Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

Historical fact nimrod.

But only part of the picture. Yes, when Israel became a state, trade was open to both sides. Palestinians went into Israel as cheap labor, and Israelis went to the Gaza strip for tax free shopping and reduced prices.

But the Palestinians were treated as sub-human, and they suffered great indignation. What's more, after the Likud party took control of the Israeli party they instituted the first Israeli settlements of the Gaza strip. They also withdrew troops from Sanai, but kept the conscription policy, and sent soldiers into the settlements. Special forces units (nicknamed the red berets) targeted settlements and passers by to intimidate all Palestinians into a submissive group of second-class citizens.

Yes, Arab groups were trying to coax Palestinians into avoidance of assimilation. However, the Israeli's pushed Palestinians into siding with these extremist groups because they were definitely not welcomed on their own land. Not unlike what we have done to Native American Indians.
So if you had to pick a side, who's would you pick?

For me it's a no brainer...Israel. Every time.
So if you had to pick a side, who's would you pick?

For me it's a no brainer...Israel. Every time.
But they are committing atrocities. Crimes against humanity. Why would you side with that?

If I had to pick a side, I would still remain neutral.
But they are committing atrocities. Crimes against humanity. Why would you side with that?

If I had to pick a side, I would still remain neutral.

I guess you misunderstood the question then. Neutrality wasn't an option.
I guess you misunderstood the question then. Neutrality wasn't an option.

well, I guess we can see who would be the first to sport the whole "only good injun is a dead one" type of lingo..


blacks and whites?

south African whites vs blacks?

germans V jews?

yea.. go ahead.. just pick one! Mani is a deep thinker like that.
I'm stunned that someone could make a case that Israel purposely blew up this reporter, that's all.

Thought that was what you meant.

But he's kinda got a hate thing going here.... so if Israel did it, it must have been contemplated and had to be evil... at least according to him.
I'm stunned that someone could make a case that Israel purposely blew up this reporter, that's all.

indeed, since clearly we know that the assumed motives of pals are evil while the assumed motives of anything jewish is white as the new fallen snow.

I hear they are impervious to racism, state sponsored ethnic double standards (you should like that one), and hateful behaviour in general too.
well, I guess we can see who would be the first to sport the whole "only good injun is a dead one" type of lingo..


blacks and whites?

south African whites vs blacks?

germans V jews?

yea.. go ahead.. just pick one! Mani is a deep thinker like that.

Just can't stop following me around huh?
Thought that was what you meant.

But he's kinda got a hate thing going here.... so if Israel did it, it must have been contemplated and had to be evil... at least according to him.

It's just sad. I think I've said before both sides have been guilty of doing bad things but seriously, this is just stoopid thinking, IMO.
Thought that was what you meant.

But he's kinda got a hate thing going here.... so if Israel did it, it must have been contemplated and had to be evil... at least according to him.

Hey, that kind of automatic assumption works when applied to arabs, right Jill?

Gosh, WHAT is the difference then? pal kids dead yesterday from israeli MILITARY aggression? meh, who cares.. JEWISH kids dead from a kassam rocket? oh well, thats enough to validate hate over.

tell it to the fucking video, Jill.
It's just sad. I think I've said before both sides have been guilty of doing bad things but seriously, this is just stoopid thinking, IMO.

stupid like ignoring the vacuum of concern over dead pal civiilians while expecting, nay, DEMANDING that every drop of jewish blood dropped be paid for in refugee target practice?

Say, Jill, hows those Dozer solutions treating you these days?
I feel sorry for the guy, I just don't think it's anything other than him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, maybe the Jews are in control of everything.

I feel sorry for the guy, I just don't think it's anything other than him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, maybe the Jews are in control of everything.


I never said control of everything.

However, control of their OWN range of interaction, from aparthied walls to killing civilians, in this conflict?

well, I guess that depends on how willing you are to make excuses for israel.

review their interaction with Lebennon in 06. Or don't. You don't strike me as a person with much to offer this conversation.
I guess you misunderstood the question then. Neutrality wasn't an option.

And the world is not black and white, there are many shades of gray. People like Bush want it to be black and white. But that is not how it is and that is not morally sound. Nor was your question.
And the world is not black and white, there are many shades of gray. People like Bush want it to be black and white. But that is not how it is and that is not morally sound. Nor was your question.

I don't think neutrality is appropriate when dealing with terrorists, but you're not neutral. Every policy you support would result in dead Israelis.

Nothing neutral about that, especially when you've indicated you're okay with suicide bombers.
Originally posted by ReillyT
You can't completely separate the deaths of Palestinians and Israelis, just like you can't completely separate suicide bombers from the situation in Gaza and the buidling of settlements. These things really are inextricably intertwined.

Originally posted by ReillyT
I don't think that is a fair characterization of Jillian. She seems more than willing to discuss Israeli abuses, provided they are addressed in connection with Palestinian abuses. The two are intertwined. How can you discuss apartheid (sorry, I know it is a loaded term) legislation in Israel without addressing suicide bombers? They go hand in hand.

No ReillyT, you’re absolutely wrong.

The establishment and the continued existence of the jewish racial dictatorship and the palestinian resistance do not “go hand in hand”.

The palestinian armed struggle is a reaction to the establishment of a racist dictatorship in Palestine that racially discriminates its inhabitants.

You don’t have two historical events that arose simultaneously, ReillyT.

You clearly have a cause/effect relationship here.
Originally posted by ReillyT
I understand that this is a touchy issue, but the IDF should be more discriminating in their choice of targets.

You can’t even fathom the moral depravity behind your statement, ReillyT.

What you call “targets” is the native people of Palestine fighting an ethnocratic state that treats them in much the same way America and South Africa used to treat their non white populations.

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