Republicans Slam ATF For Attempting To Alter Legal Definition Of ‘Firearm’

It is likely impossible to take all criminals off the streets. The liberal gun-grabbers think that strict gun laws and confiscation efforts will keep criminals from having guns. They will not.
Of course it's impossible, but the Democrats don't even want to try.
Ok, so why have any laws at all? Do laws against bank robbery work? How about against rape? Murder? Theft? Parking in the wrong place?

What makes guns different?

Laws don't prevent crimes. They merely codify the punishment in the now highly unlikely event that the perp is caught.
They work for law abiding citizens. They provide punishments for criminals that are convicted of breaking them. The provide lucrative jobs for hoards of lawyers, judges, court staffs, detention centers, DUI schools, probation officers and 9 justices.



So, you think making a ghost gun is "law- abiding"?
They support criminals and gun violence, especially mass shootings. Gives them excuses to cry for abolishing our 2nd Amendment.
Do you even know what it takes to ratify or amend an amendment?
40 years of the same crap (lies) from RW nut jobs.

"They are a commin' fer my guns".
It's a move to prevent "ghost" guns.

And it's a good idea.

You kids claim you want to stop criminals from.getting guns but not "law abiding gun owners"? This is a good way to start.

There is no legal way to make ghost guns illegal.
If someone wants to buy a machine shop to finish off castings or even raw billet into a firearm, that always has to remain legal.
It can NEVER be illegal to manufacture your own gun.

Criminals have made their own guns in the past, but no law can or will ever stop that, nor is anything gained by trying to prohibit people making their own guns.
Nor can any government ever have the authority to prevent anyone from making their own guns.

If you think kids are making their own guns, that simply is silly.
Preventing folks who aren't supposed to have guns from buying them piece by piece to avoid laws against them buying guns Is a good thing, right? It will not prevent folks who can legally buy them so no problems.


Ghost guns can not be just "bought piece by piece".
Ghost guns always requires machine shop work to finish off the pieces.
If the main receiver is finished, then it has to get stamped, recorded, and sold, as a "gun".
The only time it does not have to get stamped, recorded, and sold as a gun is if it still has to be machined into a final working part.
Preventing folks who aren't supposed to have guns from buying them piece by piece to avoid laws against them buying guns Is a good thing, right? It will not prevent folks who can legally buy them so no problems.
Abject ignorance or blatant dishonesty.
The receiver, and only the receiver, is legally considered gun; transfer of a receiver is regulated under state and federal law as a firearm.
Everything else is just parts.
So, anyone can order any part of a gun they want over the internet and have it shipped to their door, NQA -- except the receiver.
Absent the receiver, the rest of the parts are useless.
So why is a law that prevents criminals from buying guns any different?

Laws that prevent ex-criminals from legally being able to buy weapons for defense, are inherently illegal.
The right of individual defense not only is paramount, but you simply can not have a 2 tiered society.
Either all people are equal, or you have an oligarchy instead of a democratic republic.

If a person intends to risk the high penalty for murder or armed robbery, then adding a minor gun related penalty is not going to deter them in the least.
All it does is illegally allow prosecutors to pile on additional charges for greater sentences.

But what the gun penalties do cause and is intended for, is intimidation of honest citizens, attempting to prevent them from exercising their legal right and duty to be armed.
Again, Merrick Garland proves without doubt that his being withheld from consideration as a Justice on the SCOTUS bench was a wise move. He does not support our second amendment rights as guaranteed under our 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment uses the word "firearms"?
Ok, so why have any laws at all? Do laws against bank robbery work? How about against rape? Murder? Theft? Parking in the wrong place?

What makes guns different?

You don't have a natural right rob. Nor a natural right to rape. Nor a natural right to steal.

That's what.

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