The Big Lie: Republicans use ACA to defend their secret ACHA

ObunglesCare is in it's death throes. Let it die and keep government out of it
And let hundreds of thousands of Americans die, right? How many have to die before you get happy?
You know that this statement is a lie, why do you promote it?
People will lose access.

That means more will die needlessly because they can not afford coverage.

And you, El Cheeto, & the Republicans do not care.

Wah!!!!!!! I'm incapable of taking care of myself so you all take care of me!!!!!!
ObunglesCare is in it's death throes. Let it die and keep government out of it
And let hundreds of thousands of Americans die, right? How many have to die before you get happy?
You know that this statement is a lie, why do you promote it?
People will lose access.

That means more will die needlessly because they can not afford coverage.

And you, El Cheeto, & the Republicans do not care.
No they won't. Access is NOT having government pay for it.

People will have more freedom. That means they'll have more choice over what they want to buy.

Freedom is not a bad thing, do you understand that?
Thank God another Obama F/U is close to being history and a distant memory.


Yeah, fuck those people who need healthcare.

If they need it so badly why are try waiting for us to provide it?


It's the old strawman if this then why don't that deflection.

If water is good for you then why do thousands drown every year? If people want healthcare then why don't they fly to Europe. If people like music then why don't they have headphones surgically attached to their heads? If people cared about global warming then why do they drive cars or use electricity?

They do it in every discussion
ObunglesCare is in it's death throes. Let it die and keep government out of it
And let hundreds of thousands of Americans die, right? How many have to die before you get happy?
You know that this statement is a lie, why do you promote it?
People will lose access.

That means more will die needlessly because they can not afford coverage.

And you, El Cheeto, & the Republicans do not care.

Do these who can't afford it have cell phones? Do they eat steak? How about going out to the movies? ON and on

Hopefully the trolling, off topic, and flaming will die down and posters will respond to the thread topic in a meaningful and adult way.

The ACA is losing Anthem/Blue Cross in two more States. WI and IN. It ain't working kids.
The GOP version? WTF are you talking about? The ACA is 100% Obama and the DNC.

This disaster was created on lies, and libs are STILL lying about it.

The Senate version of he ACHA will be released does not have to be passed in order for people to find out what is in it.

Libs continue to ask why the GOP won't work with them on it. What would be the use? The Democrats have made it clear they are 100% committed to obstructing EVERYTHING the GOP and President are trying to do.

Libs are also committed to prevent anything being done about the collapsing ACA.
Yet another dumbass lying about Pelosie's comment.

If the pathetic Republicans operated this healthcare bill like the Democrats, it would go through the committees for months & take nearly a year. Democrats would be allowed to participate & we would be reading it online during the process.

You lying assholes really need to get better informed.
Pelosi told Americans the Democrats had to pass the ACA into law for them to find out what was in it, which completely went against Obama's promise (lie) about how Americans could read it before any vote was taken.

Simply declaring 'uh-uh, that's a lie' doesn't change the fact that this is what happened.
Trump's base will cheer the Republican Trumpcare ACHA if it passes - until it starts really biting them hard in the wallet. Even then - they may be slow to be critical because of how much they hate Obama.

“The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill.”

In terms sharper than anything else he’s offered in his post-presidency, Barack Obama lashed into Senate Republicans on Thursday for pushing a health care bill that he framed as fundamentally inhumane.

“The Senate bill, unveiled today, is not a health care bill,” the former president wrote in a Facebook post. “It’s a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America. It hands enormous tax cuts to the rich and to the drug and insurance industries, paid for by cutting health care for everybody else. Those with private insurance will experience higher premiums and higher deductibles, with lower tax credits to help working families cover the costs, even as their plans might no longer cover pregnancy, mental health care, or expensive prescriptions. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions could become the norm again. Millions of families will lose coverage entirely.”

“Simply put, if there’s a chance you might get sick, get old, or start a family ― this bill will do you harm,” he added. “And small tweaks over the course of the next couple weeks, under the guise of making these bills easier to stomach, cannot change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation.”

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