Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

Sure, except that your way involves killing small children.

Its amazing to me what people will rationalize because they don't give a shit about people halfway across the globe. Oh, wait...they don't care about the brown people halfway across the globe. The Jews...well if they die its a goddamn tragedy, if a Palestinian child is shot, well its just what the dirty sand ****** deserved, right?

Child SOLDIERS are deemed to be innocent. Not kids who might pick up arms, but kids who have had arms and committed atrocities. Why the hell is there this asinine double standard for Palestinians when the kids haven't done a goddamn thing except been taught bad things?

I haven't shot any kids, however, I'm not afraid to if the situation calls for it. I still think of the Palestinians as terrorists and will continue to think that way until they do something to convince me otherwise. They dance in the street on 9/11, they celebrate the bombings of discos, clubs and shopping malls, they think killing themselves for their religion is the way to paradise, so ya, fuck them.

When they change, my attitude will change.
I haven't shot any kids


, however, I'm not afraid to if the situation calls for it.

Unless a child is amount to cause imminent great harm or death, I really can't think of a situation that would require shooting a child.

I still think of the Palestinians as terrorists and will continue to think that way until they do something to convince me otherwise.

Well its nice that you are so open about your racism.

They dance in the street on 9/11

And you justify killing their children. I don't see a difference.

, they celebrate the bombings of discos, clubs and shopping malls, they think killing themselves for their religion is the way to paradise, so ya, fuck them.

When they change, my attitude will change.

I highly doubt that. If you aren't able to see the complex variety of different opinions and factions that make up the Palestinian people and all of the different viewpoints, many which have nothing to do with violence, then I really doubt any logic or sense will change your mind.

Curious...did you mind when Israel invaded a country, killed 1,000 civilians, displaced 1,000,000 civilians, and made parts of the region uninhabitable?

Or is it only Israeli deaths that bother you?
Killing a child intentionally is murder. Under US Law, under int'l law, under Iraqi law. Go for it, and as much as I don't want to be a prosecutor I'll sign up for it just to see your dumb ass rotting in prison.

No, you'd be killing your child because they were taught hate, and MIGHT try to kill you. Understand the different now, shitbag?

I guess your used to it by now, hey? Must happen a lot.

I am not afraid of a 6 year old coming to threaten me or my loved ones. Sorry, but ain't gonna happen.

I'll take my chances rather than relying on a shitbag like you to protect me.

I don't understand why people insist on reducing an incredibly complex issue to black and white and simplistic observations/solutions.

The problems in modern-day Israel go back to British Imperialism; their promising the mandate to Jews and Arabs; the fact that it represented a post-genocide solution for the jews; and the fact that it holds the holy sites for every major religion. They are exacerbated by the tendency of one side to send children in to blow up civilians and the need for the other side to respond to those terrorist bombers, as well as a myriad of other issues.

Thankfully, however, it has no oil though.

If you were to answer this truthfully, you would say Israel. WHere would you rather live?

You do know what honor killings are, right?

Its pretty black and white to me. One side has honor killings, one doesnt. One side treats women as equals to men, the other wont let them get an education, vote or have any other rights.
If you were to answer this truthfully, you would say Israel. WHere would you rather live?

You do know what honor killings are, right?

Its pretty black and white to me. One side has honor killings, one doesnt. One side treats women as equals to men, the other wont let them get an education, vote or have any other rights.

I would say what? That I support Israel? I do. I don't think I've ever made any excuses for that either. But that doesn't mean it's a simply resolved issue. And I find that the elevated rhetoric on both sides of the argument serves no purpose and probably keeps the actual issues from being resolved.

You know what... I was in Israel a few weeks ago and THEY don't talk about the palestinians like the people on this thread did. Not because they love being hit by kadushas...but because they aren't simple minded. They understand that there are a LOT of things that have to be addressed and settled, the cause of which is far more than "they suck".
Thats MASTA to you , your gayness

is that what you make your wife say after she feels the WRATH (chuckles!) of the back of your hand?

REAL men aren't talked back to, eh buddy?


(your kid has my eyes!)
If you were to answer this truthfully, you would say Israel. WHere would you rather live?

I don't want to live in Texas either, but I support their right to decide how they want to live their lives.

You do know what honor killings are, right?

That just happens every day in Palestine, right? Or not.

Its pretty black and white to me. One side has honor killings, one doesnt. One side treats women as equals to men, the other wont let them get an education, vote or have any other rights.

Wow, you are stupid. You define who is right in a conflict by judging the society as a whole and deciding which one you like better? Sorry but the rest of us prefer to look at more objective criteria.
You excell at dodge ball

I would say what? That I support Israel? I do. I don't think I've ever made any excuses for that either. But that doesn't mean it's a simply resolved issue. And I find that the elevated rhetoric on both sides of the argument serves no purpose and probably keeps the actual issues from being resolved.

You know what... I was in Israel a few weeks ago and THEY don't talk about the palestinians like the people on this thread did. Not because they love being hit by kadushas...but because they aren't simple minded. They understand that there are a LOT of things that have to be addressed and settled, the cause of which is far more than "they suck".

People in the streets of America dont talk about the Palestinians the way we do in this thread either. Bad comparision. Show me a board with Israeli's discusiing the topic.
I don't want to live in Texas either, but I support their right to decide how they want to live their lives..

Is texas lobbing bombs into Israel? Didnt think so.

That just happens every day in Palestine, right? Or not. .
If it happens just once or twice a year, that proves my point.

Wow, you are stupid. You define who is right in a conflict by judging the society as a whole and deciding which one you like better? Sorry but the rest of us prefer to look at more objective criteria.

Of course people in Israel wouldnt talk smack about PALs...You never know when one of them is right around the corner and going to '86' your ass.
You excell at dodge ball

People in the streets of America dont talk about the Palestinians the way we do in this thread either. Bad comparision. Show me a board with Israeli's discusiing the topic.

I don't have to... I was there a couple of weeks ago and got to hear them first hand. Like any other issue, there are extremes. But most just want the issue settled. And I didn't meet a single Israeli who wanted all palestinians dead. They want the terrorists dealt with. They hate the stupidity of training their children to hate by using terrorist cartoon mice... And they don't understand people objecting to blowing up terrorists who have just bombed a civilian target. But they do think there are rational bases on which to negotiate peace... IF they have a willing partner.

As a sidenote, it might strike you that anyone posting on a messageboard perhaps has stronger viewpoints than the average person, whether left or right. Yes?
is that what you make your wife say after she feels the WRATH (chuckles!) of the back of your hand?

REAL men aren't talked back to, eh buddy?


(your kid has my eyes!)

You have NO idea about Filipino women. Go ahead get one as girl frined, slap her around and then go to sleep in the same house with her anytime in the next 2 to 3 years and see what happens dumb shit.
I don't have to... I was there a couple of weeks ago and got to hear them first hand. Like any other issue, there are extremes. But most just want the issue settled. And I didn't meet a single Israeli who wanted all palestinians dead. They want the terrorists dealt with. They hate the stupidity of training their children to hate by using terrorist cartoon mice... And they don't understand people objecting to blowing up terrorists who have just bombed a civilian target. But they do think there are rational bases on which to negotiate peace... IF they have a willing partner.

As a sidenote, it might strike you that anyone posting on a messageboard perhaps has stronger viewpoints than the average person, whether left or right. Yes?

READ dREAD above you. DIDNT you understand that you are comparing a MESSAGE BOARD to people on the street. I shall repeat. ITS NOT AN ACCURATE COMPARISION.
I don't have to... I was there a couple of weeks ago and got to hear them first hand. Like any other issue, there are extremes. But most just want the issue settled. And I didn't meet a single Israeli who wanted all palestinians dead. They want the terrorists dealt with. They hate the stupidity of training their children to hate by using terrorist cartoon mice... And they don't understand people objecting to blowing up terrorists who have just bombed a civilian target. But they do think there are rational bases on which to negotiate peace... IF they have a willing partner.

As a sidenote, it might strike you that anyone posting on a messageboard perhaps has stronger viewpoints than the average person, whether left or right. Yes?

I could go along with that. But to say that posters here are simple minded is being stupid. You dont know WHAT they do for a living or how many times they have gone to Israel or lived in Israel. So to say that just because YOU have visited and that YOU would know better than other posters on this board is pretty damn arrogant on your part seeing as YOU dont have all the facts.
That just happens every day in Palestine, right? Or not. .

Given that honor killings often remain a private family affair, no official statistics are available on the practice or its frequency. According to a November 1997 report of the Woman's Empowerment Project published in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, there were 20 honor killings in Gaza and the West Bank in 1996. One representative of the group added, "We know there are more but no one publicizes it." Similarly, an unofficial report given to the Palestinian Women's Working Society stated that "recently" 40 women have been killed for honor in Gaza. The report defined neither the period in which these murders took place nor the exact circumstances. During the summer of 1997, Khaled Al-Qudra, then Attorney General in the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), told Sout Al-Nissa' (Women's Voices), a supplement published by the Women's Affairs Technical Committee (WATC), that he suspects that 70 percent of all murders in Gaza and the West Bank are honor killings.
I think that was my point... now YOU go read.

You directly stated you HEARD them, message boards are READ, not LISTENED TO. And regardless, your first comparision was the general public to a message board. And that stronger opinions are expressed on message boards IS EXACTLY MY POINT.
Given that honor killings often remain a private family affair, no official statistics are available on the practice or its frequency. According to a November 1997 report of the Woman's Empowerment Project published in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, there were 20 honor killings in Gaza and the West Bank in 1996. One representative of the group added, "We know there are more but no one publicizes it." Similarly, an unofficial report given to the Palestinian Women's Working Society stated that "recently" 40 women have been killed for honor in Gaza. The report defined neither the period in which these murders took place nor the exact circumstances. During the summer of 1997, Khaled Al-Qudra, then Attorney General in the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), told Sout Al-Nissa' (Women's Voices), a supplement published by the Women's Affairs Technical Committee (WATC), that he suspects that 70 percent of all murders in Gaza and the West Bank are honor killings.

Palastinians are Shogun's freedom fighters, the oppressed darlings are so misunderstood and put upon by us lying Yankees and the evil Jews. Don't give him facts, he will just ignore them.

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