Republicans state your case: why do you think your party cares about the middle class and poor?

Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

I can't speak for Republicans, as I'm not one. But don't think government is there to take care of us, most especially not to care about specific "classes". It's there to protect our rights - equally for everyone.

I don't think the government is doing their job in protecting our rights 'equally for everyone' if that's arguably their only function. A corporation is now a citizen who generally doesn't do jail time for it's crimes like the rest of us have to if the crime is severe enough. A corporation doesn't have to register for the draft or go off to fight wars, even though most of our foreign entanglements involve the U.S. military protecting corporate operations like in the middle east. Corporate citizens can break off into different citizens like subsidiaries and holding companies, declare foreign countries like Ireland as their residencies for tax purposes, while still operating their business in this country etc. They can now legally purchase politicians and hold meeting where politicians kiss their rings and beg for money for campaigning. Republican wannabe prez candidates actually did this last weekend at the coke brother ass kissing ceremony in Dana Point. Nope, not much equality here.
We been fighting the Democrat War on Poverty for 50 years now and we have more people in poverty and depending on government than ever before.

Can you say where's the exit strategy?

How do you know things wouldn't have gotten worse without the war on poverty?
Because the poverty rate was declining faster before the War on Poverty than it was after it.
Living and raising families also got much more expensive than the 50's and early 60's, after our expensive involvement in Vietnam also, in case you weren't around to witness that. Hard to predict what could have happened about poverty without the war on poverty, but republicans never have a plan for helping anyone but the very wealthy and corporations. oops.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

Link/s? Great talking point rehash, now you got any proof?
THE MIDDLE CLASS ACTUALLY did better under Republicans then under obama for most of Bush's years as opposed to the majority of time obama has been in office
obama admits 95% of the income gains during his time in office went to that "1%" the Left keeps saying they are against, and republicans are in the pocket of. libs are losers who lie to themselves

is that proof enough?

it ought to be because it is a fact
We been fighting the Democrat War on Poverty for 50 years now and we have more people in poverty and depending on government than ever before.

Can you say where's the exit strategy?

How do you know things wouldn't have gotten worse without the war on poverty?
Because the poverty rate was declining faster before the War on Poverty than it was after it.
Living and raising families also got much more expensive than the 50's and early 60's, after our expensive involvement in Vietnam also, in case you weren't around to witness that. Hard to predict what could have happened about poverty without the war on poverty, but republicans never have a plan for helping anyone but the very wealthy and corporations. oops.
That is wrong.
COsts of living rose massively in the mid to late 1970s, partly due to the Arab Oil Embargo but mostly easy money from the Fed and 10+% inflation over a sustained period.
It is easy to predict what would have happened: gov't would not have had to borrow as much money thus lower inflation, thus lower prices.
Democrats' only plan to "help" people involves more gov't spending on programs that have already been shown to fail.
What part of this do you not get?
THE MIDDLE CLASS ACTUALLY did better under Republicans then under obama for most of Bush's years as opposed to the majority of time obama has been in office
obama admits 95% of the income gains during his time in office went to that "1%" the Left keeps saying they are against, and republicans are in the pocket of. libs are losers who lie to themselves

is that proof enough?

it ought to be because it is a fact
They'll never admit it. They'll keep harping on "700,000 jobs a month lost!" as if the last 2 months of Bush's presidencey represents the entire 8 years.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

throw parties out the window.

let people make their own successes. stop enabling people.
giving assistance only makes the weak weaker.
the unmotivated, more unmotivated.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
Here is just one,and it should set off a shit storm from the likes of you.
The Bush tax cuts went to the middle class and poor,in larger percentage cuts per bracket.
um; because the Middle Class fared better for most of the Bush years then they have under most of the obama years?
The middle class has been declining since the 70s. Bush did jack shit to save it.
um; because the Middle Class fared better for most of the Bush years then they have under most of the obama years?
The middle class has been declining since the 70s. Bush did jack shit to save it.

learn to read leftard; i said it was better under bush; and it was

it would be even worse under obama if left-wing losers that were shouting "MAKE THEM PAY!!" and wanted to "Occupy Wall Street" hadnt FAILED; because the Middle class gained back some ground they lost when those corporations left-wing losers hate so much started making RECORD CORPORATE PROFITS under obama; and people with 401k accounts benefitted
Actually, I'd prefer the government stay out of my life and not care about me.. let me care about myself and my own. If more people did this, we wouldn't need the government to care about us.
The middle class has been declining since the 70s. Bush did jack shit to save it.

It doesn't need saving. Middle-income families have been declining since 1967, and you'll notice lower-income families are not growing. Even a simple person such as yourself can kind of figure out where they are going.
The middle class has been declining since the 70s. Bush did jack shit to save it.
View attachment 46519
It doesn't need saving. Middle-income families have been declining since 1967, and you'll notice lower-income families are not growing. Even a simple person such as yourself can kind of figure out where they are going.
Middle income people have been moving into upper income people.
The problem with Billy Triple Fail is when the evidence is presented he runs away from it. Thus his threads are always fails.
We been fighting the Democrat War on Poverty for 50 years now and we have more people in poverty and depending on government than ever before.

Can you say where's the exit strategy?

How do you know things wouldn't have gotten worse without the war on poverty?
Because the poverty rate was declining faster before the War on Poverty than it was after it.
Living and raising families also got much more expensive than the 50's and early 60's, after our expensive involvement in Vietnam also, in case you weren't around to witness that. Hard to predict what could have happened about poverty without the war on poverty, but republicans never have a plan for helping anyone but the very wealthy and corporations. oops.

While I am not a fan of republicans, I keep reading this stuff and wonder when the honest conversations start.

As near as I can tell, republicans do care about people. Just like liberals do.

However, there is a philisophical difference on what is expected of people and what role government plays.

I don't think liberals are freeloaders (I consider myself liberal in many ways).

I think many republicans are not as independent as they'd like to think.

But, on the surface, the republicans seem more interested in allowing people to care for themselves.

That's how I see it.
um; because the Middle Class fared better for most of the Bush years then they have under most of the obama years?
The middle class has been declining since the 70s. Bush did jack shit to save it.

There was nothing Bush, just like there is nothing Obama can do to save it.

Again, if the middle-income families are becoming the new upper-income families, what are we trying to "save" them from? Becoming wealthier? Is that the complaint? Too many "middle-class" folks becoming rich?
We been fighting the Democrat War on Poverty for 50 years now and we have more people in poverty and depending on government than ever before.

Can you say where's the exit strategy?

Why? The democrats are winning the war on poverty that they are fighting.
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
No they are not logical policies, are people out of jobs because they are not interested in low wages? What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Are companies going to higher more? No, in fact they will fire more people in entry level jobs, and then raise prices on their services or products. Who is that good for?? This happens every time the minimum wage is raised.

And wow raising taxes didn't bring us out of a recession? I wonder why that happened. And why is it so much industry is moving to Texas (which makes up about half of the current economic growth)? Could it be because their taxes are low? I think so. Why does are tax code allow so many loopholes, and why haven't the politicians fixed it?

If your saying that republicans only care about the rich, that might be so for some or even most, but the same goes for democrats, and most of the time that help doesn't come through tax all depends on who their biggest donors are. They will help those businesses/donors etc. But lowering taxes for EVERYBODY, it will only help. Look no further than the Kennedy tax plan and how much that helped jump start the economy. He added the equivalent to What would be 50,000 jobs per week. You should stop saying it's just the republicans and them helping cut taxes for the rich, bc most of the time it isn't true. How about a tax plan, flat tax for personal and corporate of say 14.5 percent, but here's the kicker you do not get taxed on your first 50,000, and the only write offs are your mortgage and for charity. Please respond with your concerns to that and maybe we can have an actual non-propagandized conversation.
These stupid Keynesian liberals have been told to believe that prosperity can only come from government intervention.

Keynesian economics worked pretty well from FDR's first term on. The modern middle class was built during that period and USA was always a creditor nation. After Reagan took over, we became debtors and then the middle class began it's decline.
How long did the Great Depression last everywhere else, and what actually got us out of the Great Depression, and what actually built the middle class?
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

I can't speak for Republicans, as I'm not one. But don't think government is there to take care of us, most especially not to care about specific "classes". It's there to protect our rights - equally for everyone.

I don't think the government is doing their job in protecting our rights 'equally for everyone' if that's arguably their only function.

I think it ought be government's primary function, if not its only one. And you're right, they're failing miserably.

A corporation is now a citizen who generally doesn't do jail time for it's crimes like the rest of us have to if the crime is severe enough.

Well, "corporate personhood" isn't exactly citizenship, but I agree with you the corporate charter is screwed up. The real dysfunction there, in my opinion, is limited liability. The people who profit from corporate malfeasance, the shareholders, aren't held accountable for the shenanigans of the companies they own. At most, they stand to lose their investment, and usually not even that because the whores in DC will bail them out.

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