Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018

Jefferson County (Birmingham) gave Jones a 70,000 vote majority there, which overwhelmed the rural counties.

It's an argument that it is time for the electoral college to abolished or amended.

Sure, let's do that ---- leave all national elections up to New York and Los Angeles. Then the flyover country would secede and form a new nation, leaving behind New England and the Left Coast, and none too soon, IMO.
Conservatives are neither thoughtful nor normal people. They live in the rightard bubble and that’s all they know. Shit, the Rambunctious imbecile was actually claiming 51 Democrats & Democrat caucusing Independents in the Senate still wouldn’t be enough to control it. :cuckoo:

I wouldn't say all conservatives and I would not say that all lefties are thoughtful, but I currently see a big gap when it comes to intellectual rigor and honesty on the right and the left.

The right is turning more and more toward living in outright fantasy land where anything goes.
“Anything goes” has always been the “progressive” motto.

That is why the contemporary left is trying to censor social media as their best and brightest are being massacred in debate after debate by all factions of the right.

How is censoring consistent with "anything goes" motto?

And what the fuck does cenoring have to do with detachment from basic facts?

You should not post.[/QUOTE

BTW, what the fuck does “anything goes” have to do with anything concerning facts?

? Seriously?

When you believe things without any real basis...anything goes!
You are literally the only idiot who thinks “anything goes” has anything to do with “believing things”.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Look at the last 160 years of electoral history and you'll understand.

What are you talking about? That was a little vague. No, that was vague BIGLY.

Whelp --- had you followed the advice as given it would have been obvious. But if you need a guide to take you by the hand.... in the entire time the Duopoly of Republicrat/Demoblican party has existed, whichever party holds the White House almost always loses ground in Congress in the mid-term elections. There have been three exceptions in that entire period since the 1860s. Literally no President has escaped it.

So no, not "vague" at all. The key verb was "look". If you can't do that, yeah it will remain "vague".

That pattern alone makes it highly unlikely the thread title holds. Add in Rump's historic disapproval ratings and the odds get worse.
Yeah and as the economy gets stronger the GOP will continue to benefit...No one that I know wants Obama's growth rate and sluggish job growth back again...not even the liberals that I know...
Trump hasn't done anything yet except hurt consumers and lead on the rich. This is still Obama's economy.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
He could nuke California and the brain-dead right would still support him.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
He could nuke California and the brain-dead right would still support him.


They would cheer
Jefferson County (Birmingham) gave Jones a 70,000 vote majority there, which overwhelmed the rural counties.

It's an argument that it is time for the electoral college to abolished or amended.

Sure, let's do that ---- leave all national elections up to New York and Los Angeles. Then the flyover country would secede and form a new nation, leaving behind New England and the Left Coast, and none too soon, IMO.
NYC and LA would not control the election.

Fly over country would not secede because it needs LA, CHI, NYC, HOU, SA, and the big infrastructure metro areas far more than they need fly over country.
Whelp --- had you followed the advice as given it would have been obvious.

Why are you calling me a whelp? This is getting to be a very sad place. No discussion. Just obscenities and gross insults.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
He could nuke California and the brain-dead right would still support him.
I sure as fuck would.

I hope the wildfires burn down whatever remains of the giant glorified ghetto that is California.
Jefferson County (Birmingham) gave Jones a 70,000 vote majority there, which overwhelmed the rural counties.

It's an argument that it is time for the electoral college to abolished or amended.

Sure, let's do that ---- leave all national elections up to New York and Los Angeles. Then the flyover country would secede and form a new nation, leaving behind New England and the Left Coast, and none too soon, IMO.
NYC and LA would not control the election.

Fly over country would not secede because it needs LA, CHI, NYC, HOU, SA, and the big infrastructure metro areas far more than they need fly over country.
Those cities are too uneducated to be of use to anyone.
Whelp --- had you followed the advice as given it would have been obvious.

Why are you calling me a whelp? This is getting to be a very sad place. No discussion. Just obscenities and gross insults.

"Whelp" is not a noun.

If that's all you got, moving on.

You don't know that whelp is a noun? Huh. You're not much of a reader, I see. Okay, bye.
[QUOTE="JakeStarkey, post: 18829304, member: 20412
NYC and LA would not control the election.

Fly over country would not secede because it needs LA, CHI, NYC, HOU, SA, and the big infrastructure metro areas far more than they need fly over country.
Those cities are too uneducated to be of use to anyone.

You think the giant metro areas don't need the flyover areas? They don't have food, they don't have the army. They just have blacks dependent on welfare and violent Hispanic gangs.

In any political breakup of a state -- and we are WAAAAY overdue, historically --- it is the coastal areas that secede first. Portugal from Spain (and Catalonia is currently trying to secede), just for one instance. Pretty nearly all alternative history scifi writers, right back to LeGuin, assume the whole West Coast will break off first, probably into separate states of California and then Oregon/Washington. Texas, obviously. New England tried to break off in 1812, and won't be far behind, I suspect.

All the prepper novelists and alternative history novelists such as S.M. Sterling assume that the great cities will simply be mass die-off zones in the event of any serious disruption of social services. And that does seem obvious: they have no means of support once electricity and food trucks and central government money is gone.

But a lot of people are tired of supporting these worthless areas full of parasites and terrorists and rioters.
Circe, stop the nonsense, please. No secession will occur. The pendulum will swing to the Dems again over the next few years then back to the Pubs.

Alternate History and Fiction is fun, but it is . . . fiction.
Circe, stop the nonsense, please. No secession will occur. The pendulum will swing to the Dems again over the next few years then back to the Pubs.

Alternate History and Fiction is fun, but it is . . . fiction.

It can't happen here, right?

Just because it happens everywhere, everywhen, doesn't matter: it can't possibly happen here.

Well, it did happen a couple times, in 1776 and 1861, and almost in the 1930s and the 1960s ---- but, see, that was Olden Days: can't possibly happen here now!
Circe, you are not making sense. Because it happened 'then' does not mean it will happen 'now'.

Most of the upset is by some very few conservative Tories, like you, who want to go back to the 'good old days,' but there were no such days.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.

That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

Drat, I thought you were a serious poster from the first couple posts I answered. Now it's just obscenities, like so many on the left. Too bad for me; I can't work with streams of enraged curses. I wish more people could be analytical without ranting.
Enraged curses??? There are no curses in my post. My language is certainly no worst than our trash talking president. In fact, it's quite a bit better. You don't think Trump's name calling and military maneuvers just miles off the the coast of North Korea is provocative? There is nothing Trump would like better than a big mushroom cloud over South Korea, Japan, or Guam.
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[QUOTE="JakeStarkey, post: 18829304, member: 20412
NYC and LA would not control the election.

Fly over country would not secede because it needs LA, CHI, NYC, HOU, SA, and the big infrastructure metro areas far more than they need fly over country.
Those cities are too uneducated to be of use to anyone.

You think the giant metro areas don't need the flyover areas? They don't have food, they don't have the army. They just have blacks dependent on welfare and violent Hispanic gangs.

In any political breakup of a state -- and we are WAAAAY overdue, historically --- it is the coastal areas that secede first. Portugal from Spain (and Catalonia is currently trying to secede), just for one instance. Pretty nearly all alternative history scifi writers, right back to LeGuin, assume the whole West Coast will break off first, probably into separate states of California and then Oregon/Washington. Texas, obviously. New England tried to break off in 1812, and won't be far behind, I suspect.

All the prepper novelists and alternative history novelists such as S.M. Sterling assume that the great cities will simply be mass die-off zones in the event of any serious disruption of social services. And that does seem obvious: they have no means of support once electricity and food trucks and central government money is gone.

But a lot of people are tired of supporting these worthless areas full of parasites and terrorists and rioters.
Are you using drugs? Check out to see what states have the highest level of economic performance. They all have yuuuuge cities.

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