Richard Spencer is the WORST kind of US soldier.

Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pin is messing with the military system.
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pin is messing with the military system.
All for a God damn picture? Ruin his career over a photo?


Get a grip.
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Don’t you? Does Hillary Clinton ring a bell?
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Again, eye witnesses and fellow seals disagree as to what type of person he is (my bold)

In laying out the government's case, Pietrzyk mentioned other SEALs had testified that Gallagher had fired on innocent civilians from a sniper tower. He went on to say that Gallagher had tried to obstruct justice and retaliate against those who reported on him by threatening that he "had shit on all of them."

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, however, asserted that "this case is not about a murder. It's about a mutiny." He said it was only a few "young entitled" members of the SEAL platoon who hated Gallagher that reported him for war crimes. Parlatore said those SEALs had taken part in a mutiny and conspired in a text message "sewing circle" to get back at him for stealing items from them and putting them at unnecessary risk on the battlefield.

I especially like the last bolded bit. What a guy! What a great leader of men!!
Hiding behind his oath as an excuse for insubordination!

Pretending to be the ultimate hero. Disgraceful! Says he could not honor Trumps order to give the soldier his Trident pen back because it was a violation of his oath to defend the constitution. No where in the constitution does it outline how and when someone loses their honor and badge signifying their sacrifice.

The man is a disgrace and a coward. Good on Trump for FIRING his smug ass.

Except....he's not a soldier..or a sailor--for that matter! He was a Marine Aviator for 5 years--and then straight to Wall Street. Oh..and apparently he was fired by the SecDef--after attempting to broker a deal with Trump.

Richard V. Spencer - Wikipedia

"After leaving the Marines as a captain, he worked on Wall Street for 15 years, holding positions at Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, A. G. Becker, Paine Webber and Merrill Lynch. Spencer served on the Defense Business Board, a Pentagon advisory panel, from 2009 to 2015 and on the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel.[5] During his time on the Defense Business Board, he proposed shutting down domestic military commissaries in favor of negotiated military discounts at public retailers.[6]"
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pin is messing with the military system.
All for a God damn picture? Ruin his career over a photo?


Get a grip.
tough luck. There are rules. If you dont like it don’t join up.
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.
He isn't fit to be the commander in chief.
  • President Donald Trump doesn't care whether someone's a general, or been awarded a Purple Heart. He'll still blast them if they've done something he doesn't like.
  • Trump has disparaged generals and decorated soldiers, including the late Sen. John McCain, his former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, and the former special counsel Robert Mueller.
  • One of his favorite terms for someone he dislikes is a "Never Trumper," which he has said are "human scum."
  • Trump has never served in any capacity. He received five military deferments — one for bone spurs, and four for education — during the Vietnam War.
  • But he's repeatedly disparaged the late Sen. John McCain, dragged his former officials, and told four-star generals they're overrated.
  • In the last few years, he's also started calling veterans who have been critical of him "Never Trumpers," which he has said are "human scum."
    Every time Trump has attacked American veterans or military families
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning

now there is the worst kind of soldier.
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Again, eye witnesses and fellow seals disagree as to what type of person he is (my bold)

In laying out the government's case, Pietrzyk mentioned other SEALs had testified that Gallagher had fired on innocent civilians from a sniper tower. He went on to say that Gallagher had tried to obstruct justice and retaliate against those who reported on him by threatening that he "had shit on all of them."

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, however, asserted that "this case is not about a murder. It's about a mutiny." He said it was only a few "young entitled" members of the SEAL platoon who hated Gallagher that reported him for war crimes. Parlatore said those SEALs had taken part in a mutiny and conspired in a text message "sewing circle" to get back at him for stealing items from them and putting them at unnecessary risk on the battlefield.

I especially like the last bolded bit. What a guy! What a great leader of men!!
Again you piece of Human Garbage they tried him and could not prove a single charge NOT one. He was found NOT GUILTY by 6 of his contemporaries because the Prosecution could NOT PROVE HE DID ANY OF THAT.
A soldier who gives an order to fire on unarmed civilians is the worst kind.

But that is what Trump admires.
Gallagher never did that.
In may be right. he gave no orders--that we know of. He did open fire well as calling in air strikes randomly..because he liked the *boom*. A Bowie knife/ An unarmed prisoner/ Witnesses? Bragging?

The guy is a fool..if he's nothing else.
Trump wants to throw accountabilityand military justice out the window. Fuck him.
Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.
Actually the other seals should have been, but they were not.

The entire picture of Gallagheris not that great. They should have pardoned him, like Manning, and left it at that.

What is really grotesque is pardoning Clint Lorance who was convicted of ordering an enlisted soldier to open fire on a group of unarmed Afghans in 2012.
All for a God damn picture? Ruin his career over a photo?
Get a grip.

Guy sounds like a fuckwit. Forget about the alleged murder charge. Just sounds like a piece of shit.
As for 'just a picture'. Just like the Dixie Chicks talking just 'about a president'...
Did you really just compare a man who risked his life on multiple tours to some stupid dingbat singers?

Hmmm, Chelsea Manning ring a bell
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.
Actually the other seals should have been, but they were not.

The entire picture of Gallagheris not that great. They should have pardoned him, like Manning, and left it at that.

What is really grotesque is pardoning Clint Lorance who was convicted of ordering an enlisted soldier to open fire on a group of unarmed Afghans in 2012.
And the goal post moving has officially commenced....
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Again, eye witnesses and fellow seals disagree as to what type of person he is (my bold)

In laying out the government's case, Pietrzyk mentioned other SEALs had testified that Gallagher had fired on innocent civilians from a sniper tower. He went on to say that Gallagher had tried to obstruct justice and retaliate against those who reported on him by threatening that he "had shit on all of them."

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, however, asserted that "this case is not about a murder. It's about a mutiny." He said it was only a few "young entitled" members of the SEAL platoon who hated Gallagher that reported him for war crimes. Parlatore said those SEALs had taken part in a mutiny and conspired in a text message "sewing circle" to get back at him for stealing items from them and putting them at unnecessary risk on the battlefield.

I especially like the last bolded bit. What a guy! What a great leader of men!!
Again you piece of Human Garbage they tried him and could not prove a single charge NOT one. He was found NOT GUILTY by 6 of his contemporaries because the Prosecution could NOT PROVE HE DID ANY OF THAT.
Could not not the same thing as proved he did not----Not that i care, really---but I think Trump butting into the minutia of the military--is a bad idea.

Gallagher...he got lucky---Karma is a bitch..he'll no doubt meet her one day.
Was his rank restored?
Was accountability and military justice
thrown out the window?

His sentence was 35 years

Manning was ultimately charged with 22 specified offenses, including communicating national defense information to an unauthorized source, and the most serious of the charges, aiding the enemy.Other charges included violations of the Espionage Act, stealing U.S. government property, charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and charges related to the failure to obey lawful general orders under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

United States v. Manning
I don’t have an issue with the pardon. That is the President’s right.

But restoring his rank and preventing them from removing his trident pun is messing with the militaryststem.
The President has the right authority and power to do so. Remind me how you whined when Manning was released. Again NOT a single other SEAL in that picture was punished. It was a crappy decision and vindictive they did it cause they couldn't prove any of the serious charges.
Actually the other seals should have been, but they were not.

The entire picture of Gallagheris not that great. They should have pardoned him, like Manning, and left it at that.

What is really grotesque is pardoning Clint Lorance who was convicted of ordering an enlisted soldier to open fire on a group of unarmed Afghans in 2012.
And the goal post moving has officially commenced....
Not moving it at all. It is what my original comment referred since Trump pardoned three,not one and you seen to have a delusional concept on what the worst type of soldier is.
And he was found NOT GUILTY of all of them. But hey thanks for playing.

So was OJ. And?
Ohh I get it you think just cause some one is accused of something they are guilty. Why even have courts lets just lock everyone anyone accuses of anything up. Again you fucking MORON them prosecution had its chance to prove it and could not, why? Because no one actually ever saw him violate the roe no one saw him shoot people not allowed to be shot.

Again, eye witnesses and fellow seals disagree as to what type of person he is (my bold)

In laying out the government's case, Pietrzyk mentioned other SEALs had testified that Gallagher had fired on innocent civilians from a sniper tower. He went on to say that Gallagher had tried to obstruct justice and retaliate against those who reported on him by threatening that he "had shit on all of them."

Defense attorney Tim Parlatore, however, asserted that "this case is not about a murder. It's about a mutiny." He said it was only a few "young entitled" members of the SEAL platoon who hated Gallagher that reported him for war crimes. Parlatore said those SEALs had taken part in a mutiny and conspired in a text message "sewing circle" to get back at him for stealing items from them and putting them at unnecessary risk on the battlefield.

I especially like the last bolded bit. What a guy! What a great leader of men!!
Again you piece of Human Garbage they tried him and could not prove a single charge NOT one. He was found NOT GUILTY by 6 of his contemporaries because the Prosecution could NOT PROVE HE DID ANY OF THAT.
Could not not the same thing as proved he did not----Not that i care, really---but I think Trump butting into the minutia of the military--is a bad idea.

Gallagher...he got lucky---Karma is a bitch..he'll no doubt meet her one day.
He is innocent of the charges. The Prosecution had the full weight and resources of the Navy and Federal Government and could not prove a single charge.

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