Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018

You should play lotto with your prediction abilities. Not that it will help educate you since you remain under the delusion that votes determine which party controls the Senate
Funny you bring that up...I'm not kidding...I hit a $20 scratcher for $5000 last month...just got the check and the government took 40%....:blowup:
Imbecile.... what does a scratch off have to do with predictions? :rolleyes:

Plus, I know you’re lying since the tax rate on $5000 is not 40%.
Imbecile.... what does a scratch off have to do with predictions? :rolleyes:

Plus, I know you’re lying since the tax rate on $5000 is not 40%
I'm really not lying it was nearly 40% off the top...
So the gain made has been the ground work by Obama...

This is good laugh...

They are still blaming the banking crisis on Obama...

Trump has done legislatively effectively nothing to help or hindered the economy and now they want credit.
He has removed hundreds of business crushing regulations...he now has his well advertised and anticipated business friendly tax plan which has fueled the stock market...It's about attitude and intentions...Obama's attitude was the economy sucks but it's the new normal can't do anything to make it better and Trump's attitude is that is ridiculous and we can always do better...and we are...America First works!

Please list the regulations that have been removed that affect the economy.

It will all be decided depending on how the next 10 months pan out.

Once tax reform is in place, it's all but assured. Massive growth, jobs, return of foreign U,S money to the tune of $4T, a return to embracing Israel as an ally in the region, middle class getting a couple of grand back at tax season and doing their own taxes on a postcard.

I'd say this alone will catapult the GOP, and the loss of Alabama from a candidate worse than a Hillary as he is a suspected creep, will just remind these guys that NO complacency or backstabbing will go unpunished.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!

There will not be massive job growth as there is nobody to fill those jobs. Going back to 1970 unemployment has only been lower than it is now 6 months out of the 575 months. There is a reason that job growth has slowed by 25% since Jan and it is not because Trump sucks (though he does) it is because we are hitting what economists call full employment.

No foreign US money will come back, that is just a pipe dream. Even with the new lower Corp rates they are still higher than the places where the money is stashed now. And with the new lower rates there is no reason to bring it back as corporation will have all the cash they need. US corporations were already seeing record profits for the last few years and now they will blow those records through the roof.

Nobody outside of the far right politics care about Israel.

And there will be a "correction" sometime before Trump's time in office is up. Systemic failures are built into our economic system as a means of control, and the faster the growth the more often they will occur. We have had 12 of them since the mid 1800 and the are occurring at an increased rate.
I think the Repubs should try this move seemed to almost work.

If the economy continues on this vector, that would partially stave off a wave. But elections are also about personality and image - whether they should be or not - and that's a negative right now for the GOP. The party is lucky that the Democrats have to protect so many seats in a mid term.
Name 5 "business crushing" regs Trump has removed. Show how their removal has quantitatively improved the economy
Trump has issued a series of executive orders many directing agencies to find their own rules to repeal... like with the idiotic Obama Clean Power Plan....GONE!

last week, Trump signed an executive order to streamline and cut certain federal permitting regulations to speed up transportation, water and other infrastructure projects.
This is a big one and business loves it...the market loves it...

14 rules that had recently been finalized under former President Obama gone!
He used the Congressional Review Act to allow Congress to roll back recent rules as well and this is paying off because it's the congress that is closest to the people and they are aware of what works and what does not...A huge winning move for Trump...
So you cannot name one and show that it does what you say it does.

You are giving your misguided opinion, nothing else.
Jefferson County (Birmingham) gave Jones a 70,000 vote majority there, which overwhelmed the rural counties.

It's an argument that it is time for the electoral college to abolished or amended.
I know I'm gonna regret showing you numbers because that's a foreign concept to you .... but .... over the last 10 months since counting employment figures under Trump, we've gained 1.7 million jobs. Over the 10 months prior, we gained 1.9 million....

03/2016: 143,673,000
01/2017: 145,541,000
11/2017: 147,241,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Yes, job growth, while still good, has slowed. Which is expected since there are fewer jobs available as growth continues.
Facts on the ground Faun...empty stores are filling up...schedules are booked solid...trucks are rolling...those are the things that win elections...Obama had a growth rate under 2%...commerce will not flourish in that environment...That is the democrats problem...they believe and base their whole future on stupid statistics and numbers created from fallible people...continue with that PLEASE!

Stop making bullshit up.

Empty stores? No trucks rolling? In your little head maybe.

No thoughtful person relies on politico anecdotes and say-so to gauge a 18 trillion dollar economy.

Conservatives are neither thoughtful nor normal people. They live in the rightard bubble and that’s all they know. Shit, the Rambunctious imbecile was actually claiming 51 Democrats & Democrat caucusing Independents in the Senate still wouldn’t be enough to control it. :cuckoo:

I wouldn't say all conservatives and I would not say that all lefties are thoughtful, but I currently see a big gap when it comes to intellectual rigor and honesty on the right and the left.

The right is turning more and more toward living in outright fantasy land where anything goes.
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Jefferson County (Birmingham) gave Jones a 70,000 vote majority there, which overwhelmed the rural counties.

It's an argument that it is time for the electoral college to abolished or amended.

Tuscaloosa went Blue too .. the dog catcher could have beat Royboi.

first time since forever ..
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Exactly right.

It's a matter of most people voting with their wallets. If the economy continues to prosper and the unemployment rate remains low, it will be a sure win for the GOP in 2018 and beyond.

Trump has no bearing on the economy as of yet... He has actually been the longest President without any legislative win in modern history...

Claiming an Obama win still...


Right after Trump was elected the stock market rallied and continues on an upward swing. Before that it barely plodded along.

Know what that is? Investors and businessmen trust someone like Trump more than they trust a weak ineffective liberal like Obama.
Only Tightwads When They Think They Have to Be

Hate to have GreedHeads in charge, but they're the only ones with enough energy to get things moving again. Trump is energizing them so much now that they will create enough wealth to pass around more equitably and still be richer than ever before.

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