Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

I didn't get it, sigh.

But it is fun to laugh about Shogun.


you don't have to hide your envy behind laughter, Ravi. I told you already, go get yourself a sex change and be done with it instead of letting penis envy become yur albatross.
it's probably not my role to ask you for clarification when you pounce on something i have written. I'll direct you to my last effort in pointing out symbiosis across dogmas in which you just couldn't get over the forum I decided to post it.

You thought I was attacking you when I wasnt...I was just asking a question.
True enough. But only laughing at others and not being able to laugh at yourself is pretty humorless, imo.

"imo" is probably he most significant part of that statement.
you don't have to hide your envy behind laughter, Ravi. I told you already, go get yourself a sex change and be done with it instead of letting penis envy become yur albatross.

ha ha!

Don't you know penis envy doesn't really exist? Funny you believe so many outdated ideas.
Im pretty sure it didn't take four posts and a moderator to ask a question.

I never asked a moderator. And if Jillian is fine by it why should I care?

What part of I was trying to dialog with you dont you get?
ha ha!

Don't you know penis envy doesn't really exist? Funny you believe so many outdated ideas.

But like Santa Claus and children, if it exist's in the heart and mind of Shogun, doesn't that qualify? :cool:
You do. Except when you are the subject of the joke. Honestly, I don't mean to be overly critical since many people share this particular blind spot. But when a person hands out zingers as often as you do, I kind of expect them to be able to receive them with a least some measure of grace. And considering the number of times you've given me props for zinging someone else, I find it hard to believe every single one directed at you was completely absent of humor. Not to mention all the reps I get for them.

Thanks D, I owe you one! ;)
You do. Except when you are the subject of the joke. Honestly, I don't mean to be overly critical since many people share this particular blind spot. But when a person hands out zingers as often as you do, I kind of expect them to be able to receive them with a least some measure of grace. And considering the number of times you've given me props for zinging someone else, I find it hard to believe every single one directed at you was completely absent of humor. Not to mention all the reps I get for them.

you got reps because you were playing the part of david to my proverbial goliath. It didn't matter what you said as long as you were saying it to me. Beyond that, one upping a riposte is all im doing. If you've interpreted it as something beyond what it is then so be it.
you got reps because you were playing the part of david to my proverbial goliath. It didn't matter what you said as long as you were saying it to me. Beyond that, one upping a riposte is all im doing. If you've interpreted it as something beyond what it is then so be it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess is fine with me.

But you might consider doing yourself a solid when you go home tonight and look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I the victim, or the crime."
I never asked a moderator. And if Jillian is fine by it why should I care?

What part of I was trying to dialog with you dont you get?

I could quote your posts from that thread if you like. Four posts on where I should have posted the article conveys that you did care. I even posted that it was nothing to get bent over and for you to relax. Dialog, my ass.
ha ha!

Don't you know penis envy doesn't really exist? Funny you believe so many outdated ideas.

Oh, I don't give much weight to much freud BUT, I dare you to deny your penis envy after I hypnotize you with Rolling Stone album covers.
Oh, I don't give much weight to much freud BUT, I dare you to deny your penis envy after I hypnotize you with Rolling Stone album covers.

You have an interesting collection of soft porn.


I'm thinking you are misusing the word envy.
Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess is fine with me.

But you might consider doing yourself a solid when you go home tonight and look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I the victim, or the crime."

The thing is, you see, I don't let internet forum posting work itself into a relevant aspect of my life outside of my daily fun here. You may have needed someone to talk you down from the ledge after choosing to tangle with my superior skills but, I assure you, such is not a universal necessity.
The thing is, you see, I don't let internet forum posting work itself into a relevant aspect of my life outside of my daily fun here. You may have needed someone to talk you down from the ledge after choosing to tangle with my superior skills but, I assure you, such is not a universal necessity.


Not bad.

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