Repubs/cons: if a republican politician said something negative about Obama...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.
What a stupid question! And shouldn't this be in the Rubber Room?
The last time a Repub said something nice about Obama they wanted to hang him. Fat Boy will never live that down, not with these lunatics running the asylum.
do you have an example?

I don't catalog everything pols say.

but really, after obama said he wanted to fundamentally change America, no rep or con needed to say anything else about him.
...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.

Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.
I'm not a politician, but I am a lifelong resident of the state of Illinois.

And I must say from experience that the joke is on you.
...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.

Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.

My point is with the exception of racist or childish name calling, average joe republicans will buy anything negative about Obama that is said.

Prove me wrong. Give me an example that you disagreed with. Something negative said about Obama. Let's put any racist or childish name calling examples aside. I know SOME republicans don't go that far.
...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.

Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.

My point is with the exception of racist or childish name calling, average joe republicans will buy anything negative about Obama that is said.

Prove me wrong. Give me an example that you disagreed with. Something negative said about Obama. Let's put any racist or childish name calling examples aside. I know SOME republicans don't go that far.

Why would I care about proving you wrong?

It's not wrong for people to castigate him for his dishonesty, his scorn for his constituents, his lack of understanding of the realities of business, his narcissism, etc.
...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.

Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.

Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.

My point is with the exception of racist or childish name calling, average joe republicans will buy anything negative about Obama that is said.

Prove me wrong. Give me an example that you disagreed with. Something negative said about Obama. Let's put any racist or childish name calling examples aside. I know SOME republicans don't go that far.

Why would I care about proving you wrong?

It's not wrong for people to castigate him for his dishonesty, his scorn for his constituents, his lack of understanding of the realities of business, his narcissism, etc.

Amelia I am not saying Obama doesn't deserve criticism. I want to know there are reasonable righty tighties out there who can say republicans sometimes go too far with what they say about Obama racist or name calling aside.
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...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.

Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.

My point is with the exception of racist or childish name calling, average joe republicans will buy anything negative about Obama that is said.

Prove me wrong. Give me an example that you disagreed with. Something negative said about Obama. Let's put any racist or childish name calling examples aside. I know SOME republicans don't go that far.

Why would I care about proving you wrong?

It's not wrong for people to castigate him for his dishonesty, his scorn for his constituents, his lack of understanding of the realities of business, his narcissism, etc.

Amelia I am not saying Obama doesn't deserve criticism. I want to know there are reasonable righty tighties out there who can say republicans sometimes go too far with what they say about Obama racist or name calling aside.

And unless you can think of an example, I guess I'm done.

It's late anyway. Talk atcha later.
Definitely need some examples here. It's hard to think of something negative they would say about him which he wouldn't have earned.

Why would I care about proving you wrong?

It's not wrong for people to castigate him for his dishonesty, his scorn for his constituents, his lack of understanding of the realities of business, his narcissism, etc.

Amelia I am not saying Obama doesn't deserve criticism. I want to know there are reasonable righty tighties out there who can say republicans sometimes go too far with what they say about Obama racist or name calling aside.

And unless you can think of an example, I guess I'm done.

It's late anyway. Talk atcha later.

I am not republican therefore I don't have one.
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He's the president, a lot is said about him, of course some of what is said is unfair and incorrect. That being said the guy is a liar, dangerous, incompetent, arrogant, naive and a bunch of other bad things. He sucks as president and most of the negative things said about him are true.
Amelia I am not saying Obama doesn't deserve criticism. I want to know there are reasonable righty tighties out there who can say republicans sometimes go too far with what they say about Obama racist or name calling aside.

And unless you can think of an example, I guess I'm done.

It's late anyway. Talk atcha later.

I am not republican therefore I don't have one.

You presumably have examples of things which Republicans have said which you feel were so out of line that even Republicans should object to them. If you do not then I don't understand the point of your thread.

Why should we object to hypothetical statements?

Obama is extremely dishonest and has many times been an embarrassment to the office he holds. If someone suggested he were a bad father, then I guess I would object to that. Even if they were speaking more or less truthfully about some bad example he was setting for his daughters, I would object to people mentioning his daughters in that context.

But I don't object to people mentioning how he uses his own family to make objectionable points.

Really, if you can't think of a specific example which you think that Republicans should object to, how could you possibly expect Republicans to think of an example they would object to. Naturally our tolerance will be greater than yours. So if you can't think of an example which set off your alarms, then why would it have tripped ours?

Okay, I'm really done for now. Really really this time. :)

Unless you can think of an example, then pretty much the only thing to say is that the Republican would have to say something pretty extreme for Obama to not deserve it.
And unless you can think of an example, I guess I'm done.

It's late anyway. Talk atcha later.

I am not republican therefore I don't have one.

You presumably have examples of things which Republicans have said which you feel were so out of line that even Republicans should object to them. If you do not then I don't understand the point of your thread.

Why should we object to hypothetical statements?

Obama is extremely dishonest and has many times been an embarrassment to the office he holds. If someone suggested he were a bad father, then I guess I would object to that. Even if they were speaking more or less truthfully about some bad example he was setting for his daughters, I would object to people mentioning his daughters in that context.

But I don't object to people mentioning how he uses his own family to make objectionable points.

Really, if you can't think of a specific example which you think that Republicans should object to, how could you possibly expect Republicans to think of an example they would object to. Naturally our tolerance will be greater than yours. So if you can't think of an example which set off your alarms, then why would it have tripped ours?

Okay, I'm really done for now. Really really this time. :)

Unless you can think of an example, then pretty much the only thing to say is that the Republican would have to say something pretty extreme for Obama to not deserve it.

What? It doesn't matter what crap republicans say that I disagree with. Obviously my opinion would be biased.
the birther thing was over done

aside from that, I can't think of a thing said that isn't true.

liar; keep you doctor period
murderer; killed alwhackies minor son, that was a US citizen
hates the country; will fundamentally change it
tyrant; buy health ins or get fined
puppet; 2 weeks after soros bought stock in brazillian oil obama gave them 10 billion of our money

do I need to go on, or would you like to admit your guy is a fucking tool?

he's done so much shit that it's hard to think of anything that he wouldn't do, so yea, now I would assume he did anything that came out. Why? b/c the media covers for him like they are the last line of defense.
Another Billy troll thread.

At this point there is almost nothing bad that can be said about Obama that probably isn't true. When he was elected anyone who claimed he would lie about the death of a US ambassador, or he would use the IRS to suppress free speech would be thought to be a lunatic. Now we know those things are true.
Everything from him should be in the rubber room

waasa waaa waaa, Obama's HALF black so you can't SAY anything about him without being called or accused of being, a racist...

You people see how that worked for them? just wait if you put Shrillary in as'll all be sexist then

he has to rdeans cousin or roommate in the asylum
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...would you buy into it no matter what it was? Racist comments aside, have you ever thought a republican was in anyway wrong about something negative he or she said about Obama? His character perhaps. Where have you drawn the line?

Any idiot knows both repubs and dems say political things that are either exaggerated or bullshit about someone of the opposite party.

You, republicans, however, buy into ANYTHING repub politicians say about Obama. Pathetic? Yes.

Good gawd, both narcissistic ends of the spectrum do this, which is a primary reason why neither has any credibility.

And of course, both ends point at the other over things they themselves do, like this, which is another primary reason neither has any credibility.

Silly. No mirrors in the homes of partisan ideologues.

Amelia I am not saying Obama doesn't deserve criticism. I want to know there are reasonable righty tighties out there who can say republicans sometimes go too far with what they say about Obama racist or name calling aside.

And unless you can think of an example, I guess I'm done.

It's late anyway. Talk atcha later.

I am not republican therefore I don't have one.

There you go you finally said something true and shows the disingenuousness of the liberal left. You didn't start you post by just asking if there was something that Republicans like about Obama you started with the declarative that all republicans believe everything bad said about Obama. Which just isn't true by any measure. I don't buy into every conspiracy theory or smear about Obama. So on my level your OP is full of crap.

But that is the way of liberals. They make a BS statement as to what someone else believes then attack that statement as if it were true. Very disingenuous but it is what we have come to expect.

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