Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

I could go along with that. But to say that posters here are simple minded is being stupid. You dont know WHAT they do for a living or how many times they have gone to Israel or lived in Israel. So to say that just because YOU have visited and that YOU would know better than other posters on this board is pretty damn arrogant on your part seeing as YOU dont have all the facts.

I didn't say they were simple-minded. I said they were looking at the issue simplistically and arriving at simplistic black and white responses.

I think I'm justsick to death of people taking positions that keep this issue from being resolved (ON BOTH SIDES). And that's not about my having been there or visited. I think we can agree that someone like Shogie who has never been there (despite my offer to meet him on the beach in Tel Aviv) and yet creates these scenarios in his head about what Israelis are really like is more what I'm responding to. But on the other side, not every palestinian wants every Israeli dead.

Truth is, you ride through the west bank... bullets aren't flying. people are mostly (mind you, I said mostly) going about their lives. Not everyone is a hard-line settlement advocate and not everyone is a raging terrorist. And anyone who narrows the issues to black and white... death to the other side... IS being simplistic and isn't thinking things through.

Same goes to "fault". It's the jews fault for existing. It's the palestinians fault for not taking the deal n teh first place. It's the jews fault for plowing under the homes of terrorists. It's the palestiniansfault for firing kadusha rockets.

IT'S ALL OF THAT... which is why, ultimately, it's ridiculous to discuss fault and people need to talk about realistic solutions. (Not like the "put the jews in texas" stupidity that's been posted).

And I'd say that if I had never been there. Because I want to see it continue to exist and the way things are going, the whole place is going to go boom.
You directly stated you HEARD them, message boards are READ, not LISTENED TO. And regardless, your first comparision was the general public to a message board. And that stronger opinions are expressed on message boards IS EXACTLY MY POINT.

No. I meant I spoke with Israelis when I was there.

And we agree on the latter point. How's that?

And now the sun will shine and the angels will sing... becuase the impossible happened. :eusa_whistle:
The texas analogy was for illustrative purposes. We've been through this.

I didn't say they were simple-minded. I said they were looking at the issue simplistically and arriving at simplistic black and white responses.

I think I'm justsick to death of people taking positions that keep this issue from being resolved (ON BOTH SIDES). And that's not about my having been there or visited. I think we can agree that someone like Shogie who has never been there (despite my offer to meet him on the beach in Tel Aviv) and yet creates these scenarios in his head about what Israelis are really like is more what I'm responding to. But on the other side, not every palestinian wants every Israeli dead.

Truth is, you ride through the west bank... bullets aren't flying. people are mostly (mind you, I said mostly) going about their lives. Not everyone is a hard-line settlement advocate and not everyone is a raging terrorist. And anyone who narrows the issues to black and white... death to the other side... IS being simplistic and isn't thinking things through.

Same goes to "fault". It's the jews fault for existing. It's the palestinians fault for not taking the deal n teh first place. It's the jews fault for plowing under the homes of terrorists. It's the palestiniansfault for firing kadusha rockets.

IT'S ALL OF THAT... which is why, ultimately, it's ridiculous to discuss fault and people need to talk about realistic solutions. (Not like the "put the jews in texas" stupidity that's been posted).

And I'd say that if I had never been there. Because I want to see it continue to exist and the way things are going, the whole place is going to go boom.

I would agree with everything you posted however terrorists dont want peace and they are the ones in control of Palestine. There will be no talking and all Isreal can do is hunker down and be as prepared as possible. Instead of giving the barn away like they have been doing.
Yes, you are.


Children ARE truly innocent. No two ways about it.

7 kids later, trust me, kids are far from completely innocent. The only reason they dont commit a lot of violence is because they physically cant.
I would agree with everything you posted however terrorists dont want peace and they are the ones in control of Palestine. There will be no talking and all Isreal can do is hunker down and be as prepared as possible. Instead of giving the barn away like they have been doing.

Well, yes...and no. The government is divided right now. Hamas and Fatah are competing with each other and no...they're not all opposed to peace.

The only one who I thought was going to give the barn away was Rabin. And still Arafat wouldn't sign the deal because he thought he'd end up dead, too. He might have. Happened to Sadat after he made peace for Egypt. Arafat wasn't as brave (no shock there).

But.. I do think that the rhetoric that says "all palestinians should die" doesn't help Israel. There are countries who can help force the palestinians' hands, regardless of who is running the government. It would be very easy for those countries to turn off the money that goes to hamas. They don't have to do that if world opinion isn't against the terrorists. The only way world opinion goes against the terrorists (or at least *most* of world opinion) is if the rhetoric comes down a peg on the part of Israel's supporters.

I'll tell you truthfully, I always appreciate when Israel has friends. I am TERRIFIED when those friends make things worse by taking such hard lines.
7 kids later, trust me, kids are far from completely innocent. The only reason they dont commit a lot of violence is because they physically cant.

Wanna bet Larkinn has never had a kid, or had to spend more than a couple hours caring for children? The usual drivel from people with no clue.
But.. I do think that the rhetoric that says "all palestinians should die" doesn't help Israel. There are countries who can help force the palestinians' hands, regardless of who is running the government. It would be very easy for those countries to turn off the money that goes to hamas. They don't have to do that if world opinion isn't against the terrorists. The only way world opinion goes against the terrorists (or at least *most* of world opinion) is if the rhetoric comes down a peg on the part of Israel's supporters.

I'll tell you truthfully, I always appreciate when Israel has friends. I am TERRIFIED when those friends make things worse by taking such hard lines.

Well, talking to them for the past 30 years hasn't seem to resolve the situation either. Maybe someone coming along and saying, "take the deal or we'll take you out" might make some headway.
When some of us are not sympathetic to collateral damage, it DOESNT mean we think they all should die. Its a typical backwards logic by liberals.

Well, yes...and no. The government is divided right now. Hamas and Fatah are competing with each other and no...they're not all opposed to peace.

The only one who I thought was going to give the barn away was Rabin. And still Arafat wouldn't sign the deal because he thought he'd end up dead, too. He might have. Happened to Sadat after he made peace for Egypt. Arafat wasn't as brave (no shock there).

But.. I do think that the rhetoric that says "all palestinians should die" doesn't help Israel. There are countries who can help force the palestinians' hands, regardless of who is running the government. It would be very easy for those countries to turn off the money that goes to hamas. They don't have to do that if world opinion isn't against the terrorists. The only way world opinion goes against the terrorists (or at least *most* of world opinion) is if the rhetoric comes down a peg on the part of Israel's supporters.

I'll tell you truthfully, I always appreciate when Israel has friends. I am TERRIFIED when those friends make things worse by taking such hard lines.
Well, talking to them for the past 30 years hasn't seem to resolve the situation either. Maybe someone coming along and saying, "take the deal or we'll take you out" might make some headway.

There have to be too many mechanisms working together for that to be credible or appropriate. Me? First I'd like to see them told... take the deal or the money dries up.

Take the deal or we'll take you out only works with people who are afraid to die. And people who tie bombs around their waists and blow themselves up simply aren't afraid to die. So I think another tactic is probably in order.
There have to be too many mechanisms working together for that to be credible or appropriate. Me? First I'd like to see them told... take the deal or the money dries up.

Take the deal or we'll take you out only works with people who are afraid to die. And people who tie bombs around their waists and blow themselves up simply aren't afraid to die. So I think another tactic is probably in order.

When the actual time comes to die, everyone is afraid to die.
Take the deal or we'll take you out only works with people who are afraid to die. And people who tie bombs around their waists and blow themselves up simply aren't afraid to die. So I think another tactic is probably in order.

You think stopping the gravy train will stop the bombing? No! It will only get worse.

There IS NO WINNIG with these types. There is no reasoning with them. There is no talking with them. The only thing they respect is having a hard line like them. Going toe to toe with them and beating them is the only possible outcome.

Havent you even noticed that no matter WHAT Israel does to help the Pals they twist it and use it against them.
Is texas lobbing bombs into Israel? Didnt think so.

You were talking about where one would rather LIVE, not what that population was doing to other countries. Relevant? No. Try again?

If it happens just once or twice a year, that proves my point.

Not quite.


You don't include yourself among those who aren't complete fucktards? No surprise I guess.
Given that honor killings often remain a private family affair, no official statistics are available on the practice or its frequency.

But yet you feel free to make generalizations about it. Curious.

According to a November 1997 report of the Woman's Empowerment Project published in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, there were 20 honor killings in Gaza and the West Bank in 1996. One representative of the group added, "We know there are more but no one publicizes it." Similarly, an unofficial report given to the Palestinian Women's Working Society stated that "recently" 40 women have been killed for honor in Gaza. The report defined neither the period in which these murders took place nor the exact circumstances. During the summer of 1997, Khaled Al-Qudra, then Attorney General in the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), told Sout Al-Nissa' (Women's Voices), a supplement published by the Women's Affairs Technical Committee (WATC), that he suspects that 70 percent of all murders in Gaza and the West Bank are honor killings.

Well, 40 people. A regular epidemic of honor killings. That many people get killed in my city each month.
7 kids later, trust me, kids are far from completely innocent. The only reason they dont commit a lot of violence is because they physically cant.

Dumbass. Kids are innocent because they don't conceptualize their actions as being harmful to others and don't realize the consequences, not because they never do anything negative.
Wanna bet Larkinn has never had a kid, or had to spend more than a couple hours caring for children? The usual drivel from people with no clue.

Fuckwit. More disgusting rheotirc from the resident shitbags to try and rationalize murdering 6 year olds.
(Caution: graphic)

There you go, shitbag. Tell me what that kid could have done to deserve that. Oh, wait, hes a Pal so it doesn't matte right?

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