Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military


You are finally getting it!

Right...killing Palestinian civilians doesn't matter because some of them kill Israeli civilians, right?


I know you have mental problems, but even you should be able to see the naked hypocrisy in that.
And the world is not black and white, there are many shades of gray. People like Bush want it to be black and white. But that is not how it is and that is not morally sound. Nor was your question.

Thanks for the lesson, but I'm well aware of the existence of shades of gray thanks. But sometimes in conflict, you simply have to pick a side. I was merely asking you, hypothetically, which side you'd pick if you found yourself in such a position. Are you too afraid to even consider the question?
No killings deserve to be scoffed at. But the morons who act as if there is an epidemic of them going on deserve to be mocked. Are they bad? Yes. Do the actions of a few deserve to be generalised onto the full population? No.

SO when you say there's a epidemic of killings in Iraq, we should mock you? Because you've got a double standard here. A few killings in Iraq and the whole bloody place is going to hell and we never going to win so we should pull out. A few killings in Israel and it's we shouldn't judge a couple of bad apples and condemn the rest. You can't have it both ways so make up your mind.
SO when you say there's a epidemic of killings in Iraq, we should mock you?

Quote where I've said that. Ah wait, I haven't. Amusing, hey?

Because you've got a double standard here. A few killings in Iraq and the whole bloody place is going to hell and we never going to win so we should pull out.

Care to quote me where I said we should pull out? Making shit up is fun, isn't it?

Not only are your assumptions moronic, and incorrect, your figures are as well.

From the site someone linked to before:

According to a November 1997 report of the Woman's Empowerment Project published in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, there were 20 honor killings in Gaza and the West Bank in 1996

The claim is that they aren't all lets multiply that times 5x, so 100 honor killings.

Now lets look at Iraq for 2007.

According to IBC, its about 50 per day. Thats assuming (incorrectly, but we'll make the figures as favorable to your side as possible), that no Iraqi deaths go unreported. This is ONLY including violent deaths, no deaths resulting from refugees, starvation, lack of medical care, etc.

So. On one hand we have 100 a year. On the other hand we have 7,000 a year.

Not exactly the same, now is it? Oh, btw, that is ONLY Iraqi casualties. Doesn't include Coalition casualties which have been about 1,000 a year as well.

A few killings in Israel and it's we shouldn't judge a couple of bad apples and condemn the rest. You can't have it both ways so make up your mind.

I've seen a long of wrong posts here on these boards, but congratulations on a post which manages to get it wrong in such a stunning variety of ways.

To recap:

1) I don't think we should pull out from Iraq.
2) The situations are completely different.
3) I never called the killings in Iraq an "epidemic"
4) The numbers are incomparable since one is vastly higher than the other.
Right...killing Palestinian civilians doesn't matter because some of them kill Israeli civilians, right?


I know you have mental problems, but even you should be able to see the naked hypocrisy in that.

yea dude!

It's why we in 'Merica put blacks to death because of their high crime rate.. And lets not EVEN get into how many white people had to be put down after Datelines "to catch a predator".

You were talking about where one would rather LIVE, not what that population was doing to other countries. Relevant? No. Try again?.
Texas wasnt one of the choices. CLUE, the reason the choice was between with the Palis and Israel, is because the answer illustrates something. Otherwise, I would rather live in Nirvana

Not quite.

You don't include yourself among those who aren't complete fucktards? No surprise I guess.

I dont even think a majority agree with you on that one, much less everyone else except me.
But yet you feel free to make generalizations about it. Curious.

Well, 40 people. A regular epidemic of honor killings. That many people get killed in my city each month.[/QUOTE]

WOW, thats your response?

SO 40 people get killed in your city each month? That makes honor killings ok?

Besides, if you bother to read the article, it plainly states that it is much higher than 40, they just cant prove it. Either way, much certainly way higher than the numbers you suggested. C'mon, just admit you were wrong, its ok, really :)
Dumbass. Kids are innocent because they don't conceptualize their actions as being harmful to others and don't realize the consequences, not because they never do anything negative.

Baloney, kids know that hitting hurts the other kids.
No killings deserve to be scoffed at. But the morons who act as if there is an epidemic of them going on deserve to be mocked. Are they bad? Yes. Do the actions of a few deserve to be generalised onto the full population? No.

ANd yet, you scoffed at the 40 honor killings.

Pointing them out doesnt indicate its an epidemic, where the hell do you guys get these ideas from? It happens regularly. Im really curious.
Well, 40 people. A regular epidemic of honor killings. That many people get killed in my city each month.

WOW, thats your response?

SO 40 people get killed in your city each month? That makes honor killings ok?

Besides, if you bother to read the article, it plainly states that it is much higher than 40, they just cant prove it. Either way, much certainly way higher than the numbers you suggested. C'mon, just admit you were wrong, its ok, really :)

Yet one death by what ever pet peeve the left have is " one to many".
Texas wasnt one of the choices. CLUE, the reason the choice was between with the Palis and Israel, is because the answer illustrates something. Otherwise, I would rather live in Nirvana

Not quite.


No shit you didn't include Texas. I specified Texas to make a point.

WOW, thats your response?

SO 40 people get killed in your city each month? That makes honor killings ok?

Who said it made them ok?

I said that makes them not an epidemic. Reading comprehension anyone?

Besides, if you bother to read the article, it plainly states that it is much higher than 40, they just cant prove it. Either way, much certainly way higher than the numbers you suggested. C'mon, just admit you were wrong, its ok, really

It states they think its much higher than 40, they just have no evidence for it.

Baloney, kids know that hitting hurts the other kids.

Some do, some don't.

ANd yet, you scoffed at the 40 honor killings.

I scoffed at the idea than 40 deaths were enough to paint an entire civilization as a certain way.

Pointing them out doesnt indicate its an epidemic, where the hell do you guys get these ideas from? It happens regularly. Im really curious.

It happens regularly because you say so, right? :rofl:
Its always one too many.

I never said one death is ok. Don't lie and say I did.

You poo-poo'd honor killings like it was no big deal. People on this board got that message loud and clear from you. Maybe you need to read what you post because you may think you are saying one thing but many here see otherwise.

Oh yeah...AND EVERYONE on this board is stupid but you. :rolleyes:
You poo-poo'd honor killings like it was no big deal. People on this board got that message loud and clear from you. Maybe you need to read what you post because you may think you are saying one thing but many here see otherwise.

Oh yeah...AND EVERYONE on this board is stupid but you. :rolleyes:

Considering the majority of those posts came after I specifically said they were bad and don't deserve to be scoffed at, I don't thik the problem is on my end.
Considering the majority of those posts came after I specifically said they were bad and don't deserve to be scoffed at, I don't thik the problem is on my end.

You are an arrogant ass and it shows every time you post. You think you are smarter then everyone here, you play word games and semantics to score imaginary points.

Your post about 40 deaths being unimportant is an example of that arrogance. It does not matter what you think you meant, you clearly conveyed to most of us your disregard for those 40 deaths. And you stated they were unimportant.
You are an arrogant ass and it shows every time you post. You think you are smarter then everyone here, you play word games and semantics to score imaginary points.

Your post about 40 deaths being unimportant is an example of that arrogance. It does not matter what you think you meant, you clearly conveyed to most of us your disregard for those 40 deaths. And you stated they were unimportant.

I did NOT state that they were unimportant.

No wonder your views are so skewed if you lie and make shit up about what I said.

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