Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

Go look at my comments to Luvrpgrl and Dread.... I'm taking my kid out to lunch now since he's been sitting here in my office quietly watching me work and post for hours.

I think I've responded to anything of yours that was arguably substantive.


All I saw you say was that Palestinians shouldn't be genocided. Which you then showed me like a small child saying "see, I'm not racist!". As I said, want a cookie?

I haven't seen you condemn the justification of killing Palestinian children. Have you? Yes or no.
I can post evidence showing israel DOZING pal settlements and then killing anyone who has something to say about it as if a fucking todler pal is a goddamn terrorist.

Rocket damages Negev house; Medics: IDF kills Gaza civilian

The officials said the 60-year-old farmer was shot dead riding on his donkey near the frontier fence east of Khan Younis in the central part of the Hamas-controlled territory.

Israeli attacks kill 19, including Reuters cameraman

In the deadliest incident, an Israeli helicopter fired four missiles at targets near the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza. At least 11 Palestinians, including two youths, were killed, said Dr. Moaiya Hassanain of the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Israelis kill three Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza
On Wednesday, 17 Palestinians, most of them civilians including a Reuters cameraman, and three Israeli soldiers were killed in the Gaza Strip on the bloodiest day in more than a month.

yea.. Israel SURE DOESNT target civilians wantonly! Hell, NO ONE would ever kill another civilian again if we all took a lesson from israel and labeled collateral damage as future terrorists. Giving israel an automatic pass is exactly the kind of shit that makes you stupid fucks such a joke.
60-year-old farmer was shot dead riding on his donkey


CONGRATS, rgs. a 60 fuckingyear old man on a motherfucking donkey. Yes, you REALLY are on top of your fucking cognitive game, aren't ya?

of course, the DONKEY was probably just an explosive prob, right? kinda like assuming the short lifespan of a watermelon around one of our blacks, right?
Im not interested in your nutjob opinon about me, dude. Why don't you take your stupid fucking "israel doesn't target civilians" bullshit and email reuters this side of last weeks rationalized bullshit.

or, run away like a bitch with your tail between your legs like ususal.

I mean, I only posted evidence beyond your stupid fucking zionist bumper sticker.

No shit you didn't include Texas. I specified Texas to make a point.:
It didnt work

:Who said it made them ok?

I said that makes them not an epidemic. Reading comprehension anyone?:
again, show where I claimed it was an epidemic. Reading comprehension anyone?:

:It states they think its much higher than 40, they just have no evidence for it. :
read it again, they "know" its higher.

:Some do, some don't.:
and you claimed they ALL are innocent " are innocent..." you didnt say most, some, many....

:I scoffed at the idea than 40 deaths were enough to paint an entire civilization as a certain way.:
Yea, just like lynchings of blacks in the south didnt paint the racism of their society.
Sorry, but ALLOWING 40 PLUS honor killings in a year DOES paint their civilization.

:It happens regularly because you say so, right? :rofl:
I said so? Go read the article again
hey, have a looksy at the articles posted above after you get done knuckle kissing your better half, lilgrl,

Make sure you continue being ironic as fuck in your selective condemnation of a society that allows the killing of civilians.

60-year-old farmer was shot dead riding on his donkey


CONGRATS, rgs. a 60 fuckingyear old man on a motherfucking donkey. Yes, you REALLY are on top of your fucking cognitive game, aren't ya?

of course, the DONKEY was probably just an explosive prob, right? kinda like assuming the short lifespan of a watermelon around one of our blacks, right?

Dude...Where is your link?

I found this...,7340,L-3494400,00.html

Palestinian sniper shoots to death foreign volunteer near Gaza

Or was it this article?

Hamas Murders Children in Palestine, Blames Israel

Both had articles about a 60 year old man dying but nothing about a donkey.

Last update - 15:40 20/03/2008
Rocket damages Negev house; Medics: IDF kills Gaza civilian
By News Agencies
Tags: Palestinian, Gaza, IDF

Israel Defense Forces troops killed a Palestinian civilian near the border fence with the Gaza Strip on Thursday, medical officials said.

The officials said the 60-year-old farmer was shot dead riding on his donkey near the frontier fence east of Khan Younis in the central part of the Hamas-controlled territory.

have you figured out this intertube contraption yet?

it's the same link that I posted originally.

maybe there is a "For Dummies" book you can purchase.

Last update - 15:40 20/03/2008
Rocket damages Negev house; Medics: IDF kills Gaza civilian
By News Agencies
Tags: Palestinian, Gaza, IDF

Israel Defense Forces troops killed a Palestinian civilian near the border fence with the Gaza Strip on Thursday, medical officials said.

The officials said the 60-year-old farmer was shot dead riding on his donkey near the frontier fence east of Khan Younis in the central part of the Hamas-controlled territory.

have you figured out this intertube contraption yet?

it's the same link that I posted originally.

maybe there is a "For Dummies" book you can purchase.

Obviously I have figured out the contraption since I post plenty of links. I mean it isnt my fault when you post something and offer no supporting evidence and I have to punch into google "60 year old Palestian man killed" and all I get were the above links.....

And no you DIDN"T post that originally. THIS was your original post...

No where in this link does it talk about a 60 year old man....

Last update - 15:40 20/03/2008
Rocket damages Negev house; Medics: IDF kills Gaza civilian
By News Agencies
Tags: Palestinian, Gaza, IDF

Israel Defense Forces troops killed a Palestinian civilian near the border fence with the Gaza Strip on Thursday, medical officials said.

The officials said the 60-year-old farmer was shot dead riding on his donkey near the frontier fence east of Khan Younis in the central part of the Hamas-controlled territory.

have you figured out this intertube contraption yet?

it's the same link that I posted originally.

maybe there is a "For Dummies" book you can purchase.

You know...JILLIAN originally posted that link you provided in her post #61 on page 5. You just replied to her post #63 using it to support your theory.

You really shouldnt be claiming others work as your own you know.
given your track record of blathering about like our own little village idiot I want to assure you that I take your posts seriously and promise to give a damn about your stupid opinions AND technological genius in any and all further posts.

given your track record of blathering about like our own little village idiot I want to assure you that I take your posts seriously and promise to give a damn about your stupid opinions AND technological genius in any and all further posts.


When have you ever taken anyone on this message board seriously? You only post here to push peoples buttons and get your rocks off.
and actually, I have a habit of looking for viable solutions to complex problems that some may see as an attempt to seek a workable compramise. I've done this for many, MANY subjects here, dread. I don't mean to brag or anything but catching shit from you, a person whose only input has been waving the flag that your military kid's service bought you, is quite funny.

do I talk shit? sure. Do I troll? you betcha. But you might wanna develop a habit of relevance beyond what amounts to a cyber lapel pin before throwing those kind of stones.
Hey Shoggie,

Try not to pull a muscle patting yourself on the back. This place really needs your cunning insight and we wouldn't want to see you get sidelined or anything. :cool:
if Im going to catch hell for trolling one might think it should come from the keyboard of someone other than another troll.

and, when you catch up with posted ideas we'll talk. Until then, you stick with lording over posts most related to Ravi's ass.
I guess they just have to be funny before I react with laughter.

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