Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

Yes, it's so awful when people are "forced" not to kill other people...

NEWSFLASH...You don't have a RIGHT to kill other people.
Being a man, I can never fully know the pain and anguish of rape or incest. But a baby conceived even in the most horrendous manner is still as innocent as any other. Whatever the circumstances, it is not the fault of the newly conceived life. I believe that we as a society should be very careful about terminating life at any point, I am not sure we should go down that road. I am not sure the rights of the mother outweigh those of the unborn; a child that is killed after birth is deemed a murder, why should the physical act of birth change the right to live for that child?

Being a woman, I can tell you that rape is an horrific experience for any woman. It can take decades just to deal with that one incident.... and you're suggesting that she should then have to not only deal with that... but be forced to carry the outcome of that experience with her. I hope I would be courageous enough to do that... I pray I would be... but I would never insist that other women should be forced to.

I do understand - and agree with you - but it's a personal view... you cannot force your view on others.
Fiddlesticks. You'd be surprised how many rape victims find comfort in the babies they conceive.
and the notion that any baby, including the baby of rape, is some sort of vile, evil "growth" within a woman is a result of the disgusting abortion subculture, and part and parcel of exactly what is gnawing away at our civilization as we speak.

Babies are babies, precious, innocent, human life, regardless of how they are started. Stop pretending they're some sort of disease.
A fetus is a living being.........

Murdering innocent people is wrong...

Not only is it wrong - it's first degree murder committed by the mother...

An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

as pro choice I still want an answer to this question.....

Does an ameoba require human anti bodies to live?

Does any living or non living creature or thing require human antibodies to live?

If human antibodies are required for the fetus to survive...how can it not be deemed a living human? How can it "survive" if it is not alive to begin with?

It is not as cut and dry an argument as many pro choicers make it.
it is alive, it is human, it has its own separate identity marker, it's own DNA, not mom's, not dad's but their own....

but according to our laws it has not legally, fully achieved person-hood....that comes with the baby's first breath/birth/birth certificate....

G-d formed Adam and then

G-d breathed life in to Adam....

kind of thing, i suppose????
Then you tell me when a fetus develops into a person??? when the child is birthed???

One would have to be some kind of sociopath to even think about murdering a fetus...

Also, I'm not totally against murder - I had no problem with Saddam or OBL getting offed - however they were adults that made choices which lead to their demise.

A fetus on the other hand is innocent - even if the human is a product of rape.

So you're not even going to try then, is it? You're going to make no attempts to convince me or prove your point. You're just going to force women to live by your opinion. End story.

Wow. You really think you know what's best for women then, huh?

I'm not forcing anyone to do anything...

IMO, I couldn't convince you to agree with me - it would take a lot more than my words for you to understand my feelings on this issue.

Hopefully one day you will realize that abortion is wrong.

Murder is not a civil liberty.

Love it! I love the wild-eyed assumptions!

I have never said abortion is right or wrong. My opinion on it is just that. MY opinion. I am not so arrogant as to say MY opinion should be the law of the land and be forced on every woman.

That's the difference between you and me. I have this radical opinion that women can think for themselves.
An amoeba is a living being too...and?

You are right, murdering innocent people is wrong. A foetus is not 'people'.

So how many of those mothers have been charged?

as pro choice I still want an answer to this question.....

Does an ameoba require human anti bodies to live?

Does any living or non living creature or thing require human antibodies to live?

If human antibodies are required for the fetus to survive...how can it not be deemed a living human? How can it "survive" if it is not alive to begin with?

It is not as cut and dry an argument as many pro choicers make it.
it is alive, it is human, it has its own separate identity marker, it's own DNA, not mom's, not dad's but their own....

but according to our laws it has not legally, fully achieved person-hood....that comes with the baby's first breath/birth/birth certificate....

G-d formed Adam and then

G-d breathed life in to Adam....

kind of thing, i suppose????

Adam? Seriously?
The Rape/Abortion distraction is the old stand-by strawman for the usual suspect Socialists/Progressives. It's pretty old & tired at this point. I'm reluctantly Pro-Choice but most Socialists/Progressives are not. They actually cheerlead for it. And that's just abhorrent behavior in my opinion. Susan Sarandon and all her joyous rallies celebrating killing babies really is too over-the-top for me. That being said, the Government should stay out of this issue. The only possible exception to that would be awful late-term Abortion.
The Rape/Abortion distraction is the old stand-by strawman for the usual suspect Socialists/Progressives. It's pretty old & tired at this point. I'm reluctantly Pro-Choice but most Socialists/Progressives are not. They actually cheerlead for it. And that's just abhorrent behavior in my opinion. Susan Sarandon and all her joyous rallies celebrating killing babies really is too over-the-top for me. That being said, the Government should stay out of this issue. The only possible exception to that would be awful late-term Abortion.

You are such a moron.
The Rape/Abortion distraction is the old stand-by strawman for the usual suspect Socialists/Progressives. It's pretty old & tired at this point. I'm reluctantly Pro-Choice but most Socialists/Progressives are not. They actually cheerlead for it. And that's just abhorrent behavior in my opinion. Susan Sarandon and all her joyous rallies celebrating killing babies really is too over-the-top for me. That being said, the Government should stay out of this issue. The only possible exception to that would be awful late-term Abortion.

You are such a moron.

How so? Have you seen a Susan Sarandon rally? They do seem way too gung-ho about killing babies in my opinion. I'm Pro-Choice, but i certainly wont throw a party celebrating the mass muder of babies.
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here is what I did.
Jakey...dont get all flustered now that I am showing it off.....
in general if you change the color, making it clear it is you making the comment, it does not break the changing quote rule....if you had not changed the color of the font then it would have broken the rules

Thanks for the explanation, care4all.

Jarhead, go for it, son, go for it. :lol:
Fiddlesticks. You'd be surprised how many rape victims find comfort in the babies they conceive.

We all wish that were so, and we all know how seriously disturbed you are. In no way shape or form can you support that statement with solid, objective evidence. That may be your opinion, but it is for sure a dumb one.
The Rape/Abortion distraction is the old stand-by strawman for the usual suspect Socialists/Progressives. It's pretty old & tired at this point. I'm reluctantly Pro-Choice but most Socialists/Progressives are not. They actually cheerlead for it. And that's just abhorrent behavior in my opinion. Susan Sarandon and all her joyous rallies celebrating killing babies really is too over-the-top for me. That being said, the Government should stay out of this issue. The only possible exception to that would be awful late-term Abortion.

Are you out of your mind?

NOBODY cheerleads abortion. Pro-Choice people cheerlead the right for women to make their own decisions about their bodies. Opting to get an abortion is one of the most difficult decisions a woman will ever have to make in their lives but they certainly don't cheerlead the decision.

You're right..... the government, you, me and Santorum should stay out of this issue. We can offer our opinions as much as we want but Roe v. Wade ensures that we do stay out of the decision.
Fiddlesticks. You'd be surprised how many rape victims find comfort in the babies they conceive.

Surprise me. How many?

"It is often common for even well-meaning, educated and sympathetic individuals to stereotype and categorize the reactions and responses of the rape victim. Often non-victims project themselves into the situation and assume that a sexual assault victim's reaction or a pregnant rape victim's responses will be similar to those they imagine for themselves. These unfortunate stereotypes don't help the victim. In my experience as a counselor of sexual assault victims and as a physician, a victim's reactions, attitudes and responses to the assault are almost as numerous as the victims themselves."


"A fourth myth is the common misperception that abortion is a woman's preferred "choice" to resolve the crisis of the rape and resulting pregnancy. In one study, 1 percent of women seeking abortion reported rape or incest as the main reason for that decision. But, 95 percent of these same women expressed other reasons, unrelated to rape. Another study reported on the outcomes of women who believed their pregnancy was the result of rape: 32.2 percent opted to keep the child, 5.9 percent placed the child for adoption, 11.8 percent spontaneously aborted, and 50 percent of the women chose to abort. This is not dissimilar from the rate of abortion among all unplanned pregnancies. It would appear then, that victims of sexual assault do weigh options, base at least part of their decisions on issues unrelated to the rape, and are entitled to the same information provided to other women considering abortion as an option."

Regarding a hurried hush-hush abortion for rape victims (who usually know their attackers):

"The majority of women do not report sexual assault to the police. There are a number of reasons for not doing so, including a misunderstanding by the victims themselves that a crime has in fact been committed. Laws that encourage, excuse and legitimize nonreporting, do not help women. Neither do preabortion counseling protocols that minimize the time these women need for counseling and that do not routinely screen for physical and sexual abuse. A physician who would treat a child victim of abuse by patching up her wounds and returning her back to her abusing parents would be violating the law in all fifty states, not to mention his/her code of medical ethics. A psychiatrist or physician that violates patient-doctor confidentiality when there is a potential that remaining silent will result in physical harm is considered to be acting in a legal and ethical manner. Physicians who have not acted in order to prevent harm to another person, even if that person is a responsible adult, have been successfully sued. While women are not helpless victims in the sense that children are helpless, many of the same principles apply. Most sexual offenders if left unchecked will strike again. Certainly the ultimate decision about whether or not to report the incident is the victim's, but facilitating silence can hardly be considered ethical, in the best interest of the victim or women in general."

"Pregnancy may be the sentinel event that leads to a discovery of an incestuous relationship. If pregnancy does occur, many incest victims or their caretakers do not discover the pregnancy until the second trimester.
20. The young victim's pregnancy represents a threatening situation for the perpetrator. Unfortunately abortion will frequently be used by the perpetrator or other caretakers to cover up the facts of the victimization."

"In an abusive relationship, abortion itself can be used as a form of abuse and result in more traumatization for the victim. Battered women are often compelled to have abortions. Multiple abortions have been associated with greater relationship problems which in turn have a higher likelihood of involving battering. Even if not forced into an abortion by the partner, the woman is often psychologically coerced because of the problems in the relationship."

Report of Sandra Mahkorn, M.D., M.P.H., M.S | Issues in Law & Medicine | Find Articles
This guy is out of his mind.

Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum explained his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape during an interview Friday, saying that women who face such circumstances should "make the best out of a bad situation."

Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan what he would do if his own daughter approached him, begging for an abortion after having been raped, Santorum explained that he would counsel her to "accept this horribly created" baby, because it was still a gift from God, even if given in a "broken" way.

"Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn't have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice, I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or she doesn't, it will always be her child, and she will always know that," Santorum said.

I wonder if he'd hold the same view if his daughter was raped by a black Muslim?

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