Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Try to quit and collect unemployment in any at-will employment State in our Union.

Why not jail employers who don't hire everybody that applies, in right to work States.

Are you nutz? Don't answer that, it's rhetorical question.

Are you saying that companies should be forced to hire everyone that shows up at the door and wants a job?
Only in "right to work" States.

You do know what that "right to work" means, do ya?
Yes, I do; it is the right wing that Only has, "fantasy legislation".

You got no clue what "right to work" means.
Yes, I do. It is Congress that needs laws regarding, Truth in Legislative Advertising.
They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

Proving how stupid you really are?


How do you get "top poster of the month" with the stupid shit you post?

Raise the prices enough and people will stop going and will start eating at home.

How will the employees buy their food to eat at home if they are unemployed?

Food stamps!
Our current president wants to cut foodstamps.

That would be a big mistake. He should eliminate them completely.
Taxing the rich into Heaven, is more moral.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.

You know you could just get illegal Mexicans to do it, if you want it cheap. Then there'd be lots more food places. But for some reason you have a problem with Mexicans working illegally, but you don't have a problem with Americans working for too little money. Hmmm.

Boot 10 million illegal aliens, low skill Americans would earn more.
You new to our New World economy?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.

5.8 million job openings.

Why do we have so many on unemployment, welfare and food stamps?
You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

And another thing stupid, do you consider the cost on the menu when you order food? You cant just raise prices and not expect it to have ramifications on the number of customers choosing to eat at your restaurant.

Really we seldom eat out anymore, but every time we do the restaurants are busy as can be.

You must be a gorgeous woman who married a successful man. I guarantee nobody would hook up with you for your brain, just plain stupid.

Thank you , but I actually have made more money that he at times. He did marry me for my looks , body and brains, in that order and vice versa. We were attracted first and then realized we were both brains.

Which one of you proposed?
Try to quit and collect unemployment in any at-will employment State in our Union.

Why not jail employers who don't hire everybody that applies, in right to work States.

You never could quit a job and collect unemployment. You have to be laid off.
Why is that? Employment is supposed to be, at-will. Why the "red tape restriction" on at-will employment Only for Labor.

Employment is supposed to be, at-will.

But not forced.
Why should an employer have to hire a useless stoner like you who can't even pass the drug screening?
Because, employment is "forced" if I can't quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation. Equality, right wingers.

There you go, you'd like to quit just to collect unemployment. Plus welfare and food stamps.

If possible, forever. Typical leftist freeloader.
don't believe in Capitalism? unemployment compensation is to help get hired with a good Capitalist, with a bonus, to prove it.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.
I use to live in California many many years ago and back then the cost of living was outrageous....I can only imagine what its like now. 15 an hour at best is nothing compared to what it cost to rent and live out there...and I don't believe this shit about resturants failing because of it...there are too many illegals that they hire to offset anyone refusing to pay a decent wage...that is fact...go to any top notch eatery or hotel, nothing but short, customers determine the success of any industry in hospitality and if you have good food, good surroundings, they will come, regardless of what people are being paid. I have no sympathy for business owners unable to keep up, sell hot dogs on the corner.

This is first good post from you I've witnessed on this board.

Maybe your account is hacked?
Restaurants rarely go out of business because of price. If the food is good, people will go there to eat. Restaurants fail all the time. Price of food is at the very bottom of the list of reasons of failure.

Asking business owners to pay people a livable wage isn't unreasonable. If a business owner cannot afford to pay people a livable wage, then perhaps they shouldn't be running a business.

Yeah, sole reason that business exists is to support people needs.

"Livable wage"... LOL.

I need around $150K annually. Are you ready to pay that up?

A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.

I agree, it doesn't allow if you eat steaks or baby back ribs every day.

If you want to eat that anyways, you need be able to get career job that pays more.

Anyways, what's wrong with getting a second job?
Restaurants rarely go out of business because of price. If the food is good, people will go there to eat. Restaurants fail all the time. Price of food is at the very bottom of the list of reasons of failure.

Asking business owners to pay people a livable wage isn't unreasonable. If a business owner cannot afford to pay people a livable wage, then perhaps they shouldn't be running a business.

Yeah, sole reason that business exists is to support people needs.

"Livable wage"... LOL.

I need around $150K annually. Are you ready to pay that up?

A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.

I agree, it doesn't allow if you eat steaks or baby back ribs every day.

If you want to eat that anyways, you need be able to get career job that pays more.

Anyways, what's wrong with getting a second job?
Not always convenient.
A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.
Where's is that in the constitution? Prior to all the self entitled spineless snowflakes people had roommates and shared expenses. Now you are entitled to live on your own? You didn't say where that comes from.

No where in my post did I say living alone. But even with a roommate, rent cannot be paid with $8.25 an hour.

When I first graduated college I had a roommate and my portion was still $1,400 a month. Thankfully I was making more than minimum wage but I couldn't imagine having to having to pay rent with min wage. All I would be able to do is pay rent and maybe a buy a can of baked beans.

In a way, the price you're paying is still your choice. You don't have to live where you are now.

When you grow up, move to North Dakota, get a job in oil field, you'll be making much more and paying much less in expenses.
A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.
Where's is that in the constitution? Prior to all the self entitled spineless snowflakes people had roommates and shared expenses. Now you are entitled to live on your own? You didn't say where that comes from.

No where in my post did I say living alone. But even with a roommate, rent cannot be paid with $8.25 an hour.

When I first graduated college I had a roommate and my portion was still $1,400 a month. Thankfully I was making more than minimum wage but I couldn't imagine having to having to pay rent with min wage. All I would be able to do is pay rent and maybe a buy a can of baked beans.
Your portion was $1,400 a month? I bought a house for half that. Maybe you should have taken an economics class?

Perhaps where you live, things are cheap. But those of us living in urban areas, thats the norm.

Living there is not a norm, it's your choice.
A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.
Where's is that in the constitution? Prior to all the self entitled spineless snowflakes people had roommates and shared expenses. Now you are entitled to live on your own? You didn't say where that comes from.

No where in my post did I say living alone. But even with a roommate, rent cannot be paid with $8.25 an hour.

When I first graduated college I had a roommate and my portion was still $1,400 a month. Thankfully I was making more than minimum wage but I couldn't imagine having to having to pay rent with min wage. All I would be able to do is pay rent and maybe a buy a can of baked beans.

In a way, the price you're paying is still your choice. You don't have to live where you are now.

When you grow up, move to North Dakota, get a job in oil field, you'll be making much more and paying much less in expenses.
That's the rub. Liberals choose to go to an expensive college in an expensive area and demand the income accommodate their desires.
Are you nutz? Don't answer that, it's rhetorical question.

Are you saying that companies should be forced to hire everyone that shows up at the door and wants a job?
Only in "right to work" States.

You do know what that "right to work" means, do ya?
Yes, I do; it is the right wing that Only has, "fantasy legislation".

You got no clue what "right to work" means.
Yes, I do. It is Congress that needs laws regarding, Truth in Legislative Advertising.

It doesn't mean what you think it means.
Only in "right to work" States.

You do know what that "right to work" means, do ya?
Yes, I do; it is the right wing that Only has, "fantasy legislation".

You got no clue what "right to work" means.
Yes, I do. It is Congress that needs laws regarding, Truth in Legislative Advertising.

It doesn't mean what you think it means.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.
Restaurants rarely go out of business because of price. If the food is good, people will go there to eat. Restaurants fail all the time. Price of food is at the very bottom of the list of reasons of failure.

Asking business owners to pay people a livable wage isn't unreasonable. If a business owner cannot afford to pay people a livable wage, then perhaps they shouldn't be running a business.

Yeah, sole reason that business exists is to support people needs.

"Livable wage"... LOL.

I need around $150K annually. Are you ready to pay that up?

A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.

I agree, it doesn't allow if you eat steaks or baby back ribs every day.

If you want to eat that anyways, you need be able to get career job that pays more.

Anyways, what's wrong with getting a second job?
Not always convenient.

Neither is having kids that you have to feed and clothe, but we do it anyways.
A livable wage is a salary that allows to eat and pay rent without government assistance or force to get a second job.

$8.25 doesn't allow for that.
Where's is that in the constitution? Prior to all the self entitled spineless snowflakes people had roommates and shared expenses. Now you are entitled to live on your own? You didn't say where that comes from.

No where in my post did I say living alone. But even with a roommate, rent cannot be paid with $8.25 an hour.

When I first graduated college I had a roommate and my portion was still $1,400 a month. Thankfully I was making more than minimum wage but I couldn't imagine having to having to pay rent with min wage. All I would be able to do is pay rent and maybe a buy a can of baked beans.

In a way, the price you're paying is still your choice. You don't have to live where you are now.

When you grow up, move to North Dakota, get a job in oil field, you'll be making much more and paying much less in expenses.
That's the rub. Liberals choose to go to an expensive college in an expensive area and demand the income accommodate their desires.

Plus, they have to have new iPhone and MacBook Pro, be fashionable, party all night...
You simply can't do that on $8.25 an hour.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.

You know you could just get illegal Mexicans to do it, if you want it cheap. Then there'd be lots more food places. But for some reason you have a problem with Mexicans working illegally, but you don't have a problem with Americans working for too little money. Hmmm.

Boot 10 million illegal aliens, low skill Americans would earn more.
You new to our New World economy?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.

5.8 million job openings.

Why do we have so many on unemployment, welfare and food stamps?
The number on unemployment compensation is the lowest it has been since the 1970's. Most of the people on welfare and food stamps are working in crappy jobs that don't pay enough to feed a family. There is no shortage of jobs. We have plenty of crappy jobs. We just need jobs that pay s decent wage.
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You do know what that "right to work" means, do ya?
Yes, I do; it is the right wing that Only has, "fantasy legislation".

You got no clue what "right to work" means.
Yes, I do. It is Congress that needs laws regarding, Truth in Legislative Advertising.

It doesn't mean what you think it means.
I know what, right to work, means; I also know, that is not what the legislative intent means.

By reading your gems, one after another, I don't think you do.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.

You know you could just get illegal Mexicans to do it, if you want it cheap. Then there'd be lots more food places. But for some reason you have a problem with Mexicans working illegally, but you don't have a problem with Americans working for too little money. Hmmm.

Boot 10 million illegal aliens, low skill Americans would earn more.
You new to our New World economy?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.

5.8 million job openings.

Why do we have so many on unemployment, welfare and food stamps?
The number on unemployment compensation is the lowest it has been since the 1970's. Most of the people on welfare and food stamps are working in crappy jobs that don't pay enough to feed a family. There is no shortage jobs. We don't need more jobs, just jobs that pay enough to live on.

Supply and demand.

If workers are not taking jobs because the offers are to low, sooner or later employers will have to increase the offer.
You know you could just get illegal Mexicans to do it, if you want it cheap. Then there'd be lots more food places. But for some reason you have a problem with Mexicans working illegally, but you don't have a problem with Americans working for too little money. Hmmm.

Boot 10 million illegal aliens, low skill Americans would earn more.
You new to our New World economy?

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

You need New World excuses not Old World excuses.

5.8 million job openings.

Why do we have so many on unemployment, welfare and food stamps?
The number on unemployment compensation is the lowest it has been since the 1970's. Most of the people on welfare and food stamps are working in crappy jobs that don't pay enough to feed a family. There is no shortage jobs. We don't need more jobs, just jobs that pay enough to live on.

Supply and demand.

If nobody is hiring workers because they're not paying enough, sooner or later they'll have to increase the offer.
Not necessarily. There are lots of reasons employers don't pay more even when the job market is tight. In some cases business are running near the red and they simply can't pay more and stay in business. Other businesses will invest in automation rather than raise wages and others will ship work abroad. Businesses have options other than raising wages that they did not have in the past.
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Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

They are going out of business, how much more of a hit do they need to take?
That Only happens to lousy capitalists. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, because he had a plan to achieve gains from efficiency; unlike the right wing.

No stupid, business models vary and Ford's business model then may not work today and in many places it doesn't.

Please learn before you post stupidity.
Only lousy Capitalists, say that, according to Herr Say.

No only stupid idiots like yourself post stupid nonsense that can't possibly fit every business model. You notice I don't accuse you of being left or right wing. Calling you either is an insult to the left or the right. Let me know when you have ran a successful business and get back to me on your silly comment.

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