's why some get freaked out, some close down, or do whatever they need to do to hide behind whatever kind of defense mechanism they use to deny the essential truth of what he said.
The difficulty in achieving the vision the speaker laid out is never has there been as effective an organized propaganda machine as exists today in America under the general heading of Faux "News." The Hannity's and the Carlson's of that world (and that world is not the same as the real world) are on the air 24/7 telling its audience the opposite of the truth. They say Trump's response to COVID was a triumph while the opposite is true. They say the DOJ could not prove its case against Flynn when he already confessed to being guilty. They say there is no man made climate change as evidence that the opposite is true is all around us. It's an Orwellian nightmare I thought was impossible in this country. But it's here, it's real, and it's going to take a huge effort on the part of we the majority to change the structure of our democracy in order to make it reflect our beliefs, the majority's beliefs. Because as things stand, as the speaker pointed out, it does not.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".
There is no deep state. We lost the mantle of being the world's defender of human rights when the racist bigot known as the Orange Messiah was elected. The Constitution has been amended numerous times and needs to be amended again in order to ensure the will of the majority is carried out.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".
There is no deep state. We lost the mantle of being the world's defender of human rights when the racist bigot known as the Orange Messiah was elected. The Constitution has been amended numerous times and needs to be amended again in order to ensure the will of the majority is carried out.
You type TDS words with no proof. So there's nothing to reply to. It called "bullshit".
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalise people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.
Politicians who are traitors have given illegals the right to vote in many areas. Combine with all of the extra votes from the same or other areas they have taken the spirit written into the Constitution from the United States. Look at the crazy Governors who are more at home with communism and authoritarian rule who are in power and showing us what they are now. Most all in the blue states. This is you. This is a Prog. And the killer thing is, you use the private side to the utmost while subsisting off the public one.
You type TDS words with no proof. So there's nothing to reply to. It called "bullshit".
Are you under the mistaken impression you provided proof of anything you wrote? Asking me to do so is what's called a double standard. So here's your chance. Lay out your case for what the deep state is and what evidence you have of its existence.


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