Republicans Owned

He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".
There is no deep state. We lost the mantle of being the world's defender of human rights when the racist bigot known as the Orange Messiah was elected. The Constitution has been amended numerous times and needs to be amended again in order to ensure the will of the majority is carried out.
There are racists and bigots. You just forget that you have gotten your crazy Prog Socialist buddies to declare that you can not be. So "poof", you are not. Anyone who has experienced it though from your minions knows different. And never forgets. You evil cretins have successfully divided this nation. And when it is gone the books written on it will condemn you. Your future..our future are the deep blue authoritarian leadership we see now. Only it will be entrenched and a thousand times more vicious. And you see the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom fall right in line with them.
Politicians who are traitors have given illegals the right to vote in many areas.
Liar. The citizens of some communities have voted to give illegal aliens the right to vote on local issues. There's a phrase for that. It's called locally controlled democracy. A concept Repubs claim to be in favor of.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".

I'm not a fan of the Roman Empire, but I am a huge fan of the Roman Republic which preceeded it. There are many parallels between the Roman Republic and the decline of the American Empire. Donald Trump is your Sulla. The leader who destroyed the Republic, leading to the madness that following under the Emperors.

The Americans were fed up with partisanship in 2008 when they elected Obama as well. Americans have been fed up with Republican fiscal mismanagement since Reagan was in power, but Republicans have done an amazing impression of fiscal responsibility, while they shovelled cash by the bucketloads to the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans and the middle class.

Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM. And he lied. This is the third economic crash in 40 years and Republicans have used all of them to transfer the wealth of the nation to the top. These PPP loans are going to public corporations and large Republican donors who don't need the cash, while mom and pop businesses are completely shut out and are shuttering.

As for your number 4, your coasting on past glories. Under Donald Trump the USA now the country that is LEAST LIKELY TO PROTECT RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THE WORLD. Donald Trump has no interest in human rights and freedoms. He has enabled dictators and authoritarians around the world with his hands off approach to human rights and freedoms. The USA used to leverage it's buying power to insist on environment and human rights provisions in trade agreements. Trump's new agreements remove those provisions.

What has the USA done to protect freedoms under Donald Trump? Abandon the Kurds to Turks and the Syrians? Separate families at the border, leading to the deaths of 7 refugee children since his election? Helped the Saudi's commit genocide in Yemen? Shut down non-Chistian, non-white immigration?

You have a white nationalist government by the sons and daughter of the Ivy League schools - the elites. 40% of your population is dependent on government handouts, with no access to quality education or health care. They are poor, in poor health, and they're being swept by a pandemic. Republicans are now seriously suggesting sacrificing your elderly to save the economy.

As a land with liberty, opportunity and justice for all? You're a total failure.
What I find interesting is that what this guy is actually saying you think most Republicans would agree with him going by what they spout on this board. Interesting.

WAAAAAAAAAA! I don't like the rules , WE MUST CHANGE THEM!!!!!
You type TDS words with no proof. So there's nothing to reply to. It called "bullshit".
Are you under the mistaken impression you provided proof of anything you wrote? Asking me to do so is what's called a double standard. So here's your chance. Lay out your case for what the deep state is and what evidence you have of its existence.

I can prove anything I need to.
If you don't see that the many coup attempts against Trump were the concerted efforts of "democrat holdovers" in government, you are blind to the truth.
"In The Concealment of the State, Professor Jason Royce Lindsey argues that even without a conspiratorial agenda, the term deep state is useful for understanding aspects of the national security establishment in developed countries, with emphasis on the United States. Lindsey writes that the deep state draws power from the national security and intelligence communities, a realm where secrecy is a source of power.[15]:35–36 Alfred W. McCoy states that the increase in the power of the U.S. intelligence community since the September 11 attacks "has built a fourth branch of the U.S. government" that is "in many ways autonomous from the executive, and increasingly so."

" I don’t believe in the tooth fairy, the Knights Templar, Bilderberg, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a vast right wing conspiracy, or, for that matter, a vast left wing conspiracy. Are there in the U.S. government individual bureaucrats that are Democratic holdovers that would love nothing more than to damage Trump? Yeah, of course there are."

What I find interesting is that what this guy is actually saying you think most Republicans would agree with him going by what they spout on this board. Interesting.

Nothing to see here...This dude is just another fucking Loon...another product of Cal Berkeley
“The U.S. Constitution is shit”
“The U.S. flag is just a piece of fabric.”
“Scared ignorant white people”
These filthy bastards never realize how stupid they sound to good real Americans.

Christianity, the Constitution, nationalism / the flag, white man, capitalism....all built the greatest nation on the planet but we need to discard our founding principles...HUH..WTF?
Look, this is predictable Regressive bullshit...the same shit we always see from filthy’s why you are HATED by anyone normal and decent.
The Left hates REAL American virtues because they stand in the way of wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, ragheads, feminazis, degenerates, criminals and the like....hahaha...Simple shit folks.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".

I'm not a fan of the Roman Empire, but I am a huge fan of the Roman Republic which preceeded it. There are many parallels between the Roman Republic and the decline of the American Empire. Donald Trump is your Sulla. The leader who destroyed the Republic, leading to the madness that following under the Emperors.

The Americans were fed up with partisanship in 2008 when they elected Obama as well. Americans have been fed up with Republican fiscal mismanagement since Reagan was in power, but Republicans have done an amazing impression of fiscal responsibility, while they shovelled cash by the bucketloads to the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans and the middle class.

Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM. And he lied. This is the third economic crash in 40 years and Republicans have used all of them to transfer the wealth of the nation to the top. These PPP loans are going to public corporations and large Republican donors who don't need the cash, while mom and pop businesses are completely shut out and are shuttering.

As for your number 4, your coasting on past glories. Under Donald Trump the USA now the country that is LEAST LIKELY TO PROTECT RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THE WORLD. Donald Trump has no interest in human rights and freedoms. He has enabled dictators and authoritarians around the world with his hands off approach to human rights and freedoms. The USA used to leverage it's buying power to insist on environment and human rights provisions in trade agreements. Trump's new agreements remove those provisions.

What has the USA done to protect freedoms under Donald Trump? Abandon the Kurds to Turks and the Syrians? Separate families at the border, leading to the deaths of 7 refugee children since his election? Helped the Saudi's commit genocide in Yemen? Shut down non-Chistian, non-white immigration?

You have a white nationalist government by the sons and daughter of the Ivy League schools - the elites. 40% of your population is dependent on government handouts, with no access to quality education or health care. They are poor, in poor health, and they're being swept by a pandemic. Republicans are now seriously suggesting sacrificing your elderly to save the economy.

As a land with liberty, opportunity and justice for all? You're a total failure.
1. Trump is more for the US workers than the Bidens, who just love that Chinese cash.
2. Trump has juiced the US economy with the UE rate at historic lows, it took a hit from COVID, so we'll see how long that lasts
3. Trump has sanctions on many deserving countries.
Who gave Iran $150b in sanctions relief and $1.5b in a planeload of cash to keep developing their nukes and ICBMs and their terror networks??? (Obama)
4. Trump didn't abandon the Kurds, he had no option but to move unarmed US observers out of the way of the Turkish invasion, he protected US lives.
He gave the Kurds an oil field, and protection with US tanks.
5. You seem to be looking at the US as a low-life. If that's your perspective keep it, enjoy it, its what you are, I can't help you.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".

I'm not a fan of the Roman Empire, but I am a huge fan of the Roman Republic which preceeded it. There are many parallels between the Roman Republic and the decline of the American Empire. Donald Trump is your Sulla. The leader who destroyed the Republic, leading to the madness that following under the Emperors.

The Americans were fed up with partisanship in 2008 when they elected Obama as well. Americans have been fed up with Republican fiscal mismanagement since Reagan was in power, but Republicans have done an amazing impression of fiscal responsibility, while they shovelled cash by the bucketloads to the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans and the middle class.

Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM. And he lied. This is the third economic crash in 40 years and Republicans have used all of them to transfer the wealth of the nation to the top. These PPP loans are going to public corporations and large Republican donors who don't need the cash, while mom and pop businesses are completely shut out and are shuttering.

As for your number 4, your coasting on past glories. Under Donald Trump the USA now the country that is LEAST LIKELY TO PROTECT RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THE WORLD. Donald Trump has no interest in human rights and freedoms. He has enabled dictators and authoritarians around the world with his hands off approach to human rights and freedoms. The USA used to leverage it's buying power to insist on environment and human rights provisions in trade agreements. Trump's new agreements remove those provisions.

What has the USA done to protect freedoms under Donald Trump? Abandon the Kurds to Turks and the Syrians? Separate families at the border, leading to the deaths of 7 refugee children since his election? Helped the Saudi's commit genocide in Yemen? Shut down non-Chistian, non-white immigration?

You have a white nationalist government by the sons and daughter of the Ivy League schools - the elites. 40% of your population is dependent on government handouts, with no access to quality education or health care. They are poor, in poor health, and they're being swept by a pandemic. Republicans are now seriously suggesting sacrificing your elderly to save the economy.

As a land with liberty, opportunity and justice for all? You're a total failure.
1. Trump is more for the US workers than the Bidens, who just love that Chinese cash.
2. Trump has juiced the US economy with the UE rate at historic lows, it took a hit from COVID, so we'll see how long that lasts
3. Trump has sanctions on many deserving countries.
Who gave Iran $150b in sanctions relief and $1.5b in a planeload of cash to keep developing their nukes and ICBMs and their terror networks??? (Obama)
4. Trump didn't abandon the Kurds, he had no option but to move unarmed US observers out of the way of the Turkish invasion, he protected US lives.
He gave the Kurds an oil field, and protection with US tanks.
5. You seem to be looking at the US as a low-life. If that's your perspective keep it, enjoy it, its what you are, I can't help you.

I look at the Trump Administration as a criminal, low-life enterprise, responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands Americans.

With 3% of the world's population, the USA has more than 25% of the deaths. That's not leadership, that's criminal negligence. Encouraging the re-opening of the country will have devasting consequences for vulnerable populations.

Trump's financial response is shovelling money to corporation employers and shutting out small businesses. This will lead to a population desperate to go back to work because they're starving, and wealth and power will increasingly be concentrated for the elite. Working class Americans in the service industry, the public transit industry and the food production industry aren't "essential|", they're disposable.
Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM.

He was elected on his fuck filthy wetbacks message, on his enthusiasm for NATIONALISM, his promise to restore American virtues, law and take care of our military and to Make America American Again.....You know, all the same reasons he’ll destroy Leftist filth again in November.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shovelling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
By the way do you know where the phrase government of the people, by the people and for the people came from? It's acutally part if the Gettysburg address and it came from the lips of Abraham Lincoln the first REPUBLICAN president.

Informative....thank you.
Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM.
Probably the greatest con of all time.

He truly is the greatest conman of all time. Sadly, he is also the worst President of all time too.

Haha...ANYTIME a filthy LefTard says “Trump is a terrible President” good REAL Americans are assured that he is doing exactly what he was elected to do.
Thanks for the confirmation.
He is wrong about the Senate. The two Houses of Congress were necessary as the "Great Compromise" between small and large states.

He said something in there that I have banged on about with regard to the EC and the Senate and how unfair it is.

I'll ask you this: At it's must fundamental, is it okay for one per son in Wyoming to have the same amount of say as 68 people in California. That to me, is fundamentally unfair. Let's take it to the nth degree - let's say it was 1 million vs 68 million?

You know in Rwanda, the biggest issue was that the Belgians created a ruling class called the Tutsi. They made up 15% of Rwanda's population. I did a study of the country about four years before the genocide. I said to my teacher at the time, 'I'm surprised the Hutu's haven't overthrown them". We then had a discussion - the exact content of which I can't remember verbatim - but it was something along the lines (this was my teacher saying this) that sometimes it doesn't take a lot of people to control a larger group of people. Or course, four years later and 100s of 1000s of dead Tutsi's later.

If you want to live in 'the greatest, freest' and dear I say 'fairest' country in the world, then I'm sorry, somebody in Wyoming having more representation at a Federal level will not work. Resentment will grow.

I'll also say this: Surely any really pressing matters for the smaller states can be sorted at a state level. Also, if a smaller state does have an issue, who's to say the larger states won't agree with them if they put up a good argument?

If you marginalize people, and they think a systems is unfair, there will be repercussions. The video touched on them.

1. The US Constitution went thru the big state vs small state debate in 1776. Its fucking over. Stop whining about it.
2. Move to Wyoming if that issue is so important to you.
3. You can resent the EC until you die, it is not going to fucking change.
4. If the EC was replaced by a popular vote only 4-states would matter, and the folks in the other 46 states would be resentful too.
5. The Constitution has done us well since 1776, as has the EC, if you really feel resentment, try a therapist.

The Founding Fathers Wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation of 3.5 million people where the rest of the world lived a minimum of 6 weeks and a perilous sea voyage away. Canons were the most powerful weapons and guns were single shot pistols and muskets.

If your 200 year old Constitution was really working for you, neither of the worst two fiscally destructive Presidents in history would have been elected. There would have been no Iraq War, and no ISIS. You’d have competent leadership in this pandemic instead of a guy who is shoveling money to his donors and friends while cutting off funding to states, cities and people who didn’t vote for him.

The video is spot on. It is supposed to be government of the people, for the people, by the people and it’s not anything like that.

The Roman Republic endured for 1000 years because the elites never got greedy, and they fully recognized that as long as the Head Count was well fed, happy and entertained, they could play they corrupt games and nobody cared. Bread and circuses.

Well the American head count are not well fed, the are not happy and they sure as fuck aren’t being entertained.

Your Republic has failed and the people have lost. Don’t think they aren’t pissed off.
1. At least Dr Grump liked your post.
2. You like the Roman Empire? Try these guys:
"Ruthless and violent, Roman emperors are famous for their tyrannical reigns of terror. But who were the worst Roman emperors? Here, historian Sean Lang examines eight of the bloodiest…"
3. In 2016 Americans were fed up with the DC "deep state", before that it was the "Tea Party". Trump is the answer. You'll see in November.
4. The US republic has not "failed"? Its even weird that you could type something that stupid? Name one other country in the world as indispensable as the US to protect human rights and freedom around the world.
5. The US Constitution has served us well for over 250 years, I see no reason to change it except to stop "anchor babies".

I'm not a fan of the Roman Empire, but I am a huge fan of the Roman Republic which preceeded it. There are many parallels between the Roman Republic and the decline of the American Empire. Donald Trump is your Sulla. The leader who destroyed the Republic, leading to the madness that following under the Emperors.

The Americans were fed up with partisanship in 2008 when they elected Obama as well. Americans have been fed up with Republican fiscal mismanagement since Reagan was in power, but Republicans have done an amazing impression of fiscal responsibility, while they shovelled cash by the bucketloads to the wealthy, at the expense of working Americans and the middle class.

Donald Trump was elected because he promised working men and women he was for THEM. And he lied. This is the third economic crash in 40 years and Republicans have used all of them to transfer the wealth of the nation to the top. These PPP loans are going to public corporations and large Republican donors who don't need the cash, while mom and pop businesses are completely shut out and are shuttering.

As for your number 4, your coasting on past glories. Under Donald Trump the USA now the country that is LEAST LIKELY TO PROTECT RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THE WORLD. Donald Trump has no interest in human rights and freedoms. He has enabled dictators and authoritarians around the world with his hands off approach to human rights and freedoms. The USA used to leverage it's buying power to insist on environment and human rights provisions in trade agreements. Trump's new agreements remove those provisions.

What has the USA done to protect freedoms under Donald Trump? Abandon the Kurds to Turks and the Syrians? Separate families at the border, leading to the deaths of 7 refugee children since his election? Helped the Saudi's commit genocide in Yemen? Shut down non-Chistian, non-white immigration?

You have a white nationalist government by the sons and daughter of the Ivy League schools - the elites. 40% of your population is dependent on government handouts, with no access to quality education or health care. They are poor, in poor health, and they're being swept by a pandemic. Republicans are now seriously suggesting sacrificing your elderly to save the economy.

As a land with liberty, opportunity and justice for all? You're a total failure.
1. Trump is more for the US workers than the Bidens, who just love that Chinese cash.
2. Trump has juiced the US economy with the UE rate at historic lows, it took a hit from COVID, so we'll see how long that lasts
3. Trump has sanctions on many deserving countries.
Who gave Iran $150b in sanctions relief and $1.5b in a planeload of cash to keep developing their nukes and ICBMs and their terror networks??? (Obama)
4. Trump didn't abandon the Kurds, he had no option but to move unarmed US observers out of the way of the Turkish invasion, he protected US lives.
He gave the Kurds an oil field, and protection with US tanks.
5. You seem to be looking at the US as a low-life. If that's your perspective keep it, enjoy it, its what you are, I can't help you.

I look at the Trump Administration as a criminal, low-life enterprise, responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands Americans.

With 3% of the world's population, the USA has more than 25% of the deaths. That's not leadership, that's criminal negligence. Encouraging the re-opening of the country will have devastating consequences for vulnerable populations.

Trump's financial response is shoveling money to corporation employers and shutting out small businesses. This will lead to a population desperate to go back to work because they're starving, and wealth and power will increasingly be concentrated for the elite. Working class Americans in the service industry, the public transit industry and the food production industry aren't "essential", they're disposable.

1. Trump's travel ban, that democrats called xenophobic and racist saved many lives.
2. All business reopenings in the US are approved by governors of the various states, not by President Trump.
3. All financial assistance to businesses was approved by the democratic House and the GOP Senate. Not by a Trump EO.
4. No one put a gun to anyone's head and forced them back to work did they? People are only too happy to get back to work.

Your constant whines about Trump don't have any proof or validity, it's just more low-life whining.
What do I call fair and equitable? That a judge makes a decision based on the law, not based on their politics.
If that’s the case, if you ever voted for a Dem for president, you voted AGAINST fair and equitable. Look what Dems routinely put on the SCOTUS.

If you supported the interpretation of the second amendment to mean anything but a protection of the individual right, you did not support fair and equitable.

If you think “shall not be infringed” means “Can be infringed” you do not not support “fair and equitable.”

I think we’re done here.


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