Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism...

Big Fish,

I support your people. Someday we in Canada may have a Negro Prime Minister.

This was my greatest negative rep thread of all time, it must have struck some deep cords. I don't feel though 'mods' should be judge and jury of ideas. Dude's cute one liners are no substitute for intelligence and since that is the case, his constant negative repping is childish at best.

Curious that the right blamed Clinton for the things they saw as wrong during Bush2, but now feel like this is no longer fair. What an odd and hypocritical lot these republicans and conservatives are?

MC5 Law: Presidents who precede presidents set the framework for the current president, when they fail so abysmally as Bush Jr did, it is only fair to be conscious and perceptive of that fact, and to note it, when blind partisans forget it.

Wait till you see my next thread.

"When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown." Stephen Jay Gould

This was my greatest negative rep thread of all time, it must have struck some deep cords. I don't feel though 'mods' should be judge and jury of ideas. Dude's cute one liners are no substitute for intelligence and since that is the case, his constant negative repping is childish at best.

Curious that the right blamed Clinton for the things they saw as wrong during Bush2, but now feel like this is no longer fair. What an odd and hypocritical lot these republicans and conservatives are?

MC5 Law: Presidents who precede presidents set the framework for the current president, when they fail so abysmally as Bush Jr did, it is only fair to be conscious and perceptive of that fact, and to note it, when blind partisans forget it.

Wait till you see my next thread.

"When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown." Stephen Jay Gould

Take a large measure of self rightousness
Add a Tablespoon of election victory power
Stir in two teaspoons of hypocracy
Bake in the liberal oven of entitlement for one hour

Yields: Midcan5
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in America because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drove America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.

I did all of those things except wrote to corporations or Congress about outsourcing (I opposite it, but never wrote about it specifically to the movers and shakers) and I did whine about taxes, but not about my own or how they were too high, about how low they were for the wealthy.

It is in fact because I did those things that I now so frequently criticize Obama. He has been in office a full year and a half, enacted many major new intiatives, implemented many new policies, signed many significant bills into law - almost all of them bad, exacerbating the problem or simply rebranding it. He's for the most part embraced the worst abuses and disastrous policies of the Bush Administration, normalizing them while merely rhetorically distancing himself from their immense harm.

I agree with you that "conservatives" who spent 6 years cheering on Bush then come out of the woodwork to go apeshit on Obama for spending and civil liberties abuses and corporate cronyism and imperial occupations are full of shit insincere hypocrites, but I also think if you did all of the above and now support Obama, you're just as insincere a hypocrite and for the same reason - because a different "team" is in the White House, not because the policies enacted by them are any good.
Take a large measure of self rightousness
Add a Tablespoon of election victory power
Stir in two teaspoons of hypocracy
Bake in the liberal oven of entitlement for one hour....

Thanks I appreciated most of that, but hypocrite they name is republican / conservative, it is you fools who mostly sat back as the last nitwit further destroyed America. And entitlement is not in my vocabulary, only those who see life through their narrow selfishness use the word.

"Get it? Not "destroying." The GOP has already "destroyed" the U.S. economy, setting up an "American Apocalypse.""

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
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Take a large measure of self rightousness
Add a Tablespoon of election victory power
Stir in two teaspoons of hypocracy
Bake in the liberal oven of entitlement for one hour....

Thanks I appreciated most of that, but hypocrite they name is republican / conservative, it is you fools who mostly sat back as the last nitwit further destroyed America. And entitlement is not in my vocabulary, only those who see life through their narrow selfishness use the word.

"you mean if i disagree with you,i am automatically a "CONSERVATIVE?....does that mean you are a FAR-Left Asshole?".......Capt.Jack Harkness
Take a large measure of self rightousness
Add a Tablespoon of election victory power
Stir in two teaspoons of hypocracy
Bake in the liberal oven of entitlement for one hour....

Thanks I appreciated most of that, but hypocrite they name is republican / conservative, it is you fools who mostly sat back as the last nitwit further destroyed America. And entitlement is not in my vocabulary, only those who see life through their narrow selfishness use the word.
Now, I'm convinced that you're a total jackhole.

Lots and lots and lots and LOTS of old school republicans/conservatives/libertarians screeched to the heavens about the Shrub and his neocon glee clubs' profligate spending, expansion of bureaucracy, creation of an entirely new cabinet-level department, foolhardy internationalist foreign wars and subsequent ham-handed attempts at nation building.

But it was their Wilsonian leftist policies that were objected to, not the scant few token bones he threw the old right, which screwed up the whole works.

If anyone sat back and let things happen, it was the spineless, hapless, hopeless, warmongering left, as the DHS, TSA, USAPATRIOT act and the fool war in Iraq were foised upon the nation.


This was my greatest negative rep thread of all time, it must have struck some deep cords. I don't feel though 'mods' should be judge and jury of ideas. Dude's cute one liners are no substitute for intelligence and since that is the case, his constant negative repping is childish at best.

Curious that the right blamed Clinton for the things they saw as wrong during Bush2, but now feel like this is no longer fair. What an odd and hypocritical lot these republicans and conservatives are?

MC5 Law: Presidents who precede presidents set the framework for the current president, when they fail so abysmally as Bush Jr did, it is only fair to be conscious and perceptive of that fact, and to note it, when blind partisans forget it.

Wait till you see my next thread.

"When people learn no tools of judgment and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of political manipulation are sown." Stephen Jay Gould

Take a large measure of self rightousness
Add a Tablespoon of election victory power
Stir in two teaspoons of hypocracy
Bake in the liberal oven of entitlement for one hour....

Thanks I appreciated most of that, but hypocrite they name is republican / conservative, it is you fools who mostly sat back as the last nitwit further destroyed America. And entitlement is not in my vocabulary, only those who see life through their narrow selfishness use the word.
Now, I'm convinced that you're a total jackhole.

Lots and lots and lots and LOTS of old school republicans/conservatives/libertarians screeched to the heavens about the Shrub and his neocon glee clubs' profligate spending, expansion of bureaucracy, creation of an entirely new cabinet-level department, foolhardy internationalist foreign wars and subsequent ham-handed attempts at nation building.

But it was their Wilsonian leftist policies that were objected to, not the scant few token bones he threw the old right, which screwed up the whole works.

If anyone sat back and let things happen, it was the spineless, hapless, hopeless, warmongering left, as the DHS, TSA, USAPATRIOT act and the fool war in Iraq were foised upon the nation.


I like to laugh when morons want to pretend that Dubya was a conservative :lol:

You are stupid and I don't have to write it down - anyone reading your outrageous comments knows you're stupid. You are also a hate filled closet racist. You make statements about Obama that should be attributed to the KKK. You disgust me as do your sick homosexual friends CornHole and Hairy Dristan. I am a man of God and will continue to pray for you but even I can't intercede with God when it comes to hatred.
You can't intercede with God at all. I'm a Baptist, and we believe in the priesthood of the believer. God gives your prayers no more weight than He gives mine.

Meanwhile, stay in Canada and STFU. When I want your irrelevant opinion, I'll ask for it. Your views on American politics should be limited to "Thank you, USA, for protecting my nation because we can't do it ourselves. We spend way too much money on socialism to pay for our own defense." Got it?

No, they just keep our gluttonous consumption of energy satiated with more and more of their strip mined tar sands. And that will grow, as existing conventional crude continues to dry up all over the world. And it is. You'd better kiss Canada's ass a little harder, fossil fuel fan.

This above is such typical con man arrogance, and the reason the world increasingly hates us. All you know is God and Guns. The smart ones among you know a few accounting tricks and drilling techniques. But that's about it. ... You can't even be pleasant to our closest allies. Instead, you mock them for not having a bloated defense budget like we do, and pretend they're somehow riding our coat tails. You uninformed, arrogant fool.

Yeah, look at us!!! We can blow up the surface of the earth 35 times over!!! Hooray!!!


The "sit down and shut up" goofiness doesn't wash any more. Neither does "STFU and be glad you don't speak German!!" Another moronic favorite. ... Our empire is falling apart at the seams. Because of 65 years of deregulation, shady banking, over-spending and corporate grease skidding. All CONservative hall marks. Even the over-spending, that's right, I said it. ... Of course, when the music finally stopped, and energy officially flat-lined, we've begun to finally see the soft underbelly of free market capitalism, of conservatives' wet dream utopia. Meanwhile, despite decades of warning, there's nothing in place fall back on. No infrastructure ready to go, no agreement on what energy source to switch to. ... We're fucked! Thanks Reagan, thanks Bush jr./sr., thanks Clinton. ... thanks Obama. :rolleyes:

Yeah, so beat your chest, tough guy. Taunt other nations for not having as many phallic-shaped missiles as we do. Stud. ... About all we HAVE left IS our military, and people like you pump it like a trophy over your head.

Maybe we can just continue to "make deserts and call it peace."
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Wow. I didn't realize that Gunny had passed the ability to lay down 'requirements for posting xxx' to midcan. I live and learn.... mostly I learn how really, really dumb some people can be.

You are stupid and I don't have to write it down - anyone reading your outrageous comments knows you're stupid. You are also a hate filled closet racist. You make statements about Obama that should be attributed to the KKK. You disgust me as do your sick homosexual friends CornHole and Hairy Dristan. I am a man of God and will continue to pray for you but even I can't intercede with God when it comes to hatred.
You can't intercede with God at all. I'm a Baptist, and we believe in the priesthood of the believer. God gives your prayers no more weight than He gives mine.

Meanwhile, stay in Canada and STFU. When I want your irrelevant opinion, I'll ask for it. Your views on American politics should be limited to "Thank you, USA, for protecting my nation because we can't do it ourselves. We spend way too much money on socialism to pay for our own defense." Got it?

No, they just keep our gluttonous consumption of energy satiated with more and more of their strip mined tar sands. And that will grow, as existing conventional crude continues to dry up all over the world. And it is. You'd better kiss Canada's ass a little harder, fossil fuel fan.

This above is such typical con man arrogance, and the reason the world increasingly hates us. All you know is God and Guns. The smart ones among you know a few accounting tricks and drilling techniques. But that's about it. ... You can't even be pleasant to our closest allies. Instead, you mock them for not having a bloated defense budget like we do, and pretend they're somehow riding our coat tails. You uninformed, arrogant fool.

Yeah, look at us!!! We can blow up the surface of the earth 35 times over!!! Hooray!!!


The "sit down and shut up" goofiness doesn't wash any more. Neither does "STFU and be glad you don't speak German!!" Another moronic favorite. ... Our empire is falling apart at the seams. Because of 65 years of deregulation, shady banking, over-spending and corporate grease skidding. All CONservative hall marks. Even the over-spending, that's right, I said it. ... Of course, when the music finally stopped, and energy officially flat-lined, we've begun to finally see the soft underbelly of free market capitalism, of conservatives' wet dream utopia. Meanwhile, despite decades of warning, there's nothing in place fall back on. No infrastructure ready to go, no agreement on what energy source to switch to. ... We're fucked! Thanks Reagan, thanks Bush jr./sr., thanks Clinton. ... thanks Obama. :rolleyes:

Yeah, so beat your chest, tough guy. Taunt other nations for not having as many phallic-shaped missiles as we do. Stud. ... About all we HAVE left IS our military, and people like you pump it like a trophy over your head.

Maybe we can just continue to "make deserts and call it peace."
You can kiss Yukon's ass if you want. It may win you street cred from the other America-haters, but normal people refuse to have anything to do with him. He's filth.

Oh, and nice collection of memes. Your car is covered in bumper stickers, isn't it? :lol:
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Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in America because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drove America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.'d this work out for you? Did you stifle any dissent? Did you suppress any unapproved thought?


Sucks to be you, huh? :lol:
I love conservatives, they just keep giving and...taking and.... Why can I not express my thoughts on any topic? Isn't this still America? And recently all I get from you wingnuts is vulgarity and name calling, surely some small thought must appear in your libdar?

Hi, you have received -208 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.

It ain\'t your board, you don\'t set the \'requirements\' for jack shit. Get over it. And telling others to \'shut up\' is fucking moronic. Idiot.

California Girl

The wonder of calling out the hypocrisy of the right with regard to the Obama administration is that they refuse to see their own hypocrisy. If they had spoken up during Bush I could take them seriously. And isn't it funny how Bush has become the fairy princess, changing as time goes on into whatever the apologists and hypocrites think is appropriate this week.

I would venture to suggest that you, as an individual, have no fucking idea what the TEA Parties are about. Just because you don't understand a group, does not make them comparable to the KKK.

Only a total fucking idiot thinks a debate on an internet forum is 'won' or 'lost'. You fucking idiot.

Interestingly, my comment in response to yours drew bipartisan support. I think that speaks more about my comment than your drivel.

Note the intelligent argument and language, I did a Google search after posting my thoughts on the TP and was gratified that others felt the same. You know what they say about ducks. And as a postscript, my comparison is primarily about reactions to changing societies and not only racism. I can't read the minds of all the TP members, but I can comment on their timing and their signs and sentiments displayed at meetings and expressed on TV and the Internet.

"The uncompromising attitude is more indicative of an inner uncertainty than a deep conviction. The implacable stand is directed more against the doubt within than the assailant without." Eric Hoffer
I love conservatives, they just keep giving and...taking and.... Why can I not express my thoughts on any topic? Isn't this still America? And recently all I get from you wingnuts is vulgarity and name calling, surely some small thought must appear in your libdar?

Well sparky you opened the ball and now you wanna whine when folks don't dance to the tune you called.

As far as not being able to express the trivialities you call thoughts, you spelled out a list regulations limiting what others get to post. Turn about is fair play.
I love conservatives, they just keep giving and...taking and.... Why can I not express my thoughts on any topic? Isn't this still America? And recently all I get from you wingnuts is vulgarity and name calling, surely some small thought must appear in your libdar?

Hi, you have received -208 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.

It ain\'t your board, you don\'t set the \'requirements\' for jack shit. Get over it. And telling others to \'shut up\' is fucking moronic. Idiot.

California Girl

The wonder of calling out the hypocrisy of the right with regard to the Obama administration is that they refuse to see their own hypocrisy. If they had spoken up during Bush I could take them seriously. And isn't it funny how Bush has become the fairy princess, changing as time goes on into whatever the apologists and hypocrites think is appropriate this week.

I would venture to suggest that you, as an individual, have no fucking idea what the TEA Parties are about. Just because you don't understand a group, does not make them comparable to the KKK.

Only a total fucking idiot thinks a debate on an internet forum is 'won' or 'lost'. You fucking idiot.

Interestingly, my comment in response to yours drew bipartisan support. I think that speaks more about my comment than your drivel.

Note the intelligent argument and language, I did a Google search after posting my thoughts on the TP and was gratified that others felt the same. You know what they say about ducks. And as a postscript, my comparison is primarily about reactions to changing societies and not only racism. I can't read the minds of all the TP members, but I can comment on their timing and their signs and sentiments displayed at meetings and expressed on TV and the Internet.

"The uncompromising attitude is more indicative of an inner uncertainty than a deep conviction. The implacable stand is directed more against the doubt within than the assailant without." Eric Hoffer
Where did she tell you that you couldn't' express yourself? :confused:

Looks like she's just holding you responsible for what you said. No wonder you object.
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I love conservatives, they just keep giving and...taking and.... Why can I not express my thoughts on any topic? Isn't this still America? And recently all I get from you wingnuts is vulgarity and name calling, surely some small thought must appear in your libdar?

Well sparky you opened the ball and now you wanna whine when folks don't dance to the tune you called.

As far as not being able to express the trivialities you call thoughts, you spelled out a list regulations limiting what others get to post. Turn about is fair play.
Flag on the play: The limitations leftists place on others don't apply to leftists.
Requirements for posting, whining and otherwise engaging in criticism of the Obama administration

In order to gain a perspective on why someone could or would have the moral and political wherewithal to criticize the Obama Administration after just a year and a half of governance, it is essential that their ideas and values concerning the past eight years be consistent. To be consistent one must have engaged in the following:

You criticized and condemned the Bush administration for its lack of action on immigration.
You criticized the Bush administration for its neglect of the intelligence concerning 911.
You protested the loss of American life in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq.
You protested the trillions of dollars spent on wars that are either illegal or unwinnable and in the case of Afghanistan largely ignored.
You wrote your representatives to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You condemned and protested the Bush administration for allowing Osama bin Laden to escape.
You criticized the Bush administration on their Medicare drug entitlement that gave drug companies free rein to rob the American tax payer.
You protested the lost of rights in America because of Homeland security and illegal wiretaps.
You railed against a deficit that grew and grew while Bush did nothing but advise shopping.
You discussed race and racial inequities during the Bush administration.
You did not whine about taxes as you drove America's roads and bridges and took advantage of a technologically advanced society.
You ride a bike or take public transportation to help keep America green.
You live in a home that is not part of suburban sprawl and is close to work and transportation so our monies do not only go to foreign nations.
You wrote corporations and congress concerning the outsourcing of American jobs.
You paid your taxes fairly.
You tip your fellow Americans well and support an increase in wages for the lowest 20% of workers in America.
You support stores that support American wages with benefits and fair pay: Costco, Starbucks.
You buy American products: cars, tools etc. and write the business when their products are not made here.
You do not shop in Walmart or other businesses that do not support a fair wage.

If you voted Bush / Cheney whose reduced taxes to the wealthy created enormous deficits, a financial bubble of epic portion, and wasted trillions on war, then you cannot criticize Obama as you are part of the current problems. If you voted for Bush / Cheney the second time around you need your head examined as soon as possible.

If you are not without sin concerning the above, feel free to criticize the Obama administration. As the priests would intone after confession, if you did sin, please now shut up, try to practice the golden rule, oh and buy American.

And most of all, if you did not do most of the above then you are simply a hypocrite.


Fuck you, and all Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoids like you.

Rather than go item by item annihilating each one of your Libtardal bullshit, LET ME JUST QUOTE YOU THE POLL CONDUCTED BY DEMS .....I REPEAT THE OHIO DEM'S POLL.



BUSH: 50%

OBAMA: 42%

PS: And, OHIO WAS an Obama State !!!!

According to the Chicago Tribune Nov 2008, Obama 51.5%, McCain 48.7%.

Washington Post: " Obama had a 2 to 1 lead over McCain among 18-34 yr olds."

THAT SAYS IT ALL YOU Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoid FOOL.
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I think the point of the OP is this:

If you supported it when Bush did it, but complain about it when Obama does it, you're a hypocrite.

It goes the other way too. If you hated Bush's policies, you shouldn't be cheerleading Obama when he continues them.

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