Rex Tillerson top candidate for Secretary of State

I had no opinion before, but now I totally support Tillerman. My choice was Bolton, but if you hate Tillerman that much he must be OK

You are just proving my point. Only a dumbass sycophant such as yourself would form political opinions on complex and serious issues, simply out of spite. Get a life loser, and stop fucking up the world with your idiocy.

You're the lamest anarchist ever.

Urban Dictionary: Lame
kaz is having a mental breakdown as a result of his denial. I'm out of here before the spaz gets any uglier.

OK, I'm sorry I've been picking on you. Here's a hanky, and another, and another. Jesus man, how much can you cry?
If the pick pisses off a libturd, he has my blessing!

My beliefs are very far from modern liberalism, but this attitude is part of the problem. You guys have declared war on imaginary factions, which allows you to justify any reckless behavior, or the support of any douchebag.

This should be a common ground issue. Rex Tillerson is a murderer and a greedy douchebag, but you people have shown that does not matter.

What do you expect after the way the establishment treated Clinton?

She was clearly corrupt, clearly destroying the planet and the people, and no one in power gave a damn. Now, folks in power are going to degrade the planet a little more, degrade the quality of life for a few million folks? I'm sure those people and that environment can be spared, after all we have six billion people, right?

If her crimes can be over looked, I'm not sure why anyone should give a damn about Exxon's or this guy's greed, eh?


As an "anarchist" LOL, what would you do about that?

Dissent and retaliate. Most anarchists are not pacifists, although the masters that you worship certainly enjoy keeping us pacified.


Most American anarchists are pacifists.

If they aren't pacifists, and they are anarchists, chances are they came here illegally, are funded by Soros, and aren't welcome.

Onyx thought he could pull off being a big government anarchist. Empirical data belies his believe in that endeavor
As an "anarchist" LOL, what would you do about that?

Dissent and retaliate. Most anarchists are not pacifists, although the masters that you worship certainly enjoy keeping us pacified.


Most American anarchists are pacifists.

If they aren't pacifists, and they are anarchists, chances are they came here illegally, are funded by Soros, and aren't welcome.

Onyx thought he could pull off being a big government anarchist. Empirical data belies his believe in that endeavor

I've seen him state elsewhere that he is all in support of NGO's subverting the will of local communities.

Most American anarchists are pacifists.

If they aren't pacifists, and they are anarchists, chances are they came here illegally, are funded by Soros, and aren't welcome.

Their evidence is absolutely zero. Who is actually knowledgeable of real anarchist communities? Look at the person who wrote that article. He is not even an anarchist, and uses terminology that no anarchist uses. Coercivists, lol.

By the way, did you know there is a distinction between non-aggression and pacifism? Your source didn't. Of course you didn't either, because you are an illiterate moron.
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I've seen him state elsewhere that he is all in support of NGO's subverting the will of local communities.

You are also a liar, but I had you pegged as one since I met you. I never said that.
As an "anarchist" LOL, what would you do about that?

Dissent and retaliate. Most anarchists are not pacifists, although the masters that you worship certainly enjoy keeping us pacified.


Most American anarchists are pacifists.

If they aren't pacifists, and they are anarchists, chances are they came here illegally, are funded by Soros, and aren't welcome.

Onyx thought he could pull off being a big government anarchist. Empirical data belies his believe in that endeavor

I've seen him state elsewhere that he is all in support of NGO's subverting the will of local communities.

Sounds like Onyx, the lamest fake anarchist ever
A soldier for this position would really put China and others on notice. Not sure if this is his thinking.

Rex Tillerson is not a soldier. He is a coward that bribes governments, destroys ecosystems, and sends others to their deaths against third world resistance. All while making 40 million dollars a year.
Wow, he sounds weally ebil. What a mean man, I bet he gonna take your cookie away!
The earth is fine, humanity is full of dickwads like you so...not too concerned, and oil is a big part of our economic welfare.

The earth is going to be a barren rock, humanity is full of cultists that worship whomever can be the biggest asshole, and oil is a non-sustainable source of energy that is inevitably going to become obsolete. The cost of keeping the petrol pumps flowing are tens of millions of human lives though.

"....and oil is a non-sustainable source of energy that is inevitably going to become obsolete."

Really amazing the stuff you Leftist drones are ready to believe.

Ever hear of research????

Of a library?????

"The largest oil deposit ever found in America was just discovered in Texas
The US Geological Survey said Tuesday that it found what could be the largest deposit of untapped oil ever discovered in America.

An estimated average of 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids are available for the taking in the Wolfcamp shale, which is in the Midland Basin portion of Texas' Permian Basin."

The largest oil deposit ever found in America was just discovered in Texas

Is it a requirement that one must be oblivious in order to be on the Left????
As an "anarchist" LOL, what would you do about that?

Dissent and retaliate. Most anarchists are not pacifists, although the masters that you worship certainly enjoy keeping us pacified.


Most American anarchists are pacifists.

If they aren't pacifists, and they are anarchists, chances are they came here illegally, are funded by Soros, and aren't welcome.

Onyx thought he could pull off being a big government anarchist. Empirical data belies his believe in that endeavor

I've seen him state elsewhere that he is all in support of NGO's subverting the will of local communities.

Sounds like Onyx, the lamest fake anarchist ever
I'm pretty sure he's a Soros agent.

He's well versed in the area where Soros grew up, Ukrainian History. A true anarchist would have been against the Maidan Revolution. Everyone knows that was an AstroTurf of neo-nazis funded by the State dept. and Soros NGO's. Given Onyx predilection to be in bed with Soros, Obama and the Clintons, it wouldn't surprise me if he was in support of that shit. He will tell you otherwise though. He hates Russia more than the US.

Undoubtedly he is khazarian mafia, here to divide and conquer and sow the seeds of hate and division, even among folks that find common ground to work together to find solutions, even if they have wide ranging political differences.

Very Machiavellian, a true Alinskyite. BLM? Hell yeah, he's for it. Election protests? I'm sure he helped organize them. Now that they are over, he's back.

Always resorting to rule five. Sort of a broken record by now. :badgrin:

Most American anarchists are pacifists.

If they aren't pacifists, and they are anarchists, chances are they came here illegally, are funded by Soros, and aren't welcome.

Their evidence is absolutely zero. Who is actually knowledgeable of real anarchist communities? Look at the person who wrote that article. He is not even an anarchist, and uses terminology that no anarchist uses. Coercivists, lol.

By the way, did you know there is a distinction between non-aggression and pacifism? Your source didn't. Of course you didn't either, because you are an illiterate moron.

"real anarchist" communities huh?

Listen to yourself, again with your lame definitions. It's like you are the lord and savior, the academic final arbitrator of what it means to be an anarchist. Let's see your Phd. of Anarchism. Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot, folks that don't believe in institutions, authority, rules of government get to decide for themselves what is or is not something.

I'll make my own definitions thank you. You don't get to decide that you are the board expert on anything.

Of course there is a subtle distinction between pacifism and non-aggression. That said, I submit to you, that this distinction is a just a matter of mere semantics compared to your vision of anarchism. So it is entirely academic and beside the point. Now you are playing word games, and lawyer the posts, because you have been soundly defeated.

The board can take a vote and decide whether you are an expert and being a cranky asshole though.
I've seen him state elsewhere that he is all in support of NGO's subverting the will of local communities.

You are also a liar, but I had you pegged as one since I met you. I never said that.
Bull, you said you thought NGO's were great, that they were the solution where government can't be.

Onyx constantly contradicts himself. What do you expect from a socialist anarchist?

Personally, I have no ill will toward anarchic-communitarians.

The main source and inspiration for our articles of confederation and The Constitution were based on the Iroquois confederation. However, they practiced the non-aggression principle, and voluntarism, which our current government does not.

When Marx wrote about them late in life, he realized how little he understood about what it really means for the entire community of man to embrace the "socialist" ethic. Socialism naturally comes about when the whole of society practices voluntarism and the non-aggression principle perfectly.

Onyx wants to force these things onto society from the top down, just like any other Statist.

If humanity wants organic justice, it needs to grow them from the bottom up, so that strongest and most capable members voluntarily support and do what they can, out of love and grace. As things currently stand, the strongest and most powerful take and enslave the rest of society out of greed and desire, top down. If they were to succeed in making a world socialist empire, things would only become worse.

He believes violently doing away with government would help the situation. . . yeah, like these powerful individuals in charge of Goldman's, Academi, and Booz Allen Hamilton wouldn't immediately take over? Fuck that shit.
Bull, you said you thought NGO's were great, that they were the solution where government can't be.

Liar alert! I said many NGOs were great. I never said the highlighted. I actually believe in government, which I have consistently bellieved in since I was first on this site. What I oppose, very clearly, is statism.

Stop lying and making shit up. You are a petty and pathetic person.
Bull, you said you thought NGO's were great, that they were the solution where government can't be.

Liar alert! I said many NGOs were great. I never said the highlighted. I actually believe in government, which I have consistently bellieved in since I was first on this site. What I oppose, very clearly, is statism.

Stop lying and making shit up. You are a petty and pathetic person.

Ahh. . .

Well, I extrapolated for you.

If you think NGO's are great, and you wish them to be the government, folks can pretty much figure out the rest Mr. Soros shill.

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