Republicans Set to Gain Seats in 2018

All thanks to whites leaving the Democrats in droves every year.

Republicans would be smart to acknowledge this and understand why non-whites vote Democrat.

Your modern republic voter?

Rural, white and over 65.
I am suburban, white and 28.

I am not alone by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, yes you are. The Party of Dumb isn't a growing party.
Pseudos Love Dindus

How can Demwits be the Party of the Smart when they refuse to believe The Bell Curve?
Why doesn't Joe Manchin just switch parties already? I mean seriously there is no room in this extremist left democrat party for men like Joe Manchin.
Moore was a flawed candidate much like Hillary was. I have no idea how the 2018 elections will turn out. My expectation is Dems will pick up more seats like the GOP did in 2010 as things tend to balance out in politics. However, if the economy and unemployment rate look good the GOP will have that going for them. But either way nothing would surprise me.
The exit polls from that race mean a lot and they should scare the shit out of the GOP.
  • Moore won only older voters. Among those 18-44, he got walloped by 23 points.
  • Women with children made up one in every five voters in Alabama on Tuesday. And man, did they revolt against Moore by a 2 to 1 margin.
  • Moderates voted for Jones.
  • In 2016, President Donald Trump carried Alabama by almost 28 points. In 2017, voters in Alabama rejected Trump twice -- first by beating appointed Sen. Luther Strange in a Republican runoff and then by choosing Jones over Moore on Tuesday night. And you can see why. Trump's approval rating in the exit poll was only 48%.
  • Jones won the election on values, a key issue for the GOP for decades.
  • The Democrat party was more popular than the Republican party in a state that hasn't elected a Democratic Senator in 25 years.
  • Republicans are an increasingly a rural party only. Democratic votes in the growing city centers overwhelmed the smaller, less populated areas that continued to perform for Republicans.
  • Black voters are incredibly energized, much more so than in 2016.
8 numbers out of Alabama that should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

Yesterdays election meant nothing......if Trump would run for re-election today he would win big in Alabama

College Towns
Turnout in college towns was especially high in the Senate race, as was the antipathy toward Mr. Moore. Mr. Trump won Lee County, home to Auburn University, with 58 percent of the vote; Mr. Moore won just 41 percent.

College students “dislike Trump intensely, disagree dramatically with the G.O.P. on most or all social issues, and regard Republicans as being from a moon of Jupiter,” said Larry J. Sabato, the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “Over time, this will be deadly to the G.O.P.”
Preppies Are Doomed Because Millennials Aren't Even Allowed to Brownnose Their Way Ahead Anymore

Without their Daddies' money buying them education-based jobs, today's college students would be working at McDonald's. That would be appropriate, because they have produced only nothingburgers at the jobs they actually get.
Just to drive the point home for Rambunctious, who said Obama's job growth rate was "sluggish":

If we have a growing economy and aren't facing nuclear fallout from war, I don't see how Republicans don't make gains in the Senate

Exactly right.

It's a matter of most people voting with their wallets. If the economy continues to prosper and the unemployment rate remains low, it will be a sure win for the GOP in 2018 and beyond.

Trump has no bearing on the economy as of yet... He has actually been the longest President without any legislative win in modern history...

Claiming an Obama win still...


Right after Trump was elected the stock market rallied and continues on an upward swing. Before that it barely plodded along.

Know what that is? Investors and businessmen trust someone like Trump more than they trust a weak ineffective liberal like Obama.

Where is you major rally there? The market has been going up since 2009 i.e. when Obama took over... You are trying to take credit for not screwing it up in the first year. And that happened because you got nothing done.
Name 5 "business crushing" regs Trump has removed. Show how their removal has quantitatively improved the economy
Trump has issued a series of executive orders many directing agencies to find their own rules to repeal... like with the idiotic Obama Clean Power Plan....GONE!

last week, Trump signed an executive order to streamline and cut certain federal permitting regulations to speed up transportation, water and other infrastructure projects.
This is a big one and business loves it...the market loves it...

14 rules that had recently been finalized under former President Obama gone!
He used the Congressional Review Act to allow Congress to roll back recent rules as well and this is paying off because it's the congress that is closest to the people and they are aware of what works and what does not...A huge winning move for Trump...

How about you learn what executive orders are. They are what you complained about when Obama was in charge...

But hey you are saying nothing about borrowing from the Chinese so you can give it to the super rich... 37 out of 38 economists

37 of 38 economists said the GOP tax plans would grow the debt. The 38th misread the question.

Embarrassed yet... I think this another screw up the economy and try and blame it on the Democrats...

We will just have to see what the Trump effect is in 2018

30 percent approval will not give him very long coat tails. Will Republicans distance themselves from Trump?

Next year’s midterm elections will provide Republicans with a major opportunity to build their majority in the Senate — if they can overcome President Trump’s dismal approval ratings and internal party rancor.
ow about you learn what executive orders are. They are what you complained about when Obama was in charge...
These orders were to the different agencies in the Federal government giving the appointed heads the power to remove wasteful regulations...doing it this way works rather than just slashing away from the top down...
How you can equate these orders to the kind of over reaching orders Obama put in place is mind boggling...
Says the childish Rambunctious who cannot name one EO that does what he says it does. :)

You made the claim that EOs restrict business profitability: pick one and show how that is so.
But I did...I told and showed you where Obama's clean energy plan was completely remove from the regulation book in DC expanding trade and commerce but I really don't expect you to get it this time either...
Republicans will have to screw up REAL BAD to not gain seats in 2018

Trump.....Are you listening?
What are the stats on a mid term election where the President has a 30% approval record?
I know I'm gonna regret showing you numbers because that's a foreign concept to you .... but .... over the last 10 months since counting employment figures under Trump, we've gained 1.7 million jobs. Over the 10 months prior, we gained 1.9 million....

03/2016: 143,673,000
01/2017: 145,541,000
11/2017: 147,241,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Yes, job growth, while still good, has slowed. Which is expected since there are fewer jobs available as growth continues.
Facts on the ground Faun...empty stores are filling up...schedules are booked solid...trucks are rolling...those are the things that win elections...Obama had a growth rate under 2%...commerce will not flourish in that environment...That is the democrats problem...they believe and base their whole future on stupid statistics and numbers created from fallible people...continue with that PLEASE!

Stop making bullshit up.

Empty stores? No trucks rolling? In your little head maybe.

No thoughtful person relies on politico anecdotes and say-so to gauge a 18 trillion dollar economy.

Conservatives are neither thoughtful nor normal people. They live in the rightard bubble and that’s all they know. Shit, the Rambunctious imbecile was actually claiming 51 Democrats & Democrat caucusing Independents in the Senate still wouldn’t be enough to control it. :cuckoo:

I wouldn't say all conservatives and I would not say that all lefties are thoughtful, but I currently see a big gap when it comes to intellectual rigor and honesty on the right and the left.

The right is turning more and more toward living in outright fantasy land where anything goes.
“Anything goes” has always been the “progressive” motto.

That is why the contemporary left is trying to censor social media as their best and brightest are being massacred in debate after debate by all factions of the right.
Says the childish Rambunctious who cannot name one EO that does what he says it does. :)

You made the claim that EOs restrict business profitability: pick one and show how that is so.
But I did...I told and showed you where Obama's clean energy plan was completely remove from the regulation book in DC expanding trade and commerce but I really don't expect you to get it this time either...
But it hasn't...
I know I'm gonna regret showing you numbers because that's a foreign concept to you .... but .... over the last 10 months since counting employment figures under Trump, we've gained 1.7 million jobs. Over the 10 months prior, we gained 1.9 million....

03/2016: 143,673,000
01/2017: 145,541,000
11/2017: 147,241,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Yes, job growth, while still good, has slowed. Which is expected since there are fewer jobs available as growth continues.
Facts on the ground Faun...empty stores are filling up...schedules are booked solid...trucks are rolling...those are the things that win elections...Obama had a growth rate under 2%...commerce will not flourish in that environment...That is the democrats problem...they believe and base their whole future on stupid statistics and numbers created from fallible people...continue with that PLEASE!

Stop making bullshit up.

Empty stores? No trucks rolling? In your little head maybe.

No thoughtful person relies on politico anecdotes and say-so to gauge a 18 trillion dollar economy.

Conservatives are neither thoughtful nor normal people. They live in the rightard bubble and that’s all they know. Shit, the Rambunctious imbecile was actually claiming 51 Democrats & Democrat caucusing Independents in the Senate still wouldn’t be enough to control it. :cuckoo:

I wouldn't say all conservatives and I would not say that all lefties are thoughtful, but I currently see a big gap when it comes to intellectual rigor and honesty on the right and the left.

The right is turning more and more toward living in outright fantasy land where anything goes.
“Anything goes” has always been the “progressive” motto.

That is why the contemporary left is trying to censor social media as their best and brightest are being massacred in debate after debate by all factions of the right.

How is censoring consistent with "anything goes" motto?

And what the fuck does censoring have to do with detachment from basic facts?

You should not post.
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Facts on the ground Faun...empty stores are filling up...schedules are booked solid...trucks are rolling...those are the things that win elections...Obama had a growth rate under 2%...commerce will not flourish in that environment...That is the democrats problem...they believe and base their whole future on stupid statistics and numbers created from fallible people...continue with that PLEASE!

Stop making bullshit up.

Empty stores? No trucks rolling? In your little head maybe.

No thoughtful person relies on politico anecdotes and say-so to gauge a 18 trillion dollar economy.

Conservatives are neither thoughtful nor normal people. They live in the rightard bubble and that’s all they know. Shit, the Rambunctious imbecile was actually claiming 51 Democrats & Democrat caucusing Independents in the Senate still wouldn’t be enough to control it. :cuckoo:

I wouldn't say all conservatives and I would not say that all lefties are thoughtful, but I currently see a big gap when it comes to intellectual rigor and honesty on the right and the left.

The right is turning more and more toward living in outright fantasy land where anything goes.
“Anything goes” has always been the “progressive” motto.

That is why the contemporary left is trying to censor social media as their best and brightest are being massacred in debate after debate by all factions of the right.

How is censoring consistent with "anything goes" motto?

And what the fuck does cenoring have to do with detachment from basic facts?

You should not post.
Facebook and YouTube are supposed to centers of debate and discussion, but yet the inferior left and various fascist governments in the west are now shutting down accounts instead of actually winning the arguments that they have long since claimed they can win outright.

BTW, what the fuck does “anything goes” have to do with anything concerning facts?

Are you retarded and unable to understand simple terms?

“Anything goes” literally means any method is allowed(usually referring to cheating or violence).

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