Rich Republicans Very Smart:

The problem is not the rich, assholes. The problem is ALL OF US. We borrow and spend too much. It's that fucking simple.

Look in the goddam mirror for your scapegoat.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

"Gimme gimme gimme" and share what we have contributed to your massive wealth seems to be a fair request of those who have little from those who have MUCH.

Retirement: CEOs Have Millions More Put Aside Than Their Workers - Fortune

Now, and noted for those who believe income inequality is good, the working poor must be lazy and morally corrupt, this link above may provide some perspective even to someone as partisan and stupid as Stephanie (who of course won't read the link).

Form the link, Political affiliation is not noted, and

Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day.

The retirement assets of 100 Fortune 500 CEOs are worth more than the entire nest eggs of 41% of American families, a new study shows.

That means the 100 largest CEO retirement accounts—which totaled $4.9 billion last year—would equal the total saved by 50 million U.S. families, according to a report that was jointly published by the Institute for Policy Studies and the Center for Effective Government.

Analyzing SEC documents, researchers found that your garden variety Fortune 500 CEO will have set aside $49.3 million by the end of their tenure, a piggy bank that would be enough to generate a $277,686 monthly retirement check for the rest of their lives. More than half of these are company-sponsored pension plans, and 73% of these firms have also set up tax-deferred compensation accounts that leave the retirement pot untouched by the IRS.

Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day.

Right, if we only had 100 CEOs.
The average salary for CEOs is $180,700.
The median is $173,320.

Chief Executives

Wow, A LIE ^^^ by omission.

First, CEO's hourly wage isn't the issue, and the link I posted which you choose to ignore is,

"More than half of these are company-sponsored pension plans, and 73% of these firms have also set up tax-deferred compensation accounts that leave the retirement pot untouched by the IRS."

What say you? Anything short of "I have lied" is unacceptable.

First, CEO's hourly wage isn't the issue, and the link I posted which you choose to ignore is,

The link which studied 100 Fortune 500 CEOs, as though they represented millions of CEOs.

"More than half of these are company-sponsored pension plans, and 73% of these firms have also set up tax-deferred compensation accounts that leave the retirement pot untouched by the IRS."

Yes, many CEOs and employees at Fortune 500 companies have pension plans.

What say you? Anything short of "I have lied" is unacceptable.

I agree, you have lied.
My god you are stupid.

You claimed, "Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day."

That's complete and total bullshit.

I didn't make the claim, read the link and compare what Todd posted with the link.

I didn't use the word Average or even Mean, I simply quoted a source.

Even if the article is hyperbole, it is not the CEO alone who creates the profit, it is the sales force, the clerks and secretaries, HR and dozens of other occupations - depending on the industry - who in the aggregate work together in a successful enterprise.

Of course the CEO plays a part, but rarely did he or she have skin in the process and we've seen a number of CEO's well compensated in a business that failed, and the worker bees screwed as a result of errors made by the CEO.
"Gimme gimme gimme" and share what we have contributed to your massive wealth seems to be a fair request of those who have little from those who have MUCH.

Retirement: CEOs Have Millions More Put Aside Than Their Workers - Fortune

Now, and noted for those who believe income inequality is good, the working poor must be lazy and morally corrupt, this link above may provide some perspective even to someone as partisan and stupid as Stephanie (who of course won't read the link).

Form the link, Political affiliation is not noted, and

Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day.

The retirement assets of 100 Fortune 500 CEOs are worth more than the entire nest eggs of 41% of American families, a new study shows.

That means the 100 largest CEO retirement accounts—which totaled $4.9 billion last year—would equal the total saved by 50 million U.S. families, according to a report that was jointly published by the Institute for Policy Studies and the Center for Effective Government.

Analyzing SEC documents, researchers found that your garden variety Fortune 500 CEO will have set aside $49.3 million by the end of their tenure, a piggy bank that would be enough to generate a $277,686 monthly retirement check for the rest of their lives. More than half of these are company-sponsored pension plans, and 73% of these firms have also set up tax-deferred compensation accounts that leave the retirement pot untouched by the IRS.

Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day.

Right, if we only had 100 CEOs.
The average salary for CEOs is $180,700.
The median is $173,320.

Chief Executives

Wow, A LIE ^^^ by omission.

First, CEO's hourly wage isn't the issue, and the link I posted which you choose to ignore is,

"More than half of these are company-sponsored pension plans, and 73% of these firms have also set up tax-deferred compensation accounts that leave the retirement pot untouched by the IRS."

What say you? Anything short of "I have lied" is unacceptable.

First, CEO's hourly wage isn't the issue, and the link I posted which you choose to ignore is,

The link which studied 100 Fortune 500 CEOs, as though they represented millions of CEOs.

"More than half of these are company-sponsored pension plans, and 73% of these firms have also set up tax-deferred compensation accounts that leave the retirement pot untouched by the IRS."

Yes, many CEOs and employees at Fortune 500 companies have pension plans.

What say you? Anything short of "I have lied" is unacceptable.

I agree, you have lied.
My god you are stupid.

You claimed, "Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day."

That's complete and total bullshit.

I didn't make the claim, read the link and compare what Todd posted with the link.

I didn't use the word Average or even Mean, I simply quoted a source.

Even if the article is hyperbole, it is not the CEO alone who creates the profit, it is the sales force, the clerks and secretaries, HR and dozens of other occupations - depending on the industry - who in the aggregate work together in a successful enterprise.

Of course the CEO plays a part, but rarely did he or she have skin in the process and we've seen a number of CEO's well compensated in a business that failed, and the worker bees screwed as a result of errors made by the CEO.

Even if the article is hyperbole,


Your average CEO has $49.3 million for a rainy day.

Is there any doubt the above is hyperbole?
I didn't make the claim

You parroted it without engaging two brain cells to think critically. It's a gigantic lie, and a very obvious one. You should be embarrassed for regurgitating it.

You went out and sought something to confirm your bias, and ended up making a fool of yourself.

Everything you have blathered on about since that post is built on this entirely bogus premise, and so your arguments catastrophically collapse.
I didn't make the claim

You parroted it without engaging two brain cells to think critically. It's a gigantic lie, and a very obvious one. You should be embarrassed for regurgitating it.

You went out and sought something to confirm your bias, and ended up making a fool of yourself.

Everything you have blathered on about since that post is built on this entirely bogus premise, and so your arguments catastrophically collapse.

Piss off, but first provide the evidence you claim is obvious and refute the claim made in the link.

100 Highest Paid CEOs

The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers, New Study Says

CNBC Explains: CEO compensation

Let's see a rebuttal and explain why my(?) blather is built on a false premise. Otherwise, you and Todd are damn liars or fools (both is likely).
Only liberal democrats vote consistently against their own best interests. Only in the illogical world of liberal politics would women be expected to vote for a person who spent her entire adult life attacking women who were molested by her husband. Politics trumps everything in the upside down world of liberal democrats.

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