Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

The fetus should not have to be MURDERED because the host was traumatized.

I could understand the fact the mother would not want the baby, however murdering an innocent fetus as a way to forget is absolutely wrong... That's no better than raping another - as a matter of fact its worse considering it's murder...

Honestly I have no idea how one could murder a fetus and feel justified in doing so just because government allows it..

This means you are okay with a rape victim getting an abortion prior to the 9th week after conception. So are most people.

A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?
It's only murder if it's illegal and a person.

And who defines which is which?? God, law or man???

Prohibiting a fetuses right to develop is just as bad as rape... I call it murder and as a libertarian I would also call it tyranny...

Man's law defines it

You can call it a pink elephant in a tutu if you like. Doesn't make it murder...

So if I offed your ass and everyone supported my action - that wouldn't be murder using your logic.....

I suppose murder is just "opinion" now...
If this is what Santorum believes, he is wrong. It isn't a Government issue except in cases of heinous late-term Abortions. But Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters are still dishonest hypocrites on this issue.
Like Rand Paul.
And who defines which is which?? God, law or man???

Prohibiting a fetuses right to develop is just as bad as rape... I call it murder and as a libertarian I would also call it tyranny...

Man's law defines it

You can call it a pink elephant in a tutu if you like. Doesn't make it murder...

So if I offed your ass and everyone supported my action - that wouldn't be murder using your logic.....

I suppose murder is just "opinion" now...

I am a living, functioning human being. A foetus is not.

No, murder is defined in statutes in many countries. No opinion about it. Fact.
The fetus should not have to be MURDERED because the host was traumatized.

I could understand the fact the mother would not want the baby, however murdering an innocent fetus as a way to forget is absolutely wrong... That's no better than raping another - as a matter of fact its worse considering it's murder...

Honestly I have no idea how one could murder a fetus and feel justified in doing so just because government allows it..

It's only murder if it's illegal and a person.

And who defines which is which?? God, law or man???

Prohibiting a fetuses right to develop is just as bad as rape... I call it murder and as a libertarian I would also call it tyranny...

You can call it a jelly sandwich, it doesn't change what it is.

And potential to be something is not the same as being something. You have the potential to be a rapist, but we don't lock you up and treat you like one until you actually are a rapist.
The fetus should not have to be MURDERED because the host was traumatized.

I could understand the fact the mother would not want the baby, however murdering an innocent fetus as a way to forget is absolutely wrong... That's no better than raping another - as a matter of fact its worse considering it's murder...

Honestly I have no idea how one could murder a fetus and feel justified in doing so just because government allows it..

It's only murder if it's illegal and a person.

actually, it's only murder if it's defined as murder in the criminal law.
The fetus should not have to be MURDERED because the host was traumatized.

I could understand the fact the mother would not want the baby, however murdering an innocent fetus as a way to forget is absolutely wrong... That's no better than raping another - as a matter of fact its worse considering it's murder...

Honestly I have no idea how one could murder a fetus and feel justified in doing so just because government allows it..

This means you are okay with a rape victim getting an abortion prior to the 9th week after conception. So are most people.

A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

I will change my opinion right now if you ,or anyone here, can prove a fetus is a person.

Go for it.
If tax payer funds are used to supplement medicaid then how is it a far reach?
i don't know about your state but in my state and in massachusetts, medicare is Blue cross blue shield in massachusetts and here it is Anthem blue cross blue shield,

The State looked at all health care group policies offered and chose one to meet their need to cover their medicaid group.... ALL of the policies that they had to choose from with pretty good health care coverages include abortion coverage with restrictions..... the gvt did not ask for abortions to be covered nor did they have a choice in it....it was a decision of the health care insurance companies.....

the republicans throwing a tizzy over the insurance company's choice for it being part of the policy and forcing them to create an insurance policy without that coverage is a far reach...and they are paying the same amount for it....no savings by forcing them to take it out....that's ridiculous....sorry but it is.....imo.

Hey...you are a mod.

Apparently Jakey is not happy that I broke the rules and added to his quote when I inserted responses to his statements...I did it in a different color font and bolded it...making it clear that it was not "changing" his post.

But, alas, the child PM'ed me whining that I broke the rules and ordered me to never do it again.

Did I break the rules? I see it done all the time.
You just broke a rule: discussing PMs on the open board.
This means you are okay with a rape victim getting an abortion prior to the 9th week after conception. So are most people.

A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

Our species should not kill one another unless its a life or death situation....

I don't support the killing of anything unless it's those circumstances...

Killing humans weather it be a fetus or a baby out of convenience is absolutely despicable.
This means you are okay with a rape victim getting an abortion prior to the 9th week after conception. So are most people.

A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

as pro choice I still want an answer to this question.....

Does an ameoba require human anti bodies to live?

Does any living or non living creature or thing require human antibodies to live?

If human antibodies are required for the fetus to survive...how can it not be deemed a living human? How can it "survive" if it is not alive to begin with?

It is not as cut and dry an argument as many pro choicers make it.
One, it shows that folks like Rick and those who agree with him suffer from a deeply flawed sense of morality.

Per your opinion

Two, they will never have the votes, so what they believe is immaterial.

Yet you felt the need to comment anyway.


here is what I did.
Jakey...dont get all flustered now that I am showing it off.....
in general if you change the color, making it clear it is you making the comment, it does not break the changing quote rule....if you had not changed the color of the font then it would have broken the rules
This means you are okay with a rape victim getting an abortion prior to the 9th week after conception. So are most people.

A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

I will change my opinion right now if you ,or anyone here, can prove a fetus is a person.

Go for it.

Then you tell me when a fetus develops into a person??? when the child is birthed???

One would have to be some kind of sociopath to even think about murdering a fetus...

Also, I'm not totally against murder - I had no problem with Saddam or OBL getting offed - however they were adults that made choices which lead to their demise.

A fetus on the other hand is innocent - even if the human is a product of rape.
A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

Our species should not kill one another unless its a life or death situation....

I don't support the killing of anything unless it's those circumstances...

Killing humans weather it be a fetus or a baby out of convenience is absolutely despicable.

I agree killing babies.
As far as a foetus goes, those that are aborted in the first trimester are not babies. I do have a huge problem with third term abortions out of convenience, although that is beyond rare.

I disagree. While I have advised - and always will advise - a woman to give birth if they fall pregnant, it is up to them. And to be honest, I have a problem with the population of the world being too high. I think in more pragmatic terms. Do I wish women had abortions? Not really. But I see it more as a practical issue, more than a moral one. Sure, the next Louis Pasteur might have been aborted, so could have the next Hitler. We'll never know...
A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

as pro choice I still want an answer to this question.....

Does an ameoba require human anti bodies to live?

Does any living or non living creature or thing require human antibodies to live?

If human antibodies are required for the fetus to survive...how can it not be deemed a living human? How can it "survive" if it is not alive to begin with?

It is not as cut and dry an argument as many pro choicers make it.

Easy - take a first trimester foetus out of its mother's womb and see what happens...
A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

I will change my opinion right now if you ,or anyone here, can prove a fetus is a person.

Go for it.

Then you tell me when a fetus develops into a person??? when the child is birthed???

One would have to be some kind of sociopath to even think about murdering a fetus...

Also, I'm not totally against murder - I had no problem with Saddam or OBL getting offed - however they were adults that made choices which lead to their demise.

A fetus on the other hand is innocent - even if the human is a product of rape.

So you're not even going to try then, is it? You're going to make no attempts to convince me or prove your point. You're just going to force women to live by your opinion. End story.

Wow. You really think you know what's best for women then, huh?
Hey...I am not against right to choose.

I simply responded to "dontbestupid" who said...well....a stupid thing.

You see...he tossed in the word "child" in the debate and that is disingenuous...

For the right to life believers see human life as starting at conception...they never use trhe word "child" for it is not a child until it is functioning withought attachement to the placenta....it is still a fetus when still attached.

But to not respect the religious and emotional beliefs of those that feel that a fetus should be deemed as a living human being is irresponsible. For it IS a living human being in an early stage...as oxygen and HUMAN antibodies are necessary for its survival....and you cant "survive" unless you are already alive......

To ridicule those that believe this and slander them is irresponsible. They have a valid argument....

I have no problem respecting others' beliefs. I expect mine to be respected as well. People who are opposed to a woman terminating a pregnancy simply shouldn't ever terminate a pregnancy. they have no right to impose their will on me or anyone else.

I don't think that's a lot to ask.

You know, I saw a show recently, can't even remember what i was watching, and they talked about how anti-choice rabid loons are targeting doctors by making public their addresses and routines.

And as that information is being made public, those doctors are being murdered by the rabid rightwingnut lunatics. I have no respect for that and I won't respect that. They aren't owed respect for that.

I'm kinda funny about things. I think respect is a two-way street.

Let me know when the anti-choice brigade makes room for any alternatives but their own. It seems to me no one is forcing anyone to terminate a pregnancy against their will. Yet they want to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term... even when the woman didn't choose to have sex. And, if they're opposed to choice, how dare they be opposed to birth control and sex education.

The problem isn't a lack of respect from the left. The problem is the heavy-handedness of the religious right.

rant over. sorry. :redface:

the line in red.....as a conservative that is exactly how I feel and why I am pro choice...but I still think abortion is wrong.

As for the right wing nuts that are creating issues for doctrors...that is the act of some loons...not the right wing as a whole.

I am curious.....if I searched...what will I find in regard to your sentiments about the left wing loons that felt it appropriate to release the personal information of the AIG executives exposing them to death threats and harrassment?

Save me the trouble of searching...what were your sentiments?

you wouldn't have my opinion on that because i doubt i ever talked about it. i would probably have said that it's wrong to release personal information that could endanger people... same as i thought jurors sitting on terrorists' trials shouldn't have to make their addresses public.
Women who are raped make up a miniscule portion of women who get abortions. The number is so low, it isn't even an issue for anyone except the pro-abortion crowd, who want dead babies for all...and who pretend that we have to make it legal for everybody in order to accomodate a half dozen a year who conceivably have a reason, aside from selfishness, to obtain an abortion.
An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

Our species should not kill one another unless its a life or death situation....

I don't support the killing of anything unless it's those circumstances...

Killing humans weather it be a fetus or a baby out of convenience is absolutely despicable.

I agree killing babies.
As far as a foetus goes, those that are aborted in the first trimester are not babies. I do have a huge problem with third term abortions out of convenience, although that is beyond rare.

I disagree. While I have advised - and always will advise - a woman to give birth if they fall pregnant, it is up to them. And to be honest, I have a problem with the population of the world being too high. I think in more pragmatic terms. Do I wish women had abortions? Not really. But I see it more as a practical issue, more than a moral one. Sure, the next Louis Pasteur might have been aborted, so could have the next Hitler. We'll never know...

Inhibiting an individuals right to life is wrong....

That's exactly what abortion is.......
I will change my opinion right now if you ,or anyone here, can prove a fetus is a person.

Go for it.

Then you tell me when a fetus develops into a person??? when the child is birthed???

One would have to be some kind of sociopath to even think about murdering a fetus...

Also, I'm not totally against murder - I had no problem with Saddam or OBL getting offed - however they were adults that made choices which lead to their demise.

A fetus on the other hand is innocent - even if the human is a product of rape.

So you're not even going to try then, is it? You're going to make no attempts to convince me or prove your point. You're just going to force women to live by your opinion. End story.

Wow. You really think you know what's best for women then, huh?

I'm not forcing anyone to do anything...

IMO, I couldn't convince you to agree with me - it would take a lot more than my words for you to understand my feelings on this issue.

Hopefully one day you will realize that abortion is wrong.

Murder is not a civil liberty.

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