Rick Perry - Handicapping the GOP Hopefuls

Such a simplistic statement from a simple man. Libertarians want government to focus on important stuff within its constitutional purview, not forcing bakers to make cakes.

Sorry, dude, I think government shouldn't be limited to the imagination of 18th century slave rapists.

Then work to amend the document, don't go for end runs.

and fuck you in the eye for your usual disrespect for our founding fathers.

No end run required. We have 50 years of laws saying you can't discriminate with your business. This isn't even really an issue.

The only reason why it's an issue at all is because the homophobes lost the argument over marriage, and they are clinging to that little bit of bigotry they think they can still get away with.

Fuck them. You don't want to back a gay cake, close up your bakery and do something else for a living.
Such a simplistic statement from a simple man. Libertarians want government to focus on important stuff within its constitutional purview, not forcing bakers to make cakes.

Sorry, dude, I think government shouldn't be limited to the imagination of 18th century slave rapists.

Then work to amend the document, don't go for end runs.

and fuck you in the eye for your usual disrespect for our founding fathers.

No end run required. We have 50 years of laws saying you can't discriminate with your business. This isn't even really an issue.

The only reason why it's an issue at all is because the homophobes lost the argument over marriage, and they are clinging to that little bit of bigotry they think they can still get away with.

Fuck them. You don't want to back a gay cake, close up your bakery and do something else for a living.

How about YOU go fuck yourself with a rust, AIDS infested tire iron?

On second thought, nah, you probably would enjoy it.
Awwww.... Marty don't go away mad.

Just because you let the Rich play on your homophobia and then you didn't get the payoff of being able to legally hate gay people, don't get upset with me for not falling for the scam.
Awwww.... Marty don't go away mad.

Just because you let the Rich play on your homophobia and then you didn't get the payoff of being able to legally hate gay people, don't get upset with me for not falling for the scam.

Not going away at all, and nice attempt to respond without me seeing myself being quoted you cowardly twat.

You epitomize my sig, one of the do gooder fascists who want to force people to be just like they are.
I hope there is a hell, and you spend eternity in it.
Qualifications- Longest serving governor of Texas.

Pros- Has a strong political machine that can raise a lot of money. Has run for President before. Can make a good argument about economic growth. Could probably appeal to both the establishment and the far right.

Cons- Ran a DISASTROUS campaign for President in 2012.

Perry's run in 2012 was ill-considered, and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. But historically, the GOP has always run a candidate who has run before (with the exceptions of Barry Goldwater and George W. Bush), because they are vetted.

His Gaffes, however, have become how the media has defined him. Which means that the usual mis-speaking that a candidates makes will be amplified if he does it again. He's going to have to run a flawless campaign.
It doesn't matter b/c the next Pres will be a female dem

they gave away the Congress just so they can blame them when the economy fails due to the aca, that will give them all they will feel that they need to set up a proper tyranny.
Awwww.... Marty don't go away mad.

Just because you let the Rich play on your homophobia and then you didn't get the payoff of being able to legally hate gay people, don't get upset with me for not falling for the scam.
marty being marty

Perry (R) will suck all the air out of the room just like Payland (R) did.
If we go by previous primary campaigns Hillary would have to be given a big ass "con" for this one. She was in line to be the first woman president and some upstart came in and stole her limelight. Now she gets to try 8 years later, and as sad of a fact as it is, people treat aging in women far more harshly then aging in men. And I feel even other women have this bias.

Obviously, you have no idea what happened in 2008.

Hillary lost because the main thing motivating her party at that point was anger at the evil, stupid, dishonest war that Bush had gotten us into, and she wasn't willing to repudiate her part in giving him a blank check in fighting it.

Obama, on the other hand, was against the war before it was cool to be against the war.

There were other factors as well, such as her poor organizing, her going along with allowing the DNC to strip Michigan and Florida of delegates for going early in the primaries. She actually got more votes than Obama did nationally.

There was the matter of donor money too. Corporate America liked Obama better that Hillary or McCain.
Awwww.... Marty don't go away mad.

Just because you let the Rich play on your homophobia and then you didn't get the payoff of being able to legally hate gay people, don't get upset with me for not falling for the scam.
marty being marty

Perry (R) will suck all the air out of the room just like Payland (R) did.

Fuck off.
Awwww.... Marty don't go away mad.

Just because you let the Rich play on your homophobia and then you didn't get the payoff of being able to legally hate gay people, don't get upset with me for not falling for the scam.
marty being marty

Perry (R) will suck all the air out of the room just like Payland (R) did.

Fuck off.
^ classic marty *cough* "retort" :rolleyes-41:

Don't you go 'a changin' princess
Not going away at all, and nice attempt to respond without me seeing myself being quoted you cowardly twat.

You epitomize my sig, one of the do gooder fascists who want to force people to be just like they are.
I hope there is a hell, and you spend eternity in it.

Awww, Marty, quit your whining. You guys got played by the 1%ers, and now you got to bake cakes. So sad for you.
Not going away at all, and nice attempt to respond without me seeing myself being quoted you cowardly twat.

You epitomize my sig, one of the do gooder fascists who want to force people to be just like they are.
I hope there is a hell, and you spend eternity in it.

Awww, Marty, quit your whining. You guys got played by the 1%ers, and now you got to bake cakes. So sad for you.

Typical class warfare bullshit from the class warfare wuss.
Awwww.... Marty don't go away mad.

Just because you let the Rich play on your homophobia and then you didn't get the payoff of being able to legally hate gay people, don't get upset with me for not falling for the scam.
marty being marty

Perry (R) will suck all the air out of the room just like Payland (R) did.

Fuck off.
^ classic marty *cough* "retort" :rolleyes-41:

Don't you go 'a changin' princess

Same shit, same idiot, different post.
Not going away at all, and nice attempt to respond without me seeing myself being quoted you cowardly twat.

You epitomize my sig, one of the do gooder fascists who want to force people to be just like they are.
I hope there is a hell, and you spend eternity in it.

Awww, Marty, quit your whining. You guys got played by the 1%ers, and now you got to bake cakes. So sad for you.

Typical class warfare bullshit from the class warfare wuss.

Not my problem you don't see what a rube you are.

Hey, remember when they tried to pass a law saying you could totally refuse to bake that cake in AZ? Jan Brewer vetoed it after some 1%ers gave her a call and said it would be bad for people who were important.

So now you got to bake a cake with two plastic dudes on top.

Not going away at all, and nice attempt to respond without me seeing myself being quoted you cowardly twat.

You epitomize my sig, one of the do gooder fascists who want to force people to be just like they are.
I hope there is a hell, and you spend eternity in it.

Awww, Marty, quit your whining. You guys got played by the 1%ers, and now you got to bake cakes. So sad for you.

Typical class warfare bullshit from the class warfare wuss.

Not my problem you don't see what a rube you are.

Hey, remember when they tried to pass a law saying you could totally refuse to bake that cake in AZ? Jan Brewer vetoed it after some 1%ers gave her a call and said it would be bad for people who were important.

So now you got to bake a cake with two plastic dudes on top.


Just keep justifying your use of government force on the bizarre notion that its all a corporate plot. You are a one stupid trick pony, nothing more.
Just keep justifying your use of government force on the bizarre notion that its all a corporate plot. You are a one stupid trick pony, nothing more.

Of course, it's a corporate plot. You see, back in the Post War era, we had the corporations right where we wanted them- paying fair wages, following the rules and paying their fair share. Because we finally figured out in a democracy, there are more of us than them. Both parties understood this, which is Ike and Nixon were on the same page as LBJ and JFK.

Then we had the 1960's come along, and scared little white people were all afraid of the Negroes and the gays and women deciding what to do with their lady parts, and the big corporations figured out how to get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests.

"Hey, why are you moving my job to China?"

"Oh my God, there's a couple of them queers getting married!!!"
Just keep justifying your use of government force on the bizarre notion that its all a corporate plot. You are a one stupid trick pony, nothing more.

Of course, it's a corporate plot. You see, back in the Post War era, we had the corporations right where we wanted them- paying fair wages, following the rules and paying their fair share. Because we finally figured out in a democracy, there are more of us than them. Both parties understood this, which is Ike and Nixon were on the same page as LBJ and JFK.

Then we had the 1960's come along, and scared little white people were all afraid of the Negroes and the gays and women deciding what to do with their lady parts, and the big corporations figured out how to get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests.

"Hey, why are you moving my job to China?"

"Oh my God, there's a couple of them queers getting married!!!"

That is possibly the dumbest thing I have seen posted on this message board, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED dumb.

Mods need to start pumping your posts into the Conspiracy Dungeon.
Duly noted that you can't answer the point.

So you got to make that gay wedding cake while your good paying job went to China. Good show, dude. You certainly showed them queers.

There was no point to answer, just the ramblings of a man jumping at his own shadow.

The amazing thing is that you don't realize YOU are prioritizing making people bake cakes over fixing what you perceive as corporations putting wool over people's eyes. If you are soooo scared of these corporations, why are you placating a small minority to piss of a far larger subset of voters by trashing their religious freedom? Answer me that one mister fraidy pants.
The amazing thing is that you don't realize YOU are prioritizing making people bake cakes over fixing what you perceive as corporations putting wool over people's eyes. If you are soooo scared of these corporations, why are you placating a small minority to piss of a far larger subset of voters by trashing their religious freedom? Answer me that one mister fraidy pants.

Oh, well, that's simple enough. ONce you demonstrate to the Christian Stupids they can't get their way on stuff, they'll give up on politics, just like the racists did, eventually.

Then you guys will have to sell, "Working harder for less money" as a platform. Good luck with that.
The amazing thing is that you don't realize YOU are prioritizing making people bake cakes over fixing what you perceive as corporations putting wool over people's eyes. If you are soooo scared of these corporations, why are you placating a small minority to piss of a far larger subset of voters by trashing their religious freedom? Answer me that one mister fraidy pants.

Oh, well, that's simple enough. ONce you demonstrate to the Christian Stupids they can't get their way on stuff, they'll give up on politics, just like the racists did, eventually.

Then you guys will have to sell, "Working harder for less money" as a platform. Good luck with that.

So basically you are hoping for voter apathy instead of trying to convince your fellow citizen. That combined with your fascist tendencies make you officially the biggest asshole on this board.

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