Republicans state your case: why do you think your party cares about the middle class and poor?

Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

No, statements. Considering the GOP is 90% white and is anti education and anti science and anti investment
The Democratic Party is a coalition party that includes gays, blacks, Hispanics, conservatives, liberals, atheists, religious, educated, uneducated, rich, poor and everyone else not Republican
two parties couldn't be more different. To not recognize that oh so obvious FACT is determined ignorance beyond belief.
Democrats being a coalition party is why they are slow to support. Because within such a party, it takes time to build consensus.

Republicans don't understand this because they have a fucking TV station running their presidential debates. And look who owns that TV Station:

You need to defend Barry's "hope/change" first. The short version is that republicans want to put Americans to work while it's obvious that democrats want to put Americans on the dole. Which is better, a freaking job or three years of unemployment? Now Barry Hussein wants to add another burden on American industry with more emissions restrictions and has shut down most of the coal energy in the U.S. while China is building a coal based energy plant every freaking week.
Republicans want to put America to work at minimum wage jobs with no benefits. You know that's true.

And what kind of jobs are available? Not skilled labor. That requires education. And we know what Republicans think of education, don't we?
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
He inherited the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The main reason why people are discouraged from finding a job is how low wages are. He tried to fix this problem by raising the minimum wage. Why not blame the job creators for this problem? They are wealthier now than ever before.

Your response is predictable. I ask about republicans and you bring up Obama. Typical.

Wow, what an original reply that was. Try coming up with something besides left-wing talking points from MSDNC and the left-stream media.

Neither party cares about the middle class or poor. The Democrats are just better about lying how they are for the middle class and poor, and they have their stenographers in the media to make enough people believe their lies are true.

The only thing separating the Democrat party and Republican Party is the butt crack.

Social security is not an msdnc talking point. It's real, and has been for close to eighty years. Show one thing that republicans do for the needy besides giving them a map to the best dumpsters in town.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

No, statements. Considering the GOP is 90% white and is anti education and anti science and anti investment
The Democratic Party is a coalition party that includes gays, blacks, Hispanics, conservatives, liberals, atheists, religious, educated, uneducated, rich, poor and everyone else not Republican
two parties couldn't be more different. To not recognize that oh so obvious FACT is determined ignorance beyond belief.
Democrats being a coalition party is why they are slow to support. Because within such a party, it takes time to build consensus.

Republicans don't understand this because they have a fucking TV station running their presidential debates. And look who owns that TV Station:


Neither party cares about the working people, however, one likes to throw out some decent things. (Democrats)
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
Their "logical policies" have produced the worst recovery on record, with record levels of gov't dependency. You cannot blame that on Bush after 6 years of recovery.
Another Billy Triple Fail thread.
You need to defend Barry's "hope/change" first. The short version is that republicans want to put Americans to work while it's obvious that democrats want to put Americans on the dole. Which is better, a freaking job or three years of unemployment? Now Barry Hussein wants to add another burden on American industry with more emissions restrictions and has shut down most of the coal energy in the U.S. while China is building a coal based energy plant every freaking week.
You people are so predictable. Not only are you not giving any actual republican policies that benefit the lower classes, but you just harp on Obama. It's so lame dude.
You need to defend Barry's "hope/change" first. The short version is that republicans want to put Americans to work while it's obvious that democrats want to put Americans on the dole. Which is better, a freaking job or three years of unemployment? Now Barry Hussein wants to add another burden on American industry with more emissions restrictions and has shut down most of the coal energy in the U.S. while China is building a coal based energy plant every freaking week.
You people are so predictable. Not only are you not giving any actual republican policies that benefit the lower classes, but you just harp on Obama. It's so lame dude.
Billy, if we talked about things like vouchers, school choice, charters, elimination of licensing, etc you would just dismiss it.
Because you're a stupid dumbass.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.

Tell us more about the flat tax. Specifically such as major countries that have converted to it and have done well by it.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.

Tell us more about the flat tax. Specifically such as major countries that have converted to it and have done well by it.
Hmm Russia, for starters. Brought in record tax revenue and reduced tax cheating. Lithuania. too. A ctually a pretty big list of such countries. Go look for them.
You need to defend Barry's "hope/change" first. The short version is that republicans want to put Americans to work while it's obvious that democrats want to put Americans on the dole. Which is better, a freaking job or three years of unemployment? Now Barry Hussein wants to add another burden on American industry with more emissions restrictions and has shut down most of the coal energy in the U.S. while China is building a coal based energy plant every freaking week.
You people are so predictable. Not only are you not giving any actual republican policies that benefit the lower classes, but you just harp on Obama. It's so lame dude.
Billy, if we talked about things like vouchers, school choice, charters, elimination of licensing, etc you would just dismiss it.
Because you're a stupid dumbass.

That's right, we don't need no licenses. Especially in the medical field.
Wtf is an "infrastructure crisis"?

Why would any sane person give MORE funding to public education when they only get progressively worse ever year?
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.
Yes one of the reasons for the low participation of the labor market is low wages. People await higher paying jobs. According the CBO, Raising the min wage to 10.10,'would kill about 500,000 jobs. However it also says the boost to consumer spending from higher wages would create jobs over time. The price increase on consumers would be pennies on the dollar. Oh and 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the min wage. 600 economists signed a letter to Congress in support of Obama's plan.

Texas is a powerful economy because of the industries that have always been there. It's not because of low taxes. Mississippi has low taxes and it is the poorest state in the country.
Wtf is an "infrastructure crisis"?

Why would any sane person give MORE funding to public education when they only get progressively worse ever year?
Uh it's bad because it is under funded. The money just needs to be spent intelligently.
You need to defend Barry's "hope/change" first. The short version is that republicans want to put Americans to work while it's obvious that democrats want to put Americans on the dole. Which is better, a freaking job or three years of unemployment? Now Barry Hussein wants to add another burden on American industry with more emissions restrictions and has shut down most of the coal energy in the U.S. while China is building a coal based energy plant every freaking week.
You people are so predictable. Not only are you not giving any actual republican policies that benefit the lower classes, but you just harp on Obama. It's so lame dude.
Billy, if we talked about things like vouchers, school choice, charters, elimination of licensing, etc you would just dismiss it.
Because you're a stupid dumbass.

That's right, we don't need no licenses. Especially in the medical field.
That might explain your posts.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
Their "logical policies" have produced the worst recovery on record, with record levels of gov't dependency. You cannot blame that on Bush after 6 years of recovery.
Another Billy Triple Fail thread.
Why is the biggest boost in job growth since 1999 a bad recovery? We've had consistent job growth since mid 2009. Job growth under Bush was pathetic by comparison.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
Their "logical policies" have produced the worst recovery on record, with record levels of gov't dependency. You cannot blame that on Bush after 6 years of recovery.
Another Billy Triple Fail thread.
Why is the biggest boost in job growth since 1999 a bad recovery? We've had consistent job growth since mid 2009. Job growth under Bush was pathetic by comparison.
Job growth is not recovery, Einstein. GDP growth has averaged well under 3% under Obama. Even Bush's economy put in a better showing tham that. NEver mind Reagan's which produced about 6%.

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