Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

You are an arrogant ass and it shows every time you post. You think you are smarter then everyone here, you play word games and semantics to score imaginary points.

Your post about 40 deaths being unimportant is an example of that arrogance. It does not matter what you think you meant, you clearly conveyed to most of us your disregard for those 40 deaths. And you stated they were unimportant.

and how many dead pals have YOU ever lamented again?

oh, thats right.. you don't give a fuck about dead civilian kids as long as they are pals. IN fact, watching you bitch about HONOR killings, despite your eternal blank check that allows israel to kill as many civilian muslim kids as YOU will accept as "defense", is a giant bowl of hilarious.
Your post about 40 deaths being unimportant is an example of that arrogance. It does not matter what you think you meant, you clearly conveyed to most of us your disregard for those 40 deaths. And you stated they were unimportant.

That is neither what he said nor meant. Quit being a dipshit.
Yep this sentence is not dismissive or uncaring. Sure thing.

Well, 40 people. A regular epidemic of honor killings. That many people get killed in my city each month.
Yep this sentence is not dismissive or uncaring. Sure thing.

Its dismissive of the idea that its an epidemic, dumbass. Not dismissive of the idea that their deaths matter.

By the way...don't notice you condemning those justifying the killing of 6 year olds. Wonder why? Could it be that your not interested in the issues at all an dinstead only interested in attacking me?

Gee...I wonder....
Its dismissive of the idea that its an epidemic, dumbass. Not dismissive of the idea that their deaths matter.

By the way...don't notice you condemning those justifying the killing of 6 year olds. Wonder why? Could it be that your not interested in the issues at all an dinstead only interested in attacking me?

Gee...I wonder....

Get back to me when you can provide actual evidence that Israel actually purposefully targets children. You know like the Pals do? Remind me of the last time an Israeli black op tied explosives to a young mentally impaired child and sent him to blow up amongst their enemies.

Provide some documentation of Israel targeting Pizza parlors, Dance clubs and Bus's. Remind me how Israel showers the pals with indiscriminate missile fire directed into towns and cities. How when they capture a Pal a live he gets executed and his body never returned.

Kids die in wars, that is life. Now why is there a war? Ohh because the pals insist on hiding amongst civilians, insist on using civilian children as suicide bombers, because they have cartoons and puppet shows airing to 4 year olds to teach them to murder Jews.
because they have cartoons and puppet shows airing to 4 year olds to teach them to murder Jews.

Yeah, I'm kind of wondering what kind of peace Larkinn thinks Israelis are supposed to negotiate with people who have a terrorist mickey mouse.
Get back to me when you can provide actual evidence that Israel actually purposefully targets children.

Considering I never made the claim, I don't see the need to support it.

I can't help but notice that you are still failing to comment on the justification for killing 6 year old children.

You know like the Pals do? Remind me of the last time an Israeli black op tied explosives to a young mentally impaired child and sent him to blow up amongst their enemies.

Well, that sure excuses Israels actions.

Provide some documentation of Israel targeting Pizza parlors, Dance clubs and Bus's. Remind me how Israel showers the pals with indiscriminate missile fire directed into towns and cities. How when they capture a Pal a live he gets executed and his body never returned.

Israel fire sure seems to be indiscriminate considering the number of civilians they kill.

Kids die in wars, that is life. Now why is there a war? Ohh because the pals insist on hiding amongst civilians, insist on using civilian children as suicide bombers, because they have cartoons and puppet shows airing to 4 year olds to teach them to murder Jews.

Thats why there is a war?

Not quite.
Yeah, I'm kind of wondering what kind of peace Larkinn thinks Israelis are supposed to negotiate with people who have a terrorist mickey mouse.

I'm curious what kind of peace you expect the Palestinians to negotiate with people who take the examples of the worst among them and foists that onto the entire population?
Yeah, I'm kind of wondering what kind of peace Larkinn thinks Israelis are supposed to negotiate with people who have a terrorist mickey mouse.

By the way...cute that theres still no condemnation of those who justify murdering palestinian children.

Your silence speaks volumes.
I'm curious what kind of peace you expect the Palestinians to negotiate with people who take the examples of the worst among them and foists that onto the entire population?

How is what's on their national TV "the worst among them"? That's pretty much their pop culture.
By the way...cute that theres still no condemnation of those who justify murdering palestinian children.

Your silence speaks volumes.

You just keep on lying, don't you? Is that a personality flaw or a debate tactic? Go back and look at my comments on that particular subject....

I'll wait.
How is what's on their national TV "the worst among them"? That's pretty much their pop culture.

I was referring to your comment that all Palestinians should be punished and restricted because some are suicide bombers.
How is what's on their national TV "the worst among them"? That's pretty much their pop culture.

Ya , just like his dismissive approach to the Officials that would actually know about honor killings. I guess in the future if Larkinn EVER uses estimates from anyone on something we can remind him that he has no solid backing to make the claim.
You just keep on lying, don't you? Is that a personality flaw or a debate tactic? Go back and look at my comments on that particular subject....

I'll wait.

I haven't seen any comments on that subject. If you feel them so strongly I'm sure you wouldn't mind making them again. I'm sure not wading through the pages and pages of shit you spew to look for one thing I may have missed, which I highly doubt I did since I respond to pretty much everything.

Whereas you just ignore large substantive points I make.
Ya , just like his dismissive approach to the Officials that would actually know about honor killings. I guess in the future if Larkinn EVER uses estimates from anyone on something we can remind him that he has no solid backing to make the claim.

The estimate was 40. That was the number we used, yes?
I haven't seen any comments on that subject. If you feel them so strongly I'm sure you wouldn't mind making them again. I'm sure not wading through the pages and pages of shit you spew to look for one thing I may have missed, which I highly doubt I did since I respond to pretty much everything.

Whereas you just ignore large substantive points I make.

Go look at my comments to Luvrpgrl and Dread.... I'm taking my kid out to lunch now since he's been sitting here in my office quietly watching me work and post for hours.

I think I've responded to anything of yours that was arguably substantive.


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