RFK + Trump = Victory

He was never on the general election ballot for 2024 since the Democratic Party never actually nominated him.

They nominated Harris.
The Law! The insurrections in all of the Prog cities where there were hundreds of laws broken every day and the continuing of it with no charges filed against the real privileged is obvious also. RFK Jr. was not nominated also.
you Demonrats will be on the suicide hotline watch when trump comes back. :auiqs.jpg: see when things dont go our way like when Obomination and the evil Bush before him got elected,we didnt do this in the streets as you all did.:auiqs.jpg:

sure have lots of America haters here in America i had no idea.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

As a non-democrat voting for Kamala, dems will accept the results of the election like sane people. Unlike your kind.
If that is the case, why is it that Democrats have thrown every obstacle at RFK Jr. ?
It's not MAGA, forcing RFK Jr. to remain on the ballot in some states?
rfk, like every other 3rd party/ indy has to jump through hoops to get on any ballot. it requires more money and organization than anyone short of perot can manage. even the greens have trouble getting "ballot status " in many states. the libertarians might have the same challenges.

perot, by the way, still has a "reform party" acrive, with full ballot status, in louisiana. the greens and libertarians also. it is one of the few things we get right.

like it or not (i have been both libertarian and green on occasion. ) this is a 2 party system by design.

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