Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018

Circe, you are not making sense. Because it happened 'then' does not mean it will happen 'now'.

Doesn't mean it won't happen, either. What a bias so many have for the conviction that everything is going to stay exactly as it is this five minutes now. I wonder why nobody ever predicts the really big things that happen: WWI, WWII, nukes, the Berlin Wall falling down, the Soviet Union collapsing, 9/11/2001/ Hillary not winning despite all the polls and newsies saying she would.

I think it's because our minds are on train tracks while reality swoops in three dimensions all around us, freely.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
Trump is going to keep baiting Kim with insults and threats, pushing the military closer and closer until somebody pushes the wrong button, misinterprets some action, or Kim thinks he's being attacked. Trump will then have the war he needs to strengthen his position.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
Trump is going to keep baiting Kim with insults and threats, pushing the military closer and closer until somebody pushes the wrong button, misinterprets some action, or Kim thinks he's being attacked. Trump will then have the war he needs to strengthen his position.

I can see Trump trying it

But the UN would not back the US in such a war, neither would South Korea

South Korea wants the status does the rest of the world
If Trump provokes a fight, he will do it on his own

Even his own party wouldn't support him
Circe, you are not making sense. Because it happened 'then' does not mean it will happen 'now'.

Doesn't mean it won't happen, either. What a bias so many have for the conviction that everything is going to stay exactly as it is this five minutes now. I wonder why nobody ever predicts the really big things that happen: WWI, WWII, nukes, the Berlin Wall falling down, the Soviet Union collapsing, 9/11/2001/ Hillary not winning despite all the polls and newsies saying she would.

I think it's because our minds are on train tracks while reality swoops in three dimensions all around us, freely.
That is a silly post. Real people live in real times. I could step outside and an enraged four year old could run me over with a trycycle, but . . . probably won't happen. :) Yes, big things happen. But the flyover country is not going to secede. 90% of flyover country has no intention of seceding. You cannot disprove that figure.
Democrats will lose millions of white voters by the time the 2018 elections come around.

Sure. Because the worm has turned: we see it every day, that people HATE the PC bullying, people hate the rioting, the college students hating on all their speakers, even commencement speakers. People hate not being able to safely call a spade a spade. Trump's deplorables stand for honesty and candor, and people are wildly enthusiastic about that. The more leftwing riots, the more new Trump Republicans.
Lazy Fairies Set Us Up for Laissez-Faire

Which is more evidence that Liberal leaders are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. They don't have minds of their own; they are totally driven by class instinct. As agents provocateurs, they search around for the most disgusting and unrealistic stands they can take in order to trick the unprivileged insulted majority to vote against their economic interests. To take one of countless examples, Al Gore and Neil Bush went to the same prep school; these spoiled sheltered snobs are incapable of betraying their united birth class. The Have-Nots have been had by the Haves. Be aware or be nowhere.
Jefferson County (Birmingham) gave Jones a 70,000 vote majority there, which overwhelmed the rural counties.

It's an argument that it is time for the electoral college to abolished or amended.

. Then the flyover country would secede and form a new nation, leaving behind New England and the Left Coast, and none too soon, IMO.
"I Must Be Crazy to Be in a Loony-Bin Like This"

In 2016, the flyover country flew over the cuckoo's nest.
[QUOTE="JakeStarkey, post: 18829304, member: 20412
NYC and LA would not control the election.

Fly over country would not secede because it needs LA, CHI, NYC, HOU, SA, and the big infrastructure metro areas far more than they need fly over country.
Those cities are too uneducated to be of use to anyone.

You think the giant metro areas don't need the flyover areas? They don't have food, they don't have the army. They just have blacks dependent on welfare and violent Hispanic gangs.
M. Sterling assume that the great cities will simply be mass die-off zones in the event of any serious disruption of social services. And that does seem obvious: they have no means of support once electricity and food trucks and central government money is gone.

But a lot of people are tired of supporting these worthless areas full of parasites and terrorists and rioters.

Postmodern Will Give Us the Same That the Postclassical Age Did

During its peak, Imperial Rome had a million people. The Dark Ages reduced that to 20,000. Decadent contemporary historians refuse to admit there even was a Dark Ages. To refind our way, we must MAGAize or we will become minimized.
[ Yes, big things happen. But the flyover country is not going to secede. 90% of flyover country has no intention of seceding. You cannot disprove that figure.

No intention of seceding? Neither did most of South Carolina, and all of Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, and all the rest before they did secede. When big things happen, they happen incredibly fast: usually within hours or a very few days. When Lincoln was elected, South Carolina seceded the next day, and seven more states seceded before he was inaugurated.

Big things happen so fast. This German minister said something about letting in immigrants more easily in the summer of 2015, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of Muslims poured into Europe. They're still coming.

How fast did Trump take over the whole Republican primary, all the GOP RINOs crying "it can't be happening" the whole time. How fast did Trump win the election, with all the network anchors looking aghast and lightning-struck. People can't predict anything: if they could, they'd warn us about 9/11, the Japanese tsunami and all the radiation, the guy in the hotel killing all the country music concert-goers, all the big stuff that happens suddenly and no one ever predicts it.

I think it's a big mistake to assume everything will stay the way it is now. It never has before, after all.
[ Yes, big things happen. But the flyover country is not going to secede. 90% of flyover country has no intention of seceding. You cannot disprove that figure.

No intention of seceding? Neither did most of South Carolina, and all of Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, and all the rest before they did secede. When big things happen, they happen incredibly fast: usually within hours or a very few days. When Lincoln was elected, South Carolina seceded the next day, and seven more states seceded before he was inaugurated.

Big things happen so fast. This German minister said something about letting in immigrants more easily in the summer of 2015, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of Muslims poured into Europe. They're still coming.

How fast did Trump take over the whole Republican primary, all the GOP RINOs crying "it can't be happening" the whole time. How fast did Trump win the election, with all the network anchors looking aghast and lightning-struck. People can't predict anything: if they could, they'd warn us about 9/11, the Japanese tsunami and all the radiation, the guy in the hotel killing all the country music concert-goers, all the big stuff that happens suddenly and no one ever predicts it.

I think it's a big mistake to assume everything will stay the way it is now. It never has before, after all.
You make a big mistake thinking 1861 has come again.
You make a big mistake thinking 1861 has come again.

1861 has not come again! I wouldn't make that mistake.

1861 was the hot war.

We're in the cold civil war now ---- like in the 1850s. When the country was divided into two sides that hated each other and said terrible things to and about each other, like today.
If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Disagree: "don't change horses in the middle of the stream," as the song for FDR went during WWII. There is sure to be a war (every prez has a war, and look at the world right now!) and that usually secures reelection for the war president. Even if he is bogged down like George W. Bush was in Iraq during the 2004 election.

War will help Trump, not hurt him, unless he loses BAD. But we usually take a long time losing, so people can't tell till the two terms are up. Look at Nixon. Bush. So far, business loves Trump, so if he doesn't allow another Dem-engineered crash like George W. Bush did, he'll be all right on the economy, probably.
That depends on whether that horse is drowning.

I agree war would help Trump. It certainly helped FDR. In fact, it appears Trump is very aware of this as he pushes us day by day into a conflict with North Korea. It shouldn't be that hard for him since he's dealing a demented ego maniac. All he has do is keep up the insulting rhetoric and provoking him with provocative military actions and we will have a nuclear holocaust that we haven't seen in over 70 years, a really great achievement for old pussy grabber.

We just went through an unjustified chest thumping war
I doubt if the public would tolerate another

When Bush said.....I need to invade Iraq
People trusted him as Commander in Chief

Trump does not have that trust at home or abroad
Trump is going to keep baiting Kim with insults and threats, pushing the military closer and closer until somebody pushes the wrong button, misinterprets some action, or Kim thinks he's being attacked. Trump will then have the war he needs to strengthen his position.

I can see Trump trying it

But the UN would not back the US in such a war, neither would South Korea

South Korea wants the status does the rest of the world
If Trump provokes a fight, he will do it on his own

Even his own party wouldn't support him
He is provoking Kim with rhetoric and military actions. Eventually, Kim is going to use his missiles for more than a photo op. This is exactly what Trump is hoping for, a reason to turn the US military on NK. As long as NK strikes first, congress and the people would back Trump, but NK would have to strike first, maybe in South Korea, Japan, Guam, etc..
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Experts’s a GOP year in 2018.
United States Senate elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia

2018 Will Be A Bloodbath – For Democrats
Democrats will be slaughtered in 2018.

Worth noting that the article is from August and it only states the 7 seats that are the most likely to flip if a seat is flipped. Right now there are 5 seats that are up for grabs. Arizona, Missouri, Nevada and Indiana are the ones the experts agree are up for grabs. With former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredson's decision to run for the Senate seat, that means a fifth seat is in play. In Montana, ND and WV, you have Democrat incumbents who are moderate and have a bond with voters that transcend parties. In Montana, Republicans are still looking for a top draw challenger. The last poll in West Virginia showed Manchin with a double digit lead over his Republican challengers.

Also we have data from elections in November and the special election in Alabama. What we see is Democrats doing better than Clinton did in 2016. The problem for Republicans has been suburban voters. Democrats in Governor's races in NJ and Virginia did better than Clinton in 2016. Most of Republican losses in the Virginia House of Delegates were in suburban districts. In Alabama, we saw a similar pattern with Moore winning by only 4 points.

In addition to that, Republicans have a record to run on. Everything the Republicans have done has been against the will of the voters. That includes healthcare, tax cuts, they have gone overboard on deregulation and even net neutrality. All of these make ripe targets for Democrats. For example, when the Republican tax plan causes higher taxes for suburban voters in Karen Handel's district, they will not be happy.

The bottom line is Democrats could still take over the House. Right now Republicans are on the defensive in the Senate.
Whelp --- had you followed the advice as given it would have been obvious.

Why are you calling me a whelp? This is getting to be a very sad place. No discussion. Just obscenities and gross insults.

"Whelp" is not a noun.

If that's all you got, moving on.

You don't know that whelp is a noun? Huh. You're not much of a reader, I see. Okay, bye.

Not the way I use it, no. Watch.

I notice you make a repeated practice of running away. Whelp, considering your inability to come up with a cogent response, I guess that's to be expected.
[ Yes, big things happen. But the flyover country is not going to secede. 90% of flyover country has no intention of seceding. You cannot disprove that figure.

No intention of seceding? Neither did most of South Carolina, and all of Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, and all the rest before they did secede. When big things happen, they happen incredibly fast: usually within hours or a very few days. When Lincoln was elected, South Carolina seceded the next day, and seven more states seceded before he was inaugurated.

Big things happen so fast. This German minister said something about letting in immigrants more easily in the summer of 2015, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of Muslims poured into Europe. They're still coming.

How fast did Trump take over the whole Republican primary, all the GOP RINOs crying "it can't be happening" the whole time. How fast did Trump win the election, with all the network anchors looking aghast and lightning-struck. People can't predict anything: if they could, they'd warn us about 9/11, the Japanese tsunami and all the radiation, the guy in the hotel killing all the country music concert-goers, all the big stuff that happens suddenly and no one ever predicts it.

I think it's a big mistake to assume everything will stay the way it is now. It never has before, after all.
Autistic Authorities

The empowered incompetent brownnoses who are given the tools to predict things don't know how to use them. Don't ever believe that if "even they" can't predict, then an event was plain unpredictable.

Same with cancer. Oncologists are childish escapist nerds who don't earn a living until they are 30 years old. Yet people are indoctrinated to believe they are absolute geniuses and if "even they" can't cure cancer, the cure must be practically impossible and is a long way off. For the past fifty years, the people who have the ability to cure cancer are not allowed to be proud of it, so they refuse to give back to a society that only gives them insults and ingratitude.
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What year are you living in?

You may have just noticed that Alabama votes in a Dem senator . ALABAMA ! The blue wave hit Tokyo bitches ! The reddest If red .

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