Republicans state your case: why do you think your party cares about the middle class and poor?

Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator
No, Billy. Actually it isnt. Funding isnt the issue, as the US spends more per pupil than any other country.
U.S. education spending tops global list study shows - CBS News

See, this is why you are "Billy Triple Fail." Not only do you post troll threads (fail 1), you post misconceptions masquerading as facts (fail 2), and then cannot assimilate actual facts into your worldview, thus repeating the same mistakes over and over (fail 3).
You dumbass i was referring to school performance not spending. We obviously spend a lot in education because of our population.
Then you agree schools are not underfunded, and your claim that we are not spending enough is wrong. Right?

We need reform! Will your party reform or will you screw over the poor and do nothing.
We will take lunkheads like you and put you up against the wall. That will really reform the system!
Wtf is an "infrastructure crisis"?

Why would any sane person give MORE funding to public education when they only get progressively worse ever year?
Uh it's bad because it is under funded. The money just needs to be spent intelligently.
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator
No, Billy. Actually it isnt. Funding isnt the issue, as the US spends more per pupil than any other country.
U.S. education spending tops global list study shows - CBS News

See, this is why you are "Billy Triple Fail." Not only do you post troll threads (fail 1), you post misconceptions masquerading as facts (fail 2), and then cannot assimilate actual facts into your worldview, thus repeating the same mistakes over and over (fail 3).
You dumbass i was referring to school performance not spending. We obviously spend a lot in education because of our population.
It's spending per pupil. look at Switzerland, their tax rates, how much they spend per pupil. Then look at how well Switzerland is doing in everything, and they've been doing that for 500 years. The answer is most certainly not to tax more, and throw money at problems
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
He inherited the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The main reason why people are discouraged from finding a job is how low wages are. He tried to fix this problem by raising the minimum wage. Why not blame the job creators for this problem? They are wealthier now than ever before.

Your response is predictable. I ask about republicans and you bring up Obama. Typical.
Nope...You're going to have to let go of the side of the pool now....The Bush thing no longer applies. Obama has had plenty of time to ram through his polices. He's used EO's like candy. He had two solid years of a dem majority in the House and Senate. He had Harry Reid doing his bidding by saying "no" to every single piece of GOP scribed legislation. Shut the GOP out of negotiations, etc....Don't spew this shit about Obama inheriting anything. That's a crock of shit.
Obama on his own cannot determine wages.
The min wage has nothing to do with the low labor participation rate.
Look, every one of your posts and threads are the same theme. Ypu spew the same boring liberal talking points. Not once have to used an unbiased and collaborative link on which to base any of your claims.
IN other words, you're a shrill for the far left and quite frankly full of shit.
I don't understand why you people can't just accept that he inherited a recession. Of course he did. But you're right. He has had plenty of time and we have regained all the jobs we lost to the recession of 2008. Don't you think that matters? And stop pretending the GOP is diplomatic. They have had a scorched earth policy to Obama since he came to office. They have negotiated on NONE of his policies. The party of No has taken on new meaning during his administration.
Why are you so intent on dividing people based on money? I'm not different than a rich or a poor man. Why should I look down or up towards anyone simply because they earn more or less money than I do? It makes no sense to me.

How about we set policies that benefit all people and not just certain people?
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator
No, Billy. Actually it isnt. Funding isnt the issue, as the US spends more per pupil than any other country.
U.S. education spending tops global list study shows - CBS News

See, this is why you are "Billy Triple Fail." Not only do you post troll threads (fail 1), you post misconceptions masquerading as facts (fail 2), and then cannot assimilate actual facts into your worldview, thus repeating the same mistakes over and over (fail 3).
You dumbass i was referring to school performance not spending. We obviously spend a lot in education because of our population.
Then you agree schools are not underfunded, and your claim that we are not spending enough is wrong. Right?

We need reform! Will your party reform or will you screw over the poor and do nothing.
Flat and low taxes work for everyone, when they're for everyone. Look at Kennedy's tax plan, Switzerland, Russia, Lithuania, Singapore. Where does high taxation on the people or whoever you classify as the rich (most countries go after nuvo-riche, basically the small business job creator)? Where does that work??? When has that worked??
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
He inherited the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The main reason why people are discouraged from finding a job is how low wages are. He tried to fix this problem by raising the minimum wage. Why not blame the job creators for this problem? They are wealthier now than ever before.

Your response is predictable. I ask about republicans and you bring up Obama. Typical.
Nope...You're going to have to let go of the side of the pool now....The Bush thing no longer applies. Obama has had plenty of time to ram through his polices. He's used EO's like candy. He had two solid years of a dem majority in the House and Senate. He had Harry Reid doing his bidding by saying "no" to every single piece of GOP scribed legislation. Shut the GOP out of negotiations, etc....Don't spew this shit about Obama inheriting anything. That's a crock of shit.
Obama on his own cannot determine wages.
The min wage has nothing to do with the low labor participation rate.
Look, every one of your posts and threads are the same theme. Ypu spew the same boring liberal talking points. Not once have to used an unbiased and collaborative link on which to base any of your claims.
IN other words, you're a shrill for the far left and quite frankly full of shit.
I don't understand why you people can't just accept that he inherited a recession. Of course he did. But you're right. He has had plenty of time and we have regained all the jobs we lost to the recession of 2008. Don't you think that matters? And stop pretending the GOP is diplomatic. They have had a scorched earth policy to Obama since he came to office. They have negotiated on NONE of his policies. The party of No has taken on new meaning during his administration.
And hahaha the GOP has only helped Obama get what he wants and given him a scape goat when he has failed. This president has ushered in the most change probably ever in us history, definitly recent history
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

Why don't you explain how encouraging the poor to be comfortable picking cotton on the proverbial social plantation constitutes actually caring about them, having faith in their abilities, and providing them with the opportunity to better their own conditions, well-being and standard of living beyond what progressive elitists would like to preserve for themselves and deny anyone else?

Wtf is an "infrastructure crisis"?

Why would any sane person give MORE funding to public education when they only get progressively worse ever year?
Uh it's bad because it is under funded. The money just needs to be spent intelligently.
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator

Of how badly our system SUCKS!!
Wtf is an "infrastructure crisis"?

Why would any sane person give MORE funding to public education when they only get progressively worse ever year?
Uh it's bad because it is under funded. The money just needs to be spent intelligently.
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator

Of how badly our system SUCKS!!
Why can't you address the topic I raised in my OP?
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator
No, Billy. Actually it isnt. Funding isnt the issue, as the US spends more per pupil than any other country.
U.S. education spending tops global list study shows - CBS News

See, this is why you are "Billy Triple Fail." Not only do you post troll threads (fail 1), you post misconceptions masquerading as facts (fail 2), and then cannot assimilate actual facts into your worldview, thus repeating the same mistakes over and over (fail 3).
You dumbass i was referring to school performance not spending. We obviously spend a lot in education because of our population.
Then you agree schools are not underfunded, and your claim that we are not spending enough is wrong. Right?

We need reform! Will your party reform or will you screw over the poor and do nothing.
Reform WHAT?
Wtf is an "infrastructure crisis"?

Why would any sane person give MORE funding to public education when they only get progressively worse ever year?
Uh it's bad because it is under funded. The money just needs to be spent intelligently.
Proof its underfunded?
Gee the fact that our country's public education ranks at #18 in the world is a big indicator

Of how badly our system SUCKS!!
Why can't you address the topic I raised in my OP?
Because you left so many open doors, no one knows where to start. Ask a spitball question, you get spit ball answers.
Look, you did not ask questions. You made a statement, followed up with your opinion of the conservative side. Then you demand a response in which you expect others to pigeon hole themselves.
Nice try comrade.
Neither party gives a rats furry ass about the middle class and poor they simply pretend to every time there is an election.
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
Labor participation is below 70%.....That is horrible....Obama economy,

Yet, the fucking 1% keeps offshoring industry to china even as they make record profit.
Examples please?...
Oh here's one that will blow up your skirt...
Textile manufacturing returns to Carolinas by way of China The Charlotte Observer
In essence, what the Chinese are doing here is demonstrating that it is financially advantageous to make their products where the marketplace for them exists.
Now what?
Ok ya want others? ...How many foreign auto manufacturers have built plants HERE in the US. Ones that by the way employ hundreds of thousands of American workers.
See with you far left moon bats, those don't count.. The reason is, those foreign companies keep the unions OUT...
The left's argument that there is no manufacturing here in the US is garbage. The offshoring argument is also bupkis.....
The main issue on your side is not the loss of manufacturing jobs.It is the loss of UNION manufacturing jobs.
You see global competition is GOOD. It is good for everyone. From the custodian to the stock holder to the board of directors.
As long as these companies are churning out goods and those goods are consumed, everybody wins.
But you libs have to have something to bitch about. So the buzz term is "China"....
Ya know what? Fuck china. As far as I'm concerned they can go back to being that commie insular back asswards country before Nixon decided to go over there.
I wish we'd pull all of our stuff out of that fuck turd banana republic known as Mexico. close the damned border. ..Fuck 'em. The whole country is filled with violent criminals and those who are not criminals are bought off by the criminals.
i know republicans who for the party,its how they defend themselves,they are terrible at it,they will say they do and then come off saying something that looks like they cant stand the people....its the same how they talk about minorities....they are just terrible at defending themselves.....look how trump said what he said about Mexicans....he could have said that better and not come off looking like a racist jerk....
I think the American public is sick and tired of politicians who carefully couch their words in an attempt to not "come off looking like jerks"....
Trump offended Mexicans. The message is he spoke the truth. And that is what pisses people ( the hypersensitive perpetually offended) off.
Notice the change, Trumps statements have not hurt him. The game is changing. People are tired of the typical platitudes fed them by the mealy mouthed politicians.
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.
He inherited the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The main reason why people are discouraged from finding a job is how low wages are. He tried to fix this problem by raising the minimum wage. Why not blame the job creators for this problem? They are wealthier now than ever before.

Your response is predictable. I ask about republicans and you bring up Obama. Typical.

Wow, what an original reply that was. Try coming up with something besides left-wing talking points from MSDNC and the left-stream media.

Neither party cares about the middle class or poor. The Democrats are just better about lying how they are for the middle class and poor, and they have their stenographers in the media to make enough people believe their lies are true.

The only thing separating the Democrat party and Republican Party is the butt crack.
lol how about you explain what makes them liberal talking points rather than objectives facts. Nothing I said is false information.

Call dems self interested if you want, but they actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class.

It's called "buying votes". The only advancement the lower classes have made under Democrat policies is that the amount of taxpayer cash given them gratis has increased.
Youre missing the point. Yeah, I agree dems only care about themselves but they still push policies benefitting the middle class and poor. Who cares WHY they push these policies.
No..Those polices do not benefit the middle class and poor. If they did work as promised, we woudl not be having this discussion.
70 years of liberal policies. Trillions of dollars dumped into social safety nets and other giveaways and transfer payments. Yet the problems of poverty still exist.
A sensible person would think that after three generations have come and gone, we'd see some results.
Yet, you people keep demadning more
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?

Same crap packaged another way.....

Why do people even answer this moron ?

I am not a fan of republicans, but I can tell when some internet board reject is obsessed with convincing himself he knows something.
More people are out of work and on welfare since O took office. Perhaps you should explain why this has happened under a democrat.

Obama did not cause the recession. Everyone I know is working and doing well. That was not the case when Obama was first elected.
as a person who delivered the mail you get to know a lot about how well people are doing....i delivered to 3-4 high paid engineers who were working during Bushs time who became unemployed during Obamas time because of the cuts to the defense industry.....also there were people who were unemployed for a long time under Bush who got jobs after Obama became President.....during every administration there seems to be people doing good and some struggling...just the way it is....
Don't give answers like "well they are better than democrats!" I want actual examples of policies. Convince the rest of us your party cares more about this country than simply catering to their rich donors.

Why do republicans do jack shit about our infrastructure crisis? How about refusing to invest more in public education? You do know, of course, the ONLY way to fix these problems is by raising taxes on the wealthy/corporations. That is where our main source of revenue comes from. Corporate profits and the wealthy class are more powerful than ever before. Why shouldn't we raise their taxes?

In reality it will not harm the economy. Why? Because the shrinking middle class is the driving force of the economy - not the "job creators". These "job creators" depend on consumer spending from the middle class and poor. Shifting most of the tax burden to the wealthy class isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. That is how our economy thrives. Revenue as a percentage of GDP was at 20% in 2000 which was when our economy was thriving. During the recession it was at 15%. How do you explain that?

Reagan economics is a lie. Why do you vote for these scumbags who won't let it go?

Why do you cheer them cutting food stamps - a mere 70 billion per year- yet say nothing about the 100s of billions of revenue dollars they give to corporate welfare?

What have republicans of today ever done for the middle class? Obama is responsible for the biggest middle class tax cut since the Reagan era. Where is your outrage over that?
A little FYI here ........ NEITHER party gives a flying f**k about anyone except their supporters, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. The proof to that statement can be seen in the decline of this once great nation over the past 60 years of "The Selling Of America".

I agree dems are self-interested at the end of the day, but they still push logical policies even if they also push bad policies.
An example of the "logical policies" would be?
1) Extending unemployment benefits to the millions who lost their jobs during the recession.

2) Attempting to raise the min wage to a reasonable level.

3) Food stamps to poor families with one or more children. (By the way, raising the min wage would dramatically fix this problem)

4) Significant tax cuts for the middle class.

5) Expanding eligibility for over time pay

All of which create false economies.

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