Republicans Owned

If you don't see that the many coup attempts against Trump
Please explain how the constitutionally provided remedy for illegal activities and abuses of power by a prez, impeachment, constitutes a coup?
1. Trump's travel ban, that democrats called xenophobic and racist saved many lives.
Lies on two fronts.

If you don't see that the many coup attempts against Trump
Please explain how the constitutionally provided remedy for illegal activities and abuses of power by a prez, impeachment, constitutes a coup?
0. Prove ANY illegal activity.
1. There was no illegal activity, no crime, no impeachable offense, it was a coup attempt, period. So says democrat Law Professor Jonathan Turley:

2. Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said that the impeachment was unjustified.

3. There were other coup attempts:
  • The wire wearing and 25th Amendment try
  • Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI forged evidence, the CIA used foreign assets, and the FBI lied to the FISA court to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and admin
  • The illegal perjury trap of General Flynn to pressure him to lie about Trump
4. I'm also calling the MSM's constant 95% negative "fake news" coverage of Trump as an attempted coup, so lets say 5 failes coup attempts, and I may have missed a few.
There are racists and bigots. You just forget that you have gotten your crazy Prog Socialist buddies to declare that you can not be. So "poof", you are not. Anyone who has experienced it though from your minions knows different. And never forgets. You evil cretins have successfully divided this nation. And when it is gone the books written on it will condemn you. Your future..our future are the deep blue authoritarian leadership we see now. Only it will be entrenched and a thousand times more vicious. And you see the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom fall right in line with them.
On this point I totally disagree. Bush II - aided and abetted by Hannity, Beck, Jones, Limbugh et al, and then the Orange Buffoon absolutely divided the the US. History will show that to be the case.
Most Deplorable neocons have two absolute traits - psychopathy and lack of empathy. I see them much much closer to Stalin and Mao than any liberal.
Your buddy here:
Matthew Cooke is a tiny humanoid on a rock in a void, a filmmaker, commentator (over 100m views), the producer-editor of the Oscar-nominated documentary Deliver Us From Evil, writer-director of How to Make Money Selling Drugs and Survivors Guide to Prison. He was a surrogate and filmmaker for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns

He has no clout with conservatives from what I can see.


He 'talks' all of the lib/dem talking points.

OP is moot - means nothing.

Try harder next time.

Umm...I know he has no clout with the Repubs. He doesn't want any. He's giving them a serve.
Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM.

He was elected on his fuck filthy wetbacks message, on his enthusiasm for NATIONALISM, his promise to restore American virtues, law and take care of our military and to Make America American Again.....You know, all the same reasons he’ll destroy Leftist filth again in November.

And he's done NONE of that. Not one single thing.
What do I call fair and equitable? That a judge makes a decision based on the law, not based on their politics.
If that’s the case, if you ever voted for a Dem for president, you voted AGAINST fair and equitable. Look what Dems routinely put on the SCOTUS.

If you supported the interpretation of the second amendment to mean anything but a protection of the individual right, you did not support fair and equitable.

If you think “shall not be infringed” means “Can be infringed” you do not not support “fair and equitable.”

I think we’re done here.

I think the second is shit and should be repealed.
You like that second? Go buy a musket. After all, that's the era it was written and you Deplorable losers are always pining for the good old days - you know, when slavery was still legal, women couldn't vote, a good Mexican was a dead one, and even only certain men who owned land could vote. Gee, I miss those days...
4. I'm also calling the MSM's constant 95% negative "fake news" coverage of Trump as an attempted coup, so lets say 5 failes coup attempts, and I may have missed a few.

I'm calling this total utter bullshit. The only person responsible for the 99 per cent correct news is the miserable git himself. Unless he's got a hand stuck up his arse and he's a poor impression of Charlie McCarthy, the guy I'm seeing saying all this BS is the Orange Buffoon himself on the news no less. Won't even start on his tweets. Fake News my arse. Pathetic. Really is.
Before I access this stuff you need to tell me who this guy is and how his opinion matters.

He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalise people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

The US is a representative republic. Look it up.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalise people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

The US is a representative republic. Look it up.

Tell me something I haven't known since 1977...

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