Republicans ultimately achieved nothing on Tuesday when it comes to repealing healthcare


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
They voted to proceed on "debating" healthcare. Oh gee what an accomplishment!

Republicans in congress cannot agree on any solution to American healthcare. They are that terrible at governing. The amendment process going forward is will be such a cluster fuck that it will only be made more complicated by democrats seeking to derail the process with their own amendment onslought.

Face it - ACA is here to stay. It's flawed, but republicans might as well not be pussies and seek to fix what's wrong with it.
They voted to proceed on "debating" healthcare. Oh gee what an accomplishment!

Republicans in congress cannot agree on any solution to American healthcare. They are that terrible at governing. The amendment process going forward is will be such a cluster fuck that it will only be made more complicated by democrats seeking to derail the process with their own amendment onslought.

Face it - ACA is here to stay. It's flawed, but republicans might as well not be pussies and seek to fix what's wrong with it.
You inadvertantly busted the Dem party which 48 voted to keep a failed present healthcare "against" the majority of the American people's wishes, with only 2 Republicans who disagreed with debating the new replacement or were threatened into obstruction.
In other words getting 51 votes against 2 votes is no easy task, it's like your family gathering trying to pick a place to eat out, once the meat eaters compromise and give in to accomadate the kvetchy vegans in your family someone refuses to go Thai 'cause it's too spicey, and the group that hates fish chimes in, so with each accomadation causes new contentions.
Yet the task to get 3 groups of family- ten or so in total, to agree on a restaurant is easier then getting 53 people to agree on a gov't run healthcare. One that should have never been created in the first place, & that the Senate already voted to repeal a number of times but "Obama's ego" of his legacy was more important then what the People and gov't officials wanted so he rejected both the Majority and the people.
Image of an megalomaniac President came before your health and well being and finances.
So stop parroting tabloid news and see it for what it is, 48 dems lying and faking concern, refusing the people's wishes for sake of party affiliation games and backwards strategy.
The Dems couldn't even get 2 people to vote for what the people wanted since this monstrocities inception 8 years ago.
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If democrats were smart they would at least try to help fix our busted insurance system. After all they broke it.
Not a single vote from them to advance discussion...
They voted to proceed on "debating" healthcare. Oh gee what an accomplishment!

Republicans in congress cannot agree on any solution to American healthcare. They are that terrible at governing. The amendment process going forward is will be such a cluster fuck that it will only be made more complicated by democrats seeking to derail the process with their own amendment onslought.

Face it - ACA is here to stay. It's flawed, but republicans might as well not be pussies and seek to fix what's wrong with it.
You inadvertantly busted the Dem party which 48 voted to keep a failed present healthcare "against" the majority of the American people's wishes, with only 2 Republicans who disagreed with debating the new replacement or were threatened into obstruction.
In other words getting 51 votes against 2 votes is no easy task, it's like your family gathering trying to pick a place to eat out, once the meat eaters compromise and give in to accomadate the kvetchy vegans in your family someone refuses to go Thai 'cause it's too spicey, and the group that hates fish chimes in, so with each accomadation causes new contentions.
Yet the task to get 3 groups of family- ten or so in total, to agree on a restaurant is easier then getting 53 people to agree on a gov't run healthcare. One that should have never been created in the first place, & that the Senate already voted to repeal a number of times but "Obama's ego" of his legacy was more important then what the People and gov't officials wanted so he rejected both the Majority and the people.
Image of an megalomaniac President came before your health and well being and finances.
So stop parroting tabloid news and see it for what it is, 48 dems lying and faking concern, refusing the people's wishes for sake of party affiliation games and backwards strategy.
The Dems couldn't even get 2 people to vote for what the people wanted since this monstrocities inception 8 years ago.

You inadvertantly busted the Dem party which 48 voted to keep a failed present healthcare "against" the majority of the American people's wishes, with only 2 Republicans who disagreed with debating the new replacement or were threatened into obstruction.

Poll: ObamaCare more popular than House GOP healthcare bill

I suppose spin is really your only play. Good luck with that.
If democrats were smart they would at least try to help fix our busted insurance system. After all they broke it.
Not a single vote from them to advance discussion...

Do you actually believe that Dems would or even should work to overturn the plan that they worked for over a year to pass?

Were the Dems at any time even invited to be part of the drafting process?
If democrats were smart they would at least try to help fix our busted insurance system. After all they broke it.
Not a single vote from them to advance discussion...

Do you actually believe that Dems would or even should work to overturn the plan that they worked for over a year to pass?

Were the Dems at any time even invited to be part of the drafting process?
Do I believe they would? No, they're too busy playing the hate Trump game.

Do I believe they should? Hell yes. They created this disaster of a law that's fucking over Americans so they have a vested interest in finding a solution. Y'all blame the GOP for not creating a solution over the last 7 years so why not fall on the same sword your offering the party that played no role in creating the current mess to begin with.
And yet democrats are having a complete meltdown over it.

So are you guys done being drama queens?
They voted to proceed on "debating" healthcare. Oh gee what an accomplishment!

Republicans in congress cannot agree on any solution to American healthcare. They are that terrible at governing. The amendment process going forward is will be such a cluster fuck that it will only be made more complicated by democrats seeking to derail the process with their own amendment onslought.

Face it - ACA is here to stay. It's flawed, but republicans might as well not be pussies and seek to fix what's wrong with it.
You inadvertantly busted the Dem party which 48 voted to keep a failed present healthcare "against" the majority of the American people's wishes, with only 2 Republicans who disagreed with debating the new replacement or were threatened into obstruction.
In other words getting 51 votes against 2 votes is no easy task, it's like your family gathering trying to pick a place to eat out, once the meat eaters compromise and give in to accomadate the kvetchy vegans in your family someone refuses to go Thai 'cause it's too spicey, and the group that hates fish chimes in, so with each accomadation causes new contentions.
Yet the task to get 3 groups of family- ten or so in total, to agree on a restaurant is easier then getting 53 people to agree on a gov't run healthcare. One that should have never been created in the first place, & that the Senate already voted to repeal a number of times but "Obama's ego" of his legacy was more important then what the People and gov't officials wanted so he rejected both the Majority and the people.
Image of an megalomaniac President came before your health and well being and finances.
So stop parroting tabloid news and see it for what it is, 48 dems lying and faking concern, refusing the people's wishes for sake of party affiliation games and backwards strategy.
The Dems couldn't even get 2 people to vote for what the people wanted since this monstrocities inception 8 years ago.

You inadvertantly busted the Dem party which 48 voted to keep a failed present healthcare "against" the majority of the American people's wishes, with only 2 Republicans who disagreed with debating the new replacement or were threatened into obstruction.

Poll: ObamaCare more popular than House GOP healthcare bill

I suppose spin is really your only play. Good luck with that.

How can you poll something nobody knows what's in the new Bill, are you admitting the tabloid news brainwashes the masses?
How can the DEMS vote no for things in the Bill they themselves have been quoted as saying they wanted to see in the plan?
Stop making excuses, this is a kindergarden sand box tit for tat where our gov't can't function with this affiliation pride (gang mentality) before country's interest.
Dems complained when it was done on Clinton's budget (although they had a reason to go across the board, since his budget was rediculous), now the Dem are doing exactly what they themselves said and know was wrong=hypocracy.

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