Revealing things that Obama DIDN'T do after Paris attacks


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
He didn't light up the WH in solidarity like everyone else. He didn't even show up on time for the moment of silence at the G-20. He didn't mention the attacks or express sympathy for Paris or anger toward the Muslim terrorists on social media. He never mentions all the previous attacks. He just called it a setback as if the attack didn't make a liar out of him when he said ISIS was contained. He is not a leader. His concern is the acceptance of Muslims no matter what happens. He does not respond to Muslim terrorist attacks.

"President Obama called the heinous terrorist attack in Paris a "setback." Other terror attacks, he’s called "bumps in the road." One of his favorite terms is to call terror incidents a "tragedy" (as opposed to, say, an "act of war" demanding a response). On one occasion, he even referred to a terrorist attack as an act of "workplace violence."

As ISIS plots to carry out a potentially horrific terror attack on New York City, it’s worth looking at what President Obama didn’t do the week following the Paris attacks that killed 129 people. It gives us a clear view of how his administration responds to terrorism."
What should he of done? Nuke them?

He shouldn't have pretended they weren't a problem. He should have participated in the moment of silence or at least show support. He dismissed it as a setback. He acts like he doesn't care what ISIS does.
He didn't light up the WH in solidarity like everyone else. He didn't even show up on time for the moment of silence at the G-20. He didn't mention the attacks or express sympathy for Paris or anger toward the Muslim terrorists on social media. He never mentions all the previous attacks. He just called it a setback as if the attack didn't make a liar out of him when he said ISIS was contained. He is not a leader. His concern is the acceptance of Muslims no matter what happens. He does not respond to Muslim terrorist attacks.

"President Obama called the heinous terrorist attack in Paris a "setback." Other terror attacks, he’s called "bumps in the road." One of his favorite terms is to call terror incidents a "tragedy" (as opposed to, say, an "act of war" demanding a response). On one occasion, he even referred to a terrorist attack as an act of "workplace violence."

As ISIS plots to carry out a potentially horrific terror attack on New York City, it’s worth looking at what President Obama didn’t do the week following the Paris attacks that killed 129 people. It gives us a clear view of how his administration responds to terrorism."

"He didn't mention the attacks or express sympathy for Paris or anger toward the Muslim terrorists"
But ,that's're wrong.

President Obama Offers a Statement on the Attacks in Paris. Watch Here:
"Another outrageous attempt to terrorize people."

"It is an attack on all humanity and the universal values we share. We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance the government and the people of France need to respond."

President Obama in fact did address the events directly and expressed sympathy to the French. Maybe the OP was napping last Friday when the President gave those remarks, or the OP is simply being willfully ignorant.

Wtf was he supposed to say?

He's the President, yet the complaint here seems to be that he should've come out like a whiny teenager just like most of the GOP presidential candidates.

His remarks would've come in the middle of him being in perpetual intel briefings all day. Unlike the GOP, who have more scheduled off days than work days because they resent government (except for the paychecks, which they'd never cut) the President doesn't have the luxury to sit around being angry or shocked by things like how fragile, old Republicans are.

Da'esh certainly is contained in the Middle East, which is what Obama was referring to. They'll never have a state. They can hardly hold cities for more than a few weeks after they win them because they have no governing strategy, only terror tactics.

Paris was indeed a setback. Just more evidence that France's counter-terrorism efforts are sorely lacking, because this attack was the culmination of 4 or 5 other ones against them already this year. They suffered perhaps the most egregious intel failure in their history.

The confusion our conservative friends make is they confuse "tough" with "belligerent asshole". Scowling at the camera and using smack talk after a terrorist attack is just stupid.

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