Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

Back about 1990, a good ol boy from Texas, Clayton Williams ran for Governor and was in position (ahem) to win when he made the following comment about rape...

As long as it’s inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it,” he said.

He lost that election to 'silver foot' Ann Richards.

And there's not a snowbirds chance in hell Texas voters will give Santorum their electoral votes. Texas may be called a red state, but they're not quite that dumb.
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Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

Theory: "socialists," i.e. progressives, are in favor of "big government" for its own sake (not merely as a means to an end).

Observation: these same people are against heavy-handed government intervention on the abortion issue, and also on others.

Conclusion drawn by a rational person: The theory (see above) is wrong.

Conclusion apparently drawn by paulitician: Reality must be wrong.
Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

What Pauli refuses to see, is that many Progressives are in favour of Big Government in this situation. If the woman chooses to have the child, we as a country should support her and support her decision. Culture of Life right? Positive reinforcement. We should be helping make the mother's life as easy as possible so she can focus on raising her child or her children.

But, "conservatives" like Pauli are against that. They want the child to be a punishment the woman must bear. It's a real shame they don't think more of women.

Yeah sure, that's it. Whatever. I don't want Big Government involved with this issue. Other than disgusting late-term Abortions, i do not support Big Government intervention in this issue. It's you Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters who are always pushing for more Big Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives. So why all the outrage over Government involvement in the Abortion issue? Seems pretty disingenuous and hypocitical to me.
So much focus on the woman, so little on the unborn. Why should a fetus not have the same right to life before birth that it has afterwards? Somebody answer me that one. The circumstances of the conception are obviously not the fetus' fault, and yet many would deny it the right to live if the mother doesn't want it. The mother has the choice to decide if she wants to keep the baby; but the choice to kill is not available after birth, why is it an option before then?

What's so special about the birth process that it means the right to exist is conferred at that time rather than earlier? Just because the baby is now physically separated? Is that a valid enough reason for a death sentence? Let's not beat around the bush here, we're talking about ending a life; born or unborn, there's no real difference.
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Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

Theory: "socialists," i.e. progressives, are in favor of "big government" for its own sake (not merely as a means to an end).

Observation: these same people are against heavy-handed government intervention on the abortion issue, and also on others.

Conclusion drawn by a rational person: The theory (see above) is wrong.

Conclusion apparently drawn by paulitician: Reality must be wrong.

:lol: Uh huh, right. Translation: You Socialist Nanny Staters just love Big Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives, but only when you see fit. You guys really are very disingenuous and inconsistent.
Plenty of Women have done just that. Had the Kid and Made a good thing out of a bad one. What's wrong with that? Why do you have to want all children of Rape to be Aborted?

What is wrong about what he said? it is still her Child. Just because some asshole rapped her does not mean half the DNA that made the kid wasn't hers. It does not mean if she has the kid she wont love it. Some might not, Some might. Woman should make the Decision on a case by case Basis. But I see no problem with encouraging woman to think about Keeping the kid, and trying to find something good that come out of something so bad. Like a Child to love and cherish.

How would you like being a pod for a lunatic's baby? I believe that's best left up to the pod - the woman!

you really are twisted.. the perfect Progressive that shows what you really think of women and children

She some how thinks badly of women if she wants to allow a rape victim to have the choice whether or not she has to carry a baby that was conceived against her will? You are the one who is twisted.
we devalue "life" all the time. the issue is not whether the cells are living, but whether the government should intervene to protect those cells over the will of the woman. and, if government *should* step in at some point, then at *what* point?

*That* is what was decided, largely, by Roe v Wade.
Hey...I am not against right to choose.

I simply responded to "dontbestupid" who said...well....a stupid thing.

You see...he tossed in the word "child" in the debate and that is disingenuous...

For the right to life believers see human life as starting at conception...they never use trhe word "child" for it is not a child until it is functioning withought attachement to the placenta....it is still a fetus when still attached.

But to not respect the religious and emotional beliefs of those that feel that a fetus should be deemed as a living human being is irresponsible. For it IS a living human being in an early stage...as oxygen and HUMAN antibodies are necessary for its survival....and you cant "survive" unless you are already alive......

To ridicule those that believe this and slander them is irresponsible. They have a valid argument....

I have no problem respecting others' beliefs. I expect mine to be respected as well. People who are opposed to a woman terminating a pregnancy simply shouldn't ever terminate a pregnancy. they have no right to impose their will on me or anyone else.

I don't think that's a lot to ask.

You know, I saw a show recently, can't even remember what i was watching, and they talked about how anti-choice rabid loons are targeting doctors by making public their addresses and routines.

And as that information is being made public, those doctors are being murdered by the rabid rightwingnut lunatics. I have no respect for that and I won't respect that. They aren't owed respect for that.

I'm kinda funny about things. I think respect is a two-way street.

Let me know when the anti-choice brigade makes room for any alternatives but their own. It seems to me no one is forcing anyone to terminate a pregnancy against their will. Yet they want to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term... even when the woman didn't choose to have sex. And, if they're opposed to choice, how dare they be opposed to birth control and sex education.

The problem isn't a lack of respect from the left. The problem is the heavy-handedness of the religious right.

rant over. sorry. :redface:

the line in red.....as a conservative that is exactly how I feel and why I am pro choice...but I still think abortion is wrong.

As for the right wing nuts that are creating issues for doctrors...that is the act of some loons...not the right wing as a whole.

I am curious.....if I searched...what will I find in regard to your sentiments about the left wing loons that felt it appropriate to release the personal information of the AIG executives exposing them to death threats and harrassment?

Save me the trouble of searching...what were your sentiments?
So much focus on the woman, so little on the unborn. Why should a fetus not have the same right to life before birth that it has afterwards? Somebody answer me that one. The circumstances of the conception are obviously not the fetus' fault, and yet many would deny it the right to live if the mother doesn't want it. The mother has the choice to decide if she wants to keep the baby; but the choice to kill is not available after birth, why is it an option before then?

What's so special about the birth process that it means the right to exist is conferred at that time rather than earlier? Just because the baby is now physically separated? Is that a valid enough reason for a death sentence? Let's not beat around the bush here, we're talking about ending a life; born or unborn, there's no real difference.

Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters don't give a shit about the babies. It's sadly ironic no? Most of them even dutifully support heinous late-term Abortions. Yeah, Nanny Staters love Big Government involvement in our personal lives, but only when they see fit. They just can't be trusted.
Oh I agree 100% and would never support Forcing them into it. I support Abortion in some cases. Rape being one for sure, But I do think we should encourage alternatives to it.

Santorum is saying he would force raped women to carry through with their pregnancy.

No he is not.

What he says is he believes abortion is wrong and no matter the circumstances, you should allow that fetus to have the right to live.

He can be President and he still cant "force" anyone to do anything in regard to child birth. At this poiint, only the SCOTUS can force someone to do something in regard to abortion/Child birth

You just cant stand it whern someone disagrees with you...so you feel compelled to make what he says sound even worse.

Grow up and debate like an adult.
I am pro-life before I am pro-birth.

Mom's life always comes before that of the baby: hard truth.

Live with it.
If this is what Santorum believes, he is wrong. It isn't a Government issue except in cases of heinous late-term Abortions. But Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters are still dishonest hypocrites on this issue.
I am pro-life before I am pro-birth.

Mom's life always comes before that of the baby: hard truth.

Live with it.

I dont think "life or death" of the mother is part of this debate.

The debate of abortion has to do with whether the fetus should be given the chance of birth even though the preganncy was not intended by the mother.
If this is what Santorum believes, he is wrong. It isn't a Government issue except in cases of heinous late-term Abortions. But Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters are still dishonest hypocrites on this issue.

many on the right, such as myself do not really care if one wants to abort.

But most on the right, such as myself, do not feel it is the responsibility fo the tax payer to pay for it.
Part of the discussion has evolved to consider the various ramifications of this thread.

Santorum is against all abortion. He is wrong before Man and before God.

In terms of rape, the raped woman decides in conjunction with her doctor, no one else.
If this is what Santorum believes, he is wrong. It isn't a Government issue except in cases of heinous late-term Abortions. But Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters are still dishonest hypocrites on this issue.

many on the right, such as myself do not really care if one wants to abort.

But most on the right, such as myself, do not feel it is the responsibility fo the tax payer to pay for it.
It is against U.S. Law for the tax payer to pay for it, so how does the tax payer pay for it? Do they really pay for it?
Part of the discussion has evolved to consider the various ramifications of this thread.

Santorum is against all abortion. He is wrong before Man and before God.

In terms of rape, the raped woman decides in conjunction with her doctor, no one else.

and Santorum an others believe otherwise.

If this is what Santorum believes, he is wrong. It isn't a Government issue except in cases of heinous late-term Abortions. But Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters are still dishonest hypocrites on this issue.

many on the right, such as myself do not really care if one wants to abort.

But most on the right, such as myself, do not feel it is the responsibility fo the tax payer to pay for it.

Oh 100% agreed. Taxpayers should not be forced to fund Abortion.
If this is what Santorum believes, he is wrong. It isn't a Government issue except in cases of heinous late-term Abortions. But Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters are still dishonest hypocrites on this issue.

many on the right, such as myself do not really care if one wants to abort.

But most on the right, such as myself, do not feel it is the responsibility fo the tax payer to pay for it.
It is against U.S. Law for the tax payer to pay for it, so how does the tax payer pay for it? Do they pay for it?

No, they do not.

But the debate became heated when the health care law was in....ahem....debate and tere were discussions of abortion and how it is funded.
Part of the discussion has evolved to consider the various ramifications of this thread.

Santorum is against all abortion. He is wrong before Man and before God.

In terms of rape, the raped woman decides in conjunction with her doctor, no one else.
and Santorum an others believe otherwise. So?

One, it shows that folks like Rick and those who agree with him suffer from a deeply flawed sense of morality.

Two, they will never have the votes, so what they believe is immaterial.
many on the right, such as myself do not really care if one wants to abort.

But most on the right, such as myself, do not feel it is the responsibility fo the tax payer to pay for it.
It is against U.S. Law for the tax payer to pay for it, so how does the tax payer pay for it? Do they pay for it?

No, they do not.

But the debate became heated when the health care law was in....ahem....debate and tere were discussions of abortion and how it is funded.
see, I don't see people on Medicaid, being covered with Health Insurance as paying for abortions if the health car e insurance company has chosen to cover abortions....to me THAT IS A FAR REACH BY THE FAR RIGHT.... forcing the insurance companies to NOT cover something they were ALREADY covering.....

the government funding abortion is different to me and I agree the government should not give any funds to any group, specifically for abortions.

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