Republicans tentatively backing away from Grover Norquist

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Republicans tentatively backing away from Grover Norquist -
In the ongoing negotiations over the “fiscal cliff,” a number of prominent Republicans have indicated that they agree with the Democrats that the government needs to raise revenues. This time around, that could mean that Grover Norquist does not have the necessary votes to block a tax increase.

From the New York Times:

By Mr. Norquist’s count, 219 House members — enough for a majority — and 39 senators have committed to the pledge. But some of those members who signed on, many of them years ago, have started to back away, apparently leaving him several votes shy of the majority he would need to block any tax increase.

“A pledge is good at the time you sign it,” said Representative Peter T. King, a New York Republican whose name still appears as a pledge signer on the Web site of Mr. Norquist’s group, Americans for Tax Reform. “In 1941, I would have voted to declare war on Japan. But each Congress is a new Congress. And I don’t think you can have a rule that you’re never going to raise taxes or that you’re never going to lower taxes. I don’t want to rule anything out.”
yeah and Democrats are still running after Buffet and a pledge they made to him that THEY will raise our taxes come hell or high water , hell they even named a TAX after him..

how sweet is that

but lets talk the lefts OBSESSION with Norquist because it is just so extreme to ask this bloated government to CUT spending first BEFORE they talk TAXES
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OK. let's get serious. Cut the military to 1/4 of the present budget. We would still spend more money on military than anybody else in the world. Cut all subsidies to the oil and coal corperations. And, yes, institute the Buffet Rule. Why in the hell should someone making ten times or more than I do pay half the percentage that I do of their income in taxes?

So what do you fruitloops offer? Cutting old people the little bit they get from SS to live out their old age after having working in this nation all of their lives. Cut MediCare. After all, only the rich deserve medical care.

But just keep this nonsense up. This is the way elections are lost.
OK. let's get serious. Cut the military to 1/4 of the present budget. We would still spend more money on military than anybody else in the world. Cut all subsidies to the oil and coal corperations. And, yes, institute the Buffet Rule. Why in the hell should someone making ten times or more than I do pay half the percentage that I do of their income in taxes?

So what do you fruitloops offer? Cutting old people the little bit they get from SS to live out their old age after having working in this nation all of their lives. Cut MediCare. After all, only the rich deserve medical care.

But just keep this nonsense up. This is the way elections are lost.

Exactly. The Constitution doesn't require us to be the World Police. Lets stop it. Cut the military by 1/4. Raise the SS age. Means test all entitlements.
Wouldn't we have had to completely embrace him first?
Republicans tentatively backing away from Grover Norquist

"...tentatively..." being a relative-term!

"Before the 2012 election, Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform boasted that 279 Congressional incumbents — and another 286 challengers — signed its pledge.
But as Democrats fought back against anti-tax zealotry, many voters reacted positively, rejecting the pledge and its adherents, and telling pollsters that they supported higher taxes on the richest Americans.

As a result, 16 incumbent Republicans and one incumbent Senator who signed Norquist’s pledge lost on election night. In total, at least 56 Republican House incumbents or candidates who signed the pledge and 24 Republican Senators or hopefuls LOST!!"



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