Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

You're right. I don't know anything about this kid. But, in playing the percentages, I'd be safe in assuming he's been to a Palestinian school. And we're all familiar with the Hamas verision of Mickey Mouse and his anti semitic and anti-american rants. So, I'm thinking I'm safe in saying, no big loss.

So children are guilty, not on their actions, but from what they've been taught?

So, considering we see you on here advocating killing children because of where they were born, you would support the assassination of your children?

If not, whats the difference?
You're right. I don't know anything about this kid. But, in playing the percentages, I'd be safe in assuming he's been to a Palestinian school. And we're all familiar with the Hamas verision of Mickey Mouse and his anti semitic and anti-american rants. So, I'm thinking I'm safe in saying, no big loss.

It is true that he may have grown up racist. But you grew up racist and nobody snuffed you out early. Why shouldn't he get the chance to be an utter douchebag?
It is true that he may have grown up racist. But you grew up racist and nobody snuffed you out early. Why shouldn't he get the chance to be an utter douchebag?

You wouldnt say that if you were the Jew being killed by this kid. Some whiny people like yourself wait till it is too late to take action. That gets you dead as well as your loved ones...

So I guess you dont care about your loved ones seeing as you weould rather protect someone else who has intent on harming you in the future.
You wouldnt say that if you were the Jew being killed by this kid. Some whiny people like yourself wait till it is too late to take action. That gets you dead as well as your loved ones...

So I guess you dont care about your loved ones seeing as you weould rather protect someone else who has intent on harming you in the future.

That is probably what Atta thought. Of course, he had a twisted view of things.

You sure are ascribing a lot of malevolence to a 6 year old. You must have been one fucked up kid.
No, you really didn't. You killed a small child because of his race and where he was born. Thats not a favor, thats murder. If you do it intentionally, you deserve to be locked up for a very long time.

I love this. Really. You are advocating killing children based on race and where they are born, because they part of a people who SOME of them advocate killing people based on race and where they are born. Notice the unbridled utter hypocrisy in that? Or, to be consistent, will you proceed to shoot your own child in the face?

As I said, shitbag.

Why does this conflict, more than others, seem to bring out the utter and complete worst in people? I think I've only seen one person who hasn't been a complete and utter jackass when it comes to this issue.

In your wet dreams it is murder. AND YES! I would shoot my own child if she was trying to kill me. I have no problems with that.

I have NO FUCKIN PROBLEM being labeled a shit bag. Just remember that when someone comes to threaten you and your loved ones and I dont do anything about it because I wouldnt want to hurt yours or the suspects tender sensibilites.

And when this suspect hurts you and your family I'll just shrug my shoulder because YOU like to wait till it is too late to do anything about it. You'll be dead so what will I care.. One less person for me to protect.
I have NO FUCKIN PROBLEM being labeled a shit bag.

That must come in handy.

Just remember that when someone comes to threaten you and your loved ones and I dont do anything about it because I wouldnt want to hurt yours or the suspects tender sensibilites.

I will sure sleep less soundly tonight knowing you won't be on guard watching my back.
Originally posted by Swamp Fox
It's easy to reduce to black and white. One side is a democracy (yes, with some faults) and the other side is a band of rabid hate mongers teaching children that their god will only accept them if they kill some Jews or Americans. Where the hell is the shades of gray on that?


Read my thread and then thank Israel for that "band of rabid hate mongers".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That is probably what Atta thought. Of course, he had a twisted view of things.

You sure are ascribing a lot of malevolence to a 6 year old. You must have been one fucked up kid.

Actually you would be surprised how sweet and pollyanna-ish I really am. However...As much as I would like to believe in people. I have an innate sense of how they are going to act and what they are going to do before they even do it. That and the fact that I make swift and unmistakable decisions that has kept me alive.

But getting back to the topic...Have you not seen all the atrocities kids are performing in this day and age. It is fuckin insane. To say that a kid has no evil bone in their body is to be out of touch with reality. Then you have kids who are brainwashed like the PAL kids and you have a children of the corn effect.
Actually you would be surprised how sweet and pollyanna-ish I really am. However...As much as I would like to believe in people. I have an innate sense of how they are going to act and what they are going to do before they even do it. That and the fact that I make swift and unmistakable decisions that has kept me alive.

But getting back to the topic...Have you not seen all the atrocities kids are performing in this day and age. It is fuckin insane. To say that a kid has no evil bone in their body is to be out of touch with reality. Then you have kids who are brainwashed like the PAL kids and you have a children of the corn effect.

Well, I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on the merits of murdering children.
You wouldnt say that if you were the Jew being killed by this kid.

Evidence that the kid killed Jews? Oh wait, hes Palestinian, he must be guilty of murder. :rolleyes:

Some whiny people like yourself wait till it is too late to take action. That gets you dead as well as your loved ones...

Right, because killing children will really help bring about peace. Guess what, you kill my kid no matter what your fucking reasons I will allocate every single resource I ever had to blowing your sorry ass off the face of the earth. I doubt its any different for Palestinian parents.

So I guess you dont care about your loved ones seeing as you weould rather protect someone else who has intent on harming you in the future.

A 6 year old has an intent in harming me?

Oh wait, your just making shit up cause you are a racist shitbag.
In your wet dreams it is murder.

Killing a child intentionally is murder. Under US Law, under int'l law, under Iraqi law. Go for it, and as much as I don't want to be a prosecutor I'll sign up for it just to see your dumb ass rotting in prison.

AND YES! I would shoot my own child if she was trying to kill me. I have no problems with that.

No, you'd be killing your child because they were taught hate, and MIGHT try to kill you. Understand the different now, shitbag?

I have NO FUCKIN PROBLEM being labeled a shit bag.

I guess your used to it by now, hey? Must happen a lot.

Just remember that when someone comes to threaten you and your loved ones and I dont do anything about it because I wouldnt want to hurt yours or the suspects tender sensibilites.

I am not afraid of a 6 year old coming to threaten me or my loved ones. Sorry, but ain't gonna happen.

And when this suspect hurts you and your family I'll just shrug my shoulder because YOU like to wait till it is too late to do anything about it. You'll be dead so what will I care.. One less person for me to protect.

I'll take my chances rather than relying on a shitbag like you to protect me.
Actually you would be surprised how sweet and pollyanna-ish I really am. However...As much as I would like to believe in people. I have an innate sense of how they are going to act and what they are going to do before they even do it.

Based on race? I take it your not right very often?

That and the fact that I make swift and unmistakable decisions that has kept me alive.

Congrats. How many innocents has it killed?

But getting back to the topic...Have you not seen all the atrocities kids are performing in this day and age. It is fuckin insane.

Your right. The columbine kids were terrible. So, please hand over your children for summary execution please.

Suddenly gets a bit different when you realise its not just brown people that shoot up shit, doesn't it?

To say that a kid has no evil bone in their body is to be out of touch with reality.

It doesn't matter if they have evil bones in their body. A 6 year old is innocent.

Then you have kids who are brainwashed like the PAL kids and you have a children of the corn effect.

I love that the definition of brainwashed is "think differently than me". Tell me, are you planning on telling your kids your retarded ass views about Palestinians and their children? You consider that brainwashing?
Shitbag. Children are the true innocents in scenarios like this. If you don't care about an Israeli tank killing a 6 year old, then your pov on this topic is worth absolutely nothing.

And you just ignore the fact that the Hamas orginization TEACHES children under 6 to kill Jews and "infidels". Talk about stupid.
Your right. The columbine kids were terrible. So, please hand over your children for summary execution please.

Suddenly gets a bit different when you realise its not just brown people that shoot up shit, doesn't it?

My kids haven't been taught to hate since they were in diapers.

It doesn't matter if they have evil bones in their body. A 6 year old is innocent.

Maybe, jury's out on that.

I love that the definition of brainwashed is "think differently than me". Tell me, are you planning on telling your kids your retarded ass views about Palestinians and their children? You consider that brainwashing?

My kids know my views on things and why I have formed my views. They don't agree with everything, but they're informed.
My kids haven't been taught to hate since they were in diapers.

And your assumption that ALL Palestinian kids are taught to hate comes from where exactly?

Maybe, jury's out on that.

No, its really not. No legal/psych/professional scholar would say something as stupid as 6 year olds should be held accountable for violent actions.

My kids know my views on things and why I have formed my views. They don't agree with everything, but they're informed. think maybe Palestinian kids could disagree with what they are taught as well????

What a concept!
And you just ignore the fact that the Hamas orginization TEACHES children under 6 to kill Jews and "infidels". Talk about stupid. much as a moron as you are, I really didn't expect you to justify killing small children. to cite a case where a 6 year old killed Jews or "infidels"?

Further, care to cite why we should believe that because it happens to SOME Palestinians it happens to ALL Palestinians?

Further, care to cite why we should ignore the idea that children aren't responsible for their actions if they are told to do so by an authority figure, as children have very little autonomy at the age of 6?

Have fun with those questions, shitbag.

By the way, I haven't ignored anything. But then again if you weren't such a dumbass trying to justify killing children because they are brown, you might have noticed that small fact.
And your assumption that ALL Palestinian kids are taught to hate comes from where exactly?

From living in the Middle East and watching them.

No, its really not. No legal/psych/professional scholar would say something as stupid as 6 year olds should be held accountable for violent actions.

A six year old with a gun or bomb is still capable of killing. So, don't hold them accountable for it and see what happens. think maybe Palestinian kids could disagree with what they are taught as well????

What a concept!

Freedom of thought isn't exactly a huge concept over there. It's frowned upon quite heavily.
From living in the Middle East and watching them.

So, what percentage of Palestinians become suicide bombers again? Oh wait, a tiny percentage. Could it be that you are extrapolating the actions of a view onto the many? Nooo....not unbiased objective you. :rolleyes:

A six year old with a gun or bomb is still capable of killing. So, don't hold them accountable for it and see what happens.

Yes, they are. Is there an epidemic of 6 year olds killing people in Palestine? No? Then perhaps you shouldn't be advocating their murder then, hey?

Freedom of thought isn't exactly a huge concept over there. It's frowned upon quite heavily.

And that stops people from thinking freely?
Tell you what. You live life your way and I'll do it mine. I'm tired of arguing with you since you're not going to change my mind and I'm obviously not going to change yours.
Tell you what. You live life your way and I'll do it mine. I'm tired of arguing with you since you're not going to change my mind and I'm obviously not going to change yours.

Sure, except that your way involves killing small children.

Its amazing to me what people will rationalize because they don't give a shit about people halfway across the globe. Oh, wait...they don't care about the brown people halfway across the globe. The Jews...well if they die its a goddamn tragedy, if a Palestinian child is shot, well its just what the dirty sand ****** deserved, right?

Child SOLDIERS are deemed to be innocent. Not kids who might pick up arms, but kids who have had arms and committed atrocities. Why the hell is there this asinine double standard for Palestinians when the kids haven't done a goddamn thing except been taught bad things?

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