The Big Lie: Republicans use ACA to defend their secret ACHA

Obama's new slogan: 'We can't wait'

Well neither can we asshole


This was the ACA discussion:

Dems: We want a healthcare bill

The people: The federal government doesn't have the authority to regulate healthcare

Dems: Too bad here is our bill.

P: What's in it?

D: Who knows? We haven't read it. It's long.

P: Isn't that a dereliction of your responsibilities? How do we know what's in it?

D: You have to pass it to find out.

P: (reading the bill) this thing sucks its going raise costs across the board. It will drive insurance bankrupt

D: No it wont. That's not in there. Besides it's suppose bankrupt them.

P: Wait? What? We don't want this piece of crap.

D: Too bad.

P: You don't have the Senate votes

D: Too bad we will just deem it passed as a spending bill.

P: But this is a senate bill and spending bills must start in the house.

D: F you we are doing it anyway.

That's not a debate. And its not a way to get things done.

The GOP is just as guilty

They are both as guilty true, but GOP has no way of funding theirs with all the taxes taken out and from the leaked portions today it just may cost more. But his is part of their tax reform.
The sad, and funny, irony is that the Republican ACHA will hurt Trump supporters the most. How long will they suffer the pain before they dump Trump?
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Ok, part of their changes is to lower from 400% to 350% for the people to able to get a subsidy, this didn't do anything, from experienced no one received a subsidy over, on an average of 305%, so this is smoke and mirrors. In the states today that did not expand Medicaid no one under 100% of poverty level qualified for nothing, no subsidy or Medicaid, well this leaked version says, if one doesn't qualify for the subsidy they will be able to get Medicaid, low income that is. The only thing I have seen so far that may save a bit of money the first year is the defunding of plan parenthood. I cannot imagine enough savings to help pay the subsidies. Oh not to mention the poor and older supposedly will get more dollars than today.
Democrats contnue to prove every day there is no record for hypocrisy they can't and won't break.

When I saw Schumer and Franken standing up and whining about GOP closed-door meetings I thought it was an SNL skit. :p

The ACA was created in backrooms behind locked doors by the Democrats who promised Americans every meeting would be held publicly on TV, which NEVER happened.

Democrats hilariously declare now Americans deserve to know what is in the ACHA...which, btw, I agree with...but they are the same low-lifes who rammed their POS bill into law against the will of the majority of Americans who opposed it without letting them read it before any votes were cast - which is what Obama promised would happen.

Self-appointed Ruler Nancy Pelosi openly declared to Americans that they HAD NO RIGHT TO KNOW what was in the ACA until the Democrats had rammed their POS minority-supported piece of socialist agenda into law...

And after THAT, Democrats are trying to pull this BS political theatrics?


And they actuallly think, as demonstrated by Gruber numerous times, Americans are really too stupid to remember that...

I guess they were partly right - snowflakes are stupid enough to buy it and defend it...
The sad, and funny, irony is that the Republican ACHA will hurt Trump supporters the most. How long will they suffer the pain before they dump Trump?

Oh, how I know that. I'd say 99% of my clients are Trump supporters and probably about 85% of them receive pretty good subsidies.
Democrats contnue to prove every day there is no record for hypocrisy they can't and won't break.

When I saw Schumer and Franken standing up and whining about GOP closed-door meetings I thought it was an SNL skit. :p

The ACA was created in backrooms behind locked doors by the Democrats who promised Americans every meeting would be held publicly on TV, which NEVER happened.

Democrats hilariously declare now Americans deserve to know what is in the ACHA...which, btw, I agree with...but they are the same low-lifes who rammed their POS bill into law against the will of the majority of Americans who opposed it without letting them read it before any votes were cast - which is what Obama promised would happen.

Self-appointed Ruler Nancy Pelosi openly declared to Americans that they HAD NO RIGHT TO KNOW what was in the ACA until the Democrats had rammed their POS minority-supported piece of socialist agenda into law...

And after THAT, Democrats are trying to pull this BS political theatrics?


And they actuallly think, as demonstrated by Gruber numerous times, Americans are really too stupid to remember that...

I guess they were partly right - snowflakes are stupid enough to buy it and defend it...

Read the OP. Read the entire link.
They keep saying Democrats did the same thing with Obamacare. That’s not true.

Republican leaders in Washington have come under withering assault for the way they are putting together their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act ― specifically, for writing the legislation almost entirely behind closed doors, with zero Democratic input, and with plans to hold a vote mere days and maybe mere hours after finalizing the language.

Some Republican senators say they, too, are frustrated by the process. But so far none has seen fit to demand slower, more open deliberations. They say they are inclined to cut their leadership some slack, because ― supposedly ― Democrats acted the exact same way when they first wrote the Affordable Care Act in 2009 and 2010.

Here, for example, was Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) speaking to reporters earlier this week: “We used to complain like hell when the Democrats ran the Affordable Care Act ― now we’re doing the same thing.”

And here was Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.): “We were very polarized because the Democrats did, frankly, exactly the same thing. So we had a very polarized bill that the public debated for years and years. I don’t think the parties are any different. I would give criticism equally to the parties.”

This is nonsense, as historians and the reporters who covered the 2009 and 2010 debate keep pointing out.

Yes, Democrats cut plenty of backroom deals and pulled plenty of legislative tricks to get their bill through Congress. That’s how complicated legislation always comes together. And, yes, Democrats ultimately passed the Affordable Care Act on a party-line vote.

But what Republicans are doing now is fundamentally different and truly unprecedented for legislation of this consequence.

Democrats spent more than a year debating their proposal out in the open. Five separate committees, three in the House and two in the Senate, held literally hundreds of hours of hearings and produced testimony from experts representing multiple philosophical views and officials from pretty much every group or industry involved with health care. Republicans had opportunities to question those witnesses and to propose amendments, some of which actually ended up in the legislation.

None of this is popular. None of this is what Republicans promised to do. Debating their bill openly would force them to admit that, and so they are trying to avoid public scrutiny for as long as possible.

More: The Big Lie Republicans Are Using To Defend Their Secret Health Care Bill

As this article reminds us, what Republicans are trying to do in secret is nothing like how Obamacare (ACA) was created. If Republicans do pass their secret ACHA - don't they realize they will own it...and have to live with it?

Well that's always the excuse. They say that all of their actions are just like all democrats actions then, ironically, say they hated when dems did it but its OK now because...

They hated it?
They are literally holding the plan behind their backs and their crowd is cheering how great whatever they have behind their backs is super awesome.
Democrats did not debate shit with the GOP, and the American people were NOT allowed to read it / find out what was in it before a vote was cast as promised.

Are you trying to deny Pelosi declared they had to pass it before people could find out was in it?

Gee, if Democrats had been so open about it and had openly debated it for a year, which did NOT happen, why would Pelosi make such a public, highly publicized statement?
Democrats did not debate shit with the GOP, and the American people were NOT allowed to read it / find out what was in it before a vote was cast as promised.

Are you trying to deny Pelosi declared they had to pass it before people could find out was in it?

Gee, if Democrats had been so open about it and had openly debated it for a year, which did NOT happen, why would Pelosi make such a public, highly publicized statement?

The only good thing that came out of it was it decimated the dems in 2010 and they are still reeling
They are literally holding the plan behind their backs and their crowd is cheering how great whatever they have behind their backs is super awesome.
Gee, snowflakes sure whine like little bitches when anyone uses their tactics against them...


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