Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018

What year are you living in?

You may have just noticed that Alabama votes in a Dem senator . ALABAMA ! The blue wave hit Tokyo bitches ! The reddest If red .

That was an outlier due to unusual circumstances, but that aside, you're correct. Republicans are delusional if they think they are going to gain Senate seats next year in the current environment. They had better hope Trump's tax plan takes off.

Could does not mean they will. Only 5 seats look like they could flip at this time. Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Arizona and Nevada. Also 1 thing we have seen in all of the races from blue states like New Jersey to red Alabama is that Democrats have done better in the suburbs than Clinton did in 2016. That could change the dynamics in these races. Also all the unpopular legislation Republicans are passing and have tried to pass will be on full display.
What year are you living in?

You may have just noticed that Alabama votes in a Dem senator . ALABAMA ! The blue wave hit Tokyo bitches ! The reddest If red .

That was an outlier due to unusual circumstances, but that aside, you're correct. Republicans are delusional if they think they are going to gain Senate seats next year in the current environment. They had better hope Trump's tax plan takes off.

Republicans will keep Corker and Flake's seats and pick up McCaskill and Donnelly's seats. Keep and eye on Casey and Manchin as well.
Democrats strategy in 2018 middies
“Republicans are Nazis bent on destroying country!!!”
Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
Trump is going to keep baiting Kim with insults and threats, pushing the military closer and closer until somebody pushes the wrong button, misinterprets some action, or Kim thinks he's being attacked. Trump will then have the war he needs to strengthen his position.

I can see Trump trying it

But the UN would not back the US in such a war, neither would South Korea

South Korea wants the status does the rest of the world
If Trump provokes a fight, he will do it on his own

Even his own party wouldn't support him
He is provoking Kim with rhetoric and military actions. Eventually, Kim is going to use his missiles for more than a photo op. This is exactly what Trump is hoping for, a reason to turn the US military on NK. As long as NK strikes first, congress and the people would back Trump, but NK would have to strike first, maybe in South Korea, Japan, Guam, etc..

I think Kim understands what a deterrent is
Once he uses his missiles they are no longer a deterrent and he gets wiped off the map

I'm not so sure our President understands
What year are you living in?

You may have just noticed that Alabama votes in a Dem senator . ALABAMA ! The blue wave hit Tokyo bitches ! The reddest If red .

That was an outlier due to unusual circumstances, but that aside, you're correct. Republicans are delusional if they think they are going to gain Senate seats next year in the current environment. They had better hope Trump's tax plan takes off.

Republicans will keep Corker and Flake's seats and pick up McCaskill and Donnelly's seats. Keep and eye on Casey and Manchin as well.

McCains seat will probably open in 2018 either through resignation or death

Arizona will have two seats to fill.

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