Republicans will not debate.

Trump only wants to answer questions asked by fluffers.

"Just how great will you make America again, sir?"
Yah, the debates we have are so far from Lincoln Douglas, but if candidates - esp Trump - framed the issues it would be whose hookers are better and who can yell the loudest.

But Trump does least well in a format where he has to allow the others to answer in their allotted time, so here it is. He's running and he doesn't want to debate.
They know their base, those folks will turn out in droves anyway, they are radicalized enough that an actual debate means little to them anyway, and might be a stumbling block if they give sensible, honest answers to questions.
Hey asshole, disagreeing politically does not make anyone a radical. You have been brainwashed.
Bullshit. He talked to the press and fake news outlets more than any president in my memory. Stupid thing to say, no surprises here.
Trump didn't talk to the press. He shouted at them and refused to answer their questions when they called him on his prodigious lies.

He called into Fox News regularly to get phone sex from Hannity, Kilmeade, and Perino.
Incredible. They don't want Trump or DeSantis challenged in front of the country.


The Republican National Committee has informed the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has hosted presidential and vice presidential debates for general elections for over three decades, that it will change its rules to prohibit the party's nominees from participating in CPD debates in the future.

except that isn't true, gee, who'd a thunk that from you? hahaahahahahahahaa loser. Just curious loser mac, would a demofk ever debate with a conservative moderator? just asking how sincere you really are.
Trump didn't talk to the press. He shouted at them and refused to answer their questions when they called him on his prodigious lies.

He called into Fox News regularly to get phone sex from Hannity, Kilmeade, and Perino.
You can't process what you see, can you?
Notice how the whole crux is the CPD, but the Left wants to make it about the GOP, lol.

How about we just allow each side to pick 2 accredited people from the press pool for a panel of 4? Problem is solved! Unless of course, you really aren't trying to solve a problem and want to make hay with a narrative while trying to keep the clear advantage-)
They know their base, those folks will turn out in droves anyway, they are radicalized enough that an actual debate means little to them anyway, and might be a stumbling block if they give sensible, honest answers to questions.
The last thing they want to see is Trump being questioned about the rigged election by someone who isn't fawning over him.
Debates are USELESS.

Kamala HERSELF said that she called Biden a RACIST AND A RAPIST because "IT WAS A DEBATE!!!!"

Whatever the fuck that tells me that candidates consider it perfectly fine to lie in debates, therefore debates are bullshit.
Yah, the debates we have are so far from Lincoln Douglas, but if candidates - esp Trump - framed the issues it would be whose hookers are better and who can yell the loudest.

But Trump does least well in a format where he has to allow the others to answer in their allotted time, so here it is. He's running and he doesn't want to debate.
why never a conservative moderator? let's really challenge the unchallengeable huh?
They know their base, those folks will turn out in droves anyway, they are radicalized enough that an actual debate means little to them anyway, and might be a stumbling block if they give sensible, honest answers to questions.

Unlike Joey Xi Bai Dung that held the fewest rallies with the least attendance at any point, that supposedly garnered 81 million votes.
They don't want questions about Jan 6th and why so many in the GOP are refusing to testify. AWKWARD!
The committee does not want the questions. A Democratic witch hunt again. You will not stop Trump, but please keep wasting your time.

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