
Trumpers, and Trump himself, is spreading this fake photo.

I think it's kind of telling that there are no threads about Hurricane Helene in the Active Threads of this website.

Top comment for this article:

"In Erwin, Tenn., the Unicoi County Hospital didn’t have time to clear out Friday before the floods gushed in. More than 50 patients and staffers were marooned on the roof. For hours, fierce winds prevented helicopters from scooping them to safety. Photos showed ambulances immersed in murky water."

And, yet, the following was reported today in another story in this newspaper:

"Tennessee governor Bill Lee, a Republican, did not ask for [a federal disaster declaration] until this evening, instead proclaiming September 27 a “voluntary Day of Prayer and Fasting.”

Is this man a forking idiot? If God saw fit to visit upon this state a disastrous rainfall, would the same God be listening for an opportunity to gracefully lavish deliverance upon the people whom he has just purposely tormented? Christian fundamentalist religion would be bad enough if it were simply silly, but it is perniciously ignorant.

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