Republicans Slam ATF For Attempting To Alter Legal Definition Of ‘Firearm’

With regard to laws and natural rights, what is Legal is rarely ever Lawful.

Not with these goons writing them.
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Then go after'em and leave everyone else alone.

It is impossible to ever lose a right.
When you imprison someone for a crime, they still have all rights, but just are being temporarily curtailed in order to protect the rights of others.
Many states do allow convicted felons to be armed, and over ride the 1937 federal firearms act, because that law is inherently illegal.
With some exceptions, 10 years after completing felony probation the state of Alaska no longer bans felons from possessing concealable firearms or living in a residence where there is present a firearm capable of being concealed. Also, a felon who is off probation may possess a shotgun or long rifle in Alaska, with some exceptions.

Firearm possession and ownership is NOT ever under federal jurisdiction, and that should be obvious from reading the 2nd amendment.
Because they are gun loonies.

And anyone interested in a democratic republic has to be a "gun looney".
That is because guns are the equalizer that ended all the tyrants, monarchs, dictators, autocrats, and evil despots, by allowing average people to beat the highly specialized and trained professional mercenaries who had allowed the tyrants, monarchs, dictators, autocrats, and evil despots to rule over us, before firearms equalized us.

Populations with firearms = democracy.
Unarmed populations = dictatorship.
It is not just magic that democracies happen.
They have to be fought for, earned, maintained by dedication and responsible gun ownership by the general population.

Go back to our own history.
Vietnam obviously was wrong, but there were too many profiting from it for it to stop on its own.
It required massive effort of students and vets to finally end it.
But we can't rely on that any more because they ended the draft.
The current military is all mercenary, for pay.
They are never going to go against those who pay them.
So we are in big trouble.
There was no one to protest against the evils of invading Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.
And it is getting worse, not better.
An armed population is more necessary every single day.
With regard to laws and natural rights, what is Legal is rarely ever Lawful.

Not with these goons writing them.

Most legislation is criminal.
Like the War on Drugs.
There is no legal basis for any nanny legislation that proscribes behavior that has no consequences on anyone else.
The 2nd Amendment uses the word "firearms"?
No. It uses the word "arms".

Perhaps you should read this:

This precedent stood for nearly 70 years when in 2008 the U.S. Supreme Court revisited the issue in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290). The plaintiff in Heller challenged the constitutionality of the Washington D.C. handgun ban, a statute that had stood for 32 years. Many considered the statute the most stringent in the nation. In a 5-4 decision, the Court, meticulously detailing the history and tradition of the Second Amendment at the time of the Constitutional Convention, proclaimed that the Second Amendment established an individual right for U.S. citizens to possess firearms and struck down the D.C. handgun ban as violative of that right. The majority carved out Miller as an exception to the general rule that Americans may possess firearms, claiming that law-abiding citizens cannot use sawed-off shotguns for any law-abiding purpose. Similarly, the Court in its dicta found regulations of similar weaponry that cannot be used for law-abiding purposes as laws that would not implicate the Second Amendment. Further, the Court suggested that the United States Constitution would not disallow regulations prohibiting criminals and the mentally ill from firearm possession.
It's a move to prevent "ghost" guns.

And it's a good idea.

You kids claim you want to stop criminals from.getting guns but not "law abiding gun owners"? This is a good way to start.
Wouldn't it be super smarter to just outlaw killing? If laws stopped crimes, why not nip this in the bud?

The method many of us support to keep criminals from getting guns, is to keep criminals in prison until the state deems them worthy to exercise all of their rights, like any other citizen. Then you would have no problems with law abiding citizens at all.

Ghost guns can not be just "bought piece by piece".
Ghost guns always requires machine shop work to finish off the pieces.
If the main receiver is finished, then it has to get stamped, recorded, and sold, as a "gun".
The only time it does not have to get stamped, recorded, and sold as a gun is if it still has to be machined into a final working part.
And you think criminals don't know that or how to get it done whether they do it themselves or pay someone?
Wouldn't it be super smarter to just outlaw killing? If laws stopped crimes, why not nip this in the bud?

The method many of us support to keep criminals from getting guns, is to keep criminals in prison until the state deems them worthy to exercise all of their rights, like any other citizen. Then you would have no problems with law abiding citizens at all.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's embarrassing.
Abject ignorance or blatant dishonesty.
The receiver, and only the receiver, is legally considered gun; transfer of a receiver is regulated under state and federal law as a firearm.
Everything else is just parts.
So, anyone can order any part of a gun they want over the internet and have it shipped to their door, NQA -- except the receiver.
Absent the receiver, the rest of the parts are useless.
Where did you get the idea I was unaware of this?
Don't be stupider than you have to be. It's embarrassing.
You're the idiot that thinks laws stop crime. What's wrong with keeping prisoners in prison if they are not deemed worthy to exercise their Constitutional rights? You do understand that if criminals are in prison, they aren't on the street buying guns. Something that actually works is called a solution. You don't offer any of those things, no, you offer oppression, the violation of our Constitution, and whining that criminals break the law. Unbelievable.
Obama goons shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and the mainstream media hardly blinked. Now the senile Biden administration leaves God only knows what ordinance with the abandonment of Afghanistan but they still want disarm law abiding American citizens. Go figure.
Yeah, it is. Under the law as it is written anyone who isn't a fon, or a crazy person can make one firearm per year.

Hobbyists make them, not criminals.
Until, they sell it, criminal steals it, or they just lie about who they are.
As long a syou do not make it with the intent to sell, it is -absolutely- legal -- and thus, law abiding.
See above.
Obama goons shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and the mainstream media hardly blinked. Now the senile Biden administration leaves God only knows what ordinance with the abandonment of Afghanistan but they still want disarm law abiding American citizens. Go figure.
As Reagan did the same with Nicaragua and Bush did with Mexico?

Yeah, go figure.
Trumptards whine about a policy THEY started, only because a democrat was/is in office.
Just like everything else.
Gun owners trust Democrats with their gun rights as much as women trust Republicans with their abortion rights -- with good reason.
Um.......................ONE is an amendment in the constitution, the other ONE is a law, not in the constitution.
Because any and all federal gun laws are expressly forbidden and illegal.
That is exactly what the 2nd amendment says, that only states can make or enforce any gun laws.
You're FOS.

The National Firearms Act (NFA), 73rd Congress, Sess. 2, ch. 757, 48 Stat. 1236 was enacted on June 26, 1934, and currently codified and amended as I.R.C. ch. 53. The law is an Act of Congress in the United States that, in general, imposes an excise tax on the manufacture and transfer of certain firearms and mandates the registration of those firearms. The NFA is also referred to as Title II of the federal firearms laws, with the Gun Control Act of 1968 ("GCA") is Title I.
It worked for redefining the term, "pandemic," and "vaccine," so why not this?
ATF is a bunch of a gun grabbing Nazis, still enforcing Sunday Blue Laws and Jim Crow laws to this day. They've been dealing hard drugs and redefining mental health versus mental illness as a legal trick to revoke gun rights for life without a criminal conviction.
You're FOS.

The National Firearms Act (NFA), 73rd Congress, Sess. 2, ch. 757, 48 Stat. 1236 was enacted on June 26, 1934, and currently codified and amended as I.R.C. ch. 53. The law is an Act of Congress in the United States that, in general, imposes an excise tax on the manufacture and transfer of certain firearms and mandates the registration of those firearms. The NFA is also referred to as Title II of the federal firearms laws, with the Gun Control Act of 1968 ("GCA") is Title I.
You're full of shit in a court of law on Sunday to boot with all that USC and CFR claptrap.
Again, Merrick Garland proves without doubt that his being withheld from consideration as a Justice on the SCOTUS bench was a wise move. He does not support our second amendment rights as guaranteed under our 2nd Amendment.

Are you sure that is the reason because there's nothing in there that woyld exclude him.
It might be that you're a gun nut and don't like anyone taking a stand. Aaaaah thought so.

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