Revenge video


I call it as I see it
Feb 27, 2012
[ame=]Obama: 'Voting Is The Best Revenge' - YouTube[/ame]
Now that obama has played the revenge card, he's given permission for people to vote against him out of revenge for what he's already done.
I am deeply offended by a President who talks about taking 'revenge' on other Americans - simply because we disagree. It is sickening.
[ame=]Mitt Romney in video: 47 percent of Americans 'Believe they are Victims' and feel 'Entitled' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Mitt Romney Responds To Hidden Video: 47% Remarks 'Not Elegantly Stated' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Mitt Romney doesn't care about poor people - YouTube[/ame]

The BEST Revenge.
Only 3 youtube videos are allowed in a single post. This post has been trimmed by your friendly mod staff.
[ame=]Mitt Romney- Corporations Are People! - YouTube[/ame]



People my friend.
Poor poor conservatives. They no likey when Obama talk mean to them :(
[ame=]Romney's closing argument - YouTube[/ame]
Poor poor conservatives. They no likey when Obama talk mean to them :(

Are you kidding? obama's revenge has been a gift. Romney is repeating it in every speech.

There is nothing Americans need to hear more than they are to be objects of obama's revenge.
[ame=]V for Vendetta - Final Fight Scene - YouTube[/ame]

He said what!!!!!?????

That's it! I'm going to put a Romney sign in my yard immediately! What a travsety! He said voting is the best revenge! We are done!
I am deeply offended by a President who talks about taking 'revenge' on other Americans - simply because we disagree. It is sickening.

You're too dopey to understand what he said, so stfu.

And thank you for your 55 electoral vote California.:clap2::badgrin:
Sad to see all of the big tough talking right wing tea party freaks crying about getting punched in the jaw with their own reality. The likes of the lying underhanded mitten boy and his turning to lie from one side of his mouth to the other and they think they are the moral ones. Give it up cry babies.
Remember the conservatives and their big meeting the day after this President was sworn in, or maybe the day of, how they vowed to make this president a one term president. From day one, Revenge. Right wing fanatics at its worst or best. Which ever you prefer. How ultra hypocritical of you lying bastards.
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So, swallow is ok with a President (whose job title is President of the United States... key word 'United'.) saying people should vote out of 'revenge'. Revenge for what, precisely? Disagreeing with his policies? Isn't that part of this 'democratic' process that democrats claim to support?

Never vote for anyone who tries to divide Americans against each other for politics.

Vote for love of country... who said that?
Obama the WORST, LEAST EXPERIENCED hateful man we have ever had as President..

good job all you dupes
obama's entire presidebtcy has been one of revenge. When he says tax cuts for the rich, what he has always meant is get revenge against the rich.
I am deeply offended by a President who talks about taking 'revenge' on other Americans - simply because we disagree. It is sickening.

You're too dopey to understand what he said, so stfu.

And thank you for your 55 electoral vote California.:clap2::badgrin:

I don't vote in California, so no need to thank me. Moron.

California has a completely democratic leadership because there are more people in the state getting public benefits than paying taxes. There are fewer taxpayers every year as industry and business leaves, and more leeches that arrive.
go ahead people, vote for Revenge...VOTE OBAMA OUT

[ame=]Romney: Obama said to vote for revenge, I ask the American people to vote for love of country - YouTube[/ame]

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