Restraining orders question.

you need to teach him his boundaries....cause he aint picking it up without someone pounding him...

first...what parent goes....o yea you mom is good with you coming over at 1 am...

2nd....what kinda perv is this?

have you dont a sex offender check on the net? his name?

you got a husband or brother? or mean ass on the on the team muscle to go explain the boundaries and do it now

Yes, I have now figured out that this jerk thinks that he can walk all over me because I am a woman. One of my friends told me to have the cops issue an Amber alert (I sent my brother over to get my daughter instead...he is kind of passive though,I doubt he said anything very harsh).
It is happening a lot more often now though,which is why I'm going to check into a restraining order this weekend.

Never mind a restraining order - get to the police, NOW.

(Please don't come back on here and tell me your daughter is 29, OK? ;))

No,she is not 29,she is a minor. And, yes, I have every intention of talking to the police about this situation. I just did not realize how much nerve/gall this guy actually had...until last night.

I cannot believe how stupid you are.

I would take a gun and go over to that guy's house and tell him if he comes anywhere near your house or your daughter again you will blow his fucking head off.

You should have called the cops AS SOON AS you knew what happened. You should have called 911 so it is on tape and so the cops have to come out and have to interview him.

Do it. Now.

There was an old shit at an apartment complex I worked at who would drive around the complex and squeal the tires on his pickups, then give the kids who came running rides in his truck and culminate with popsicles handed out in his kitchen.

I went to his apartment and told him to knock it the fuck off. I told him who I was, where I lived, who my kids were, and told him if anything ever happened to my kids he would be the first person I came to; and I would make sure everyone else did the same. I explained it was inappropriate for obvious reasons.

He fucking agreed with me. Know why? Because I was right. He was luring kids to his apartment and into his car, and he knew I had him to rights.

He stopped that day and didn't do it again while I was there.
Is it possible to get a restraining order on a parent (of one of your children's friends) Who keeps helping them sneak out of the house at night without permission? It happened again last night,even though I warned this man twice about this very thing in the past month. Anyone know? I am going to visit a near by police substation this weekend and see what can be done about this guy...just curious if anyone knows.

I don't know, but maybe you should not blame what your kids do on other children. And if you don't want your kid sneaking out, you should stay up and stop them yourself.
I'd send that little girl to auntie's it would make her head spin. And Auntie would put her to work and take her to church.
The fact that he comes with his daughter is a plus and should give some reassurance that there isn't something more sinister going on.

Chances are your daughter is telling him and her friend some serious lies about you and convincing them that she is being abused or is in danger. However, if that is the case it should be them calling the police and not helping your daughter 'escape'.

Years ago one of our friends, who happened to be the Juvenile probation officer :), found out his daughter was sneaking out of the house and holing up with a friend. She had convinced those parents she would otherwise run away from home and live on the street and they were afraid she would do it so let her come to their place. They finally realized that was not the thing to do and worked it out.

This does not feel like that sort of thing though. I think I would have a chat with the police. And hang in there Shadow. We all survive our teenagers, but I swear you sometimes wonder if you will.

I keep trying to explain to my daughter that her "friend" isn't being a "friend" by talking her into these situations (lying and sneaking out late at night). That her "friend" isn't the one getting in trouble and putting herself in a bad situation. My daughter has always been a follower though and has to learn everything the hard way. I am getting good at playing detective though...which will come in handy for dealing with daughter number two later on down the road.

She gets these wacky ideas about punishment being "child abuse" from her peers. Believe me I hear it often.... "I'm going to report you for child abuse". I have no doubt she tells her friends that I beat on her. When in reality ,I think I have smacked her maybe twice in her whole life.
I got by mom ONCE when sneaking out, never happened again. And my mom blamed me, not my friends. Of course she called my friend's parents to tell them what happened, and we were all grounded.. It is called being a parent.

And my friend's mom got a restraining order on my friend's older boyfriend. My friend got pregnant two months later.
This would be a situation where we would have what is known between me and my sister as a "Come to Jesus" talk. With the daughter, with the pervert. The more open the better. In my family, we'll usually attack the issue when as many people as possible are present and get it all on the table. There will be NO contact with friend's dad, there will be no more contact with friend. There will be contact with the police and any further behavior will result in dire consequences for all involved.

In the meantime, I'd get the girl out of the house. This is where camp would come in good..maybe you can't afford a send-away one, but I'd get her ass into the most time consuming day time camp program I could and make sure she's there every day. That's if you don't have family (who live too far away for her to walk) to take her off your hands for a while and show her how much more miserable it is away from home than in it.
The fact that he comes with his daughter is a plus and should give some reassurance that there isn't something more sinister going on.

Chances are your daughter is telling him and her friend some serious lies about you and convincing them that she is being abused or is in danger. However, if that is the case it should be them calling the police and not helping your daughter 'escape'.

Years ago one of our friends, who happened to be the Juvenile probation officer :), found out his daughter was sneaking out of the house and holing up with a friend. She had convinced those parents she would otherwise run away from home and live on the street and they were afraid she would do it so let her come to their place. They finally realized that was not the thing to do and worked it out.

This does not feel like that sort of thing though. I think I would have a chat with the police. And hang in there Shadow. We all survive our teenagers, but I swear you sometimes wonder if you will.

I keep trying to explain to my daughter that her "friend" isn't being a "friend" by talking her into these situations (lying and sneaking out late at night). That her "friend" isn't the one getting in trouble and putting herself in a bad situation. My daughter has always been a follower though and has to learn everything the hard way. I am getting good at playing detective though...which will come in handy for dealing with daughter number two later on down the road.

She gets these wacky ideas about punishment being "child abuse" from her peers. Believe me I hear it often.... "I'm going to report you for child abuse". I have no doubt she tells her friends that I beat on her. When in reality ,I think I have smacked her maybe twice in her whole life.

Honest advice. The next time you are punishing her and she starts yelling child abuse. Dial the number for her.
child abuse? my kid told me he was gonna call dss when he was about 12 ish.....i told him i would dial the number and all for him...then i would beat the hell out of him till they got there.....then he would go into the foster care system and be there forever cause obviously i wasnt a good parent....he started crying...saying they tell them that at school...the first time my child threaten me was the last time...he never brought that up again....and yes i would have beat him like a damn rented mule...till they got there....

dont let the kid bully you
The fact that he comes with his daughter is a plus and should give some reassurance that there isn't something more sinister going on.

Chances are your daughter is telling him and her friend some serious lies about you and convincing them that she is being abused or is in danger. However, if that is the case it should be them calling the police and not helping your daughter 'escape'.

Years ago one of our friends, who happened to be the Juvenile probation officer :), found out his daughter was sneaking out of the house and holing up with a friend. She had convinced those parents she would otherwise run away from home and live on the street and they were afraid she would do it so let her come to their place. They finally realized that was not the thing to do and worked it out.

This does not feel like that sort of thing though. I think I would have a chat with the police. And hang in there Shadow. We all survive our teenagers, but I swear you sometimes wonder if you will.

I keep trying to explain to my daughter that her "friend" isn't being a "friend" by talking her into these situations (lying and sneaking out late at night). That her "friend" isn't the one getting in trouble and putting herself in a bad situation. My daughter has always been a follower though and has to learn everything the hard way. I am getting good at playing detective though...which will come in handy for dealing with daughter number two later on down the road.

She gets these wacky ideas about punishment being "child abuse" from her peers. Believe me I hear it often.... "I'm going to report you for child abuse". I have no doubt she tells her friends that I beat on her. When in reality ,I think I have smacked her maybe twice in her whole life.

Time to lower the hammer, mom. You aren't going to be able to explain anything to a willful 14 year old girl. The fact that they even can breathe on their own is amazing to me. It's your job to keep her safe, do what you have to do. She's going to have fits and you're going to have to cope, and win the argument.
Is it possible to get a restraining order on a parent (of one of your children's friends) Who keeps helping them sneak out of the house at night without permission? It happened again last night,even though I warned this man twice about this very thing in the past month. Anyone know? I am going to visit a near by police substation this weekend and see what can be done about this guy...just curious if anyone knows.

I don't know, but maybe you should not blame what your kids do on other children. And if you don't want your kid sneaking out, you should stay up and stop them yourself.

I was up...both times. 1st time she left (out the back door,then jumped the fence) while I was making dinner....second time while I was in the shower. Father and friend were waiting down the block to pick her up. I started tracking her down the second I knew she was gone.
Never mind a restraining order - get to the police, NOW.

(Please don't come back on here and tell me your daughter is 29, OK? ;))

No,she is not 29,she is a minor. And, yes, I have every intention of talking to the police about this situation. I just did not realize how much nerve/gall this guy actually had...until last night.

I cannot believe how stupid you are.

I would take a gun and go over to that guy's house and tell him if he comes anywhere near your house or your daughter again you will blow his fucking head off.

You should have called the cops AS SOON AS you knew what happened. You should have called 911 so it is on tape and so the cops have to come out and have to interview him.

Do it. Now.

There was an old shit at an apartment complex I worked at who would drive around the complex and squeal the tires on his pickups, then give the kids who came running rides in his truck and culminate with popsicles handed out in his kitchen.

I went to his apartment and told him to knock it the fuck off. I told him who I was, where I lived, who my kids were, and told him if anything ever happened to my kids he would be the first person I came to; and I would make sure everyone else did the same. I explained it was inappropriate for obvious reasons.

He fucking agreed with me. Know why? Because I was right. He was luring kids to his apartment and into his car, and he knew I had him to rights.

He stopped that day and didn't do it again while I was there.

I don't own a gun. And I did tell this man the next visit would be with the police in tow.
Is it possible to get a restraining order on a parent (of one of your children's friends) Who keeps helping them sneak out of the house at night without permission? It happened again last night,even though I warned this man twice about this very thing in the past month. Anyone know? I am going to visit a near by police substation this weekend and see what can be done about this guy...just curious if anyone knows.

I don't know, but maybe you should not blame what your kids do on other children. And if you don't want your kid sneaking out, you should stay up and stop them yourself.

I was up...both times. 1st time she left (out the back door,then jumped the fence) while I was making dinner....second time while I was in the shower. Father and friend were waiting down the block to pick her up. I started tracking her down the second I knew she was gone.

I would call that SOB, tell him she is no longer to see him or his daughter, and if she does then the police pick her up.

Even if he thought you were abusing her, he wouldn't sneak her out. He would call the cops and child welfare himself. The guy is targeting her and you need to do something.
a friend of mines kid quit school...came home all big and bad....told his father...single father..doing the best he could....father beat him within an inch of his the point that we were all trying to help the kid...father told us...anyone moving in on his ground would take a beating...told the kid...ever day he was outta school...he would kick his ass...kid finished school and didnt act up much after that....and dad made him go to school the next day....looking just like he had the shit beat out of him
child abuse? my kid told me he was gonna call dss when he was about 12 ish.....i told him i would dial the number and all for him...then i would beat the hell out of him till they got there.....then he would go into the foster care system and be there forever cause obviously i wasnt a good parent....he started crying...saying they tell them that at school...the first time my child threaten me was the last time...he never brought that up again....and yes i would have beat him like a damn rented mule...till they got there....

dont let the kid bully you

I take of a guy who lives with his parents and 12 year old brother. His brother has called a few times.. I was over the last time he threatened, of course he had punched three holes in the wall and his father. I told his parents I will be a witness that they did not beat him, and that they were just restraining him after he punched them.
Right now they are looking into sending him to a home or boy's ranch. I told them, since he will be thirteen soon they should send him to military school.
you cant show matter what....and tell matter what you will be there the next day to continue the fight....allie is right.....

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