Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

Actually, "it" was your word not mine. You have dodged the question, a miscarriage is not an an abortion, what has that got to do with the right to life for the unborn? I didn't say anything about more rights than that for the mother, I'm saying equal rights. You seem to be real quick to jump to conclusions.

I can call it an "it" because I think that's what it is. You calling it that while at the same time trying to make a case it is on par with a woman ... well, rather telling.

A miscarriage is not an abortion, yes, and I never said it was. But claiming that a zygote "once conceived ... has a future as a human being" is simply not true. It might have no future at all, which happens almost 20% of the time. Yet you want us to treat ALL zygotes as if they ALL have a future (equal protection under the law) and that this supposed future trumps the decisions of an adult woman.

And the best part, you don't see how this is disrespectful to women? You get to make up your own mind about this issue and you get to choose how to act in regards to this issue, yet you don't want women to be able to do the same.

While you compare them to something you call "it".

Dude ... come on.

You are not showing much respect to unborn children either. They don't have any rights at all in your book. You can play wordgames all you want, too bad you can't address the real issue - why should it be legal to extinguish life that has yet to be born?

Yup. Correct. And you know what's interesting about that? I got to decide it all on my own and I get to act or not act in a way that I decide all on my own.

So why do you NOT want women to be able to be able to do the exact same thing that you and I did?
A rose by any other name; I don't care what you call it, the issue is whether it has a right to live. Once conceived, it has a future as a human being. To extinguish that future prior to birth is not much different from murdering it afterwards; a new life is gone. I am not sure we should allow that to happen.

it is fair to have questions. if you had no questions, you would have no heart. but no one is wise enough to make those decisions for others.... and certainly the government shouldn't be the determinative factor in something so complicated.

Understood; but should there be some decisions for which we do not allow anyone to make for themselves?

of course. but this isn't one of them. there's no societal agreement on it. and, frankly, the fact that it's mostly men who want to make those decisions for women is a little insulting.

my feeling also, is that the very people who oppose reproductive choice object to government funds being spent to care for children, or pay for day care to allow the mothers to have job training or education. they even hate programs like WIC and Head Start. In the most extreme cases, as in the case of the recent legislation proposed by the tea party types the minute they got to congress.... which would have banned even birth control.

The reality is that each of us has to make our own moral choices on this issue. I cartainly don't need anyone else making that type of decision for me. And given that our religious beliefs are usually the basis for whatever decision is made in this regard, it wouldn't be appropriate for anyone to impose their religious judgment on others.
Santorum: Women need to learn how to make lemonade when life gives them lemons.

And you would have them do what? Spend the rest of their lives being "a rape victim"? When did perpetual victimhood become a viable choice for people?

Being forcefully raped and then not allowing oneself to be forced to have the resulting baby is the exact opposite of being a victm. It's a giant FUCK YOU in the faces of cocks like Santorum.
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it is fair to have questions. if you had no questions, you would have no heart. but no one is wise enough to make those decisions for others.... and certainly the government shouldn't be the determinative factor in something so complicated.

Understood; but should there be some decisions for which we do not allow anyone to make for themselves?

of course. but this isn't one of them. there's no societal agreement on it. and, frankly, the fact that it's mostly men who want to make those decisions for women is a little insulting.

my feeling also, is that the very people who oppose reproductive choice object to government funds being spent to care for children, or pay for day care to allow the mothers to have job training or education. they even hate programs like WIC and Head Start. In the most extreme cases, as in the case of the recent legislation proposed by the tea party types the minute they got to congress.... which would have banned even birth control.

The reality is that each of us has to make our own moral choices on this issue. I cartainly don't need anyone else making that type of decision for me. And given that our religious beliefs are usually the basis for whatever decision is made in this regard, it wouldn't be appropriate for anyone to impose their religious judgment on others.

Finally! A Socialist/Progressive Nanny Stater possibly making some progress. You're getting there. Now let's get Big Government out of our personal lives in other areas as well. Keep going, you're almost there. :)
This guy is out of his mind.

Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum explained his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape during an interview Friday, saying that women who face such circumstances should "make the best out of a bad situation."

Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan what he would do if his own daughter approached him, begging for an abortion after having been raped, Santorum explained that he would counsel her to "accept this horribly created" baby, because it was still a gift from God, even if given in a "broken" way.

"Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn't have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice, I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or she doesn't, it will always be her child, and she will always know that," Santorum said.
I wonder what his wife would say in that situation.

Maybe he'll get lucky and God will gift him with a black rapist's child.
Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.
Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

Amen, brother! That seems to go for both sides of the aisle. It's time for a change.

Sigh...we can dream.
Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

What Pauli refuses to see, is that many Progressives are in favour of Big Government in this situation. If the woman chooses to have the child, we as a country should support her and support her decision. Culture of Life right? Positive reinforcement. We should be helping make the mother's life as easy as possible so she can focus on raising her child or her children.

But, "conservatives" like Pauli are against that. They want the child to be a punishment the woman must bear. It's a real shame they don't think more of women.
Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

You're calling Rand Paul a Nanny Stater.

This guy is out of his mind.

Rick Santorum On Opposition To Abortion In Cases Of Rape: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum explained his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape during an interview Friday, saying that women who face such circumstances should "make the best out of a bad situation."

Asked by CNN's Piers Morgan what he would do if his own daughter approached him, begging for an abortion after having been raped, Santorum explained that he would counsel her to "accept this horribly created" baby, because it was still a gift from God, even if given in a "broken" way.

"Well, you can make the argument that if she doesn't have this baby, if she kills her child, that that, too, could ruin her life. And this is not an easy choice, I understand that. As horrible as the way that that son or daughter and son was created, it still is her child. And whether she has that child or she doesn't, it will always be her child, and she will always know that," Santorum said.

Plenty of Women have done just that. Had the Kid and Made a good thing out of a bad one. What's wrong with that? Why do you have to want all children of Rape to be Aborted?

What is wrong about what he said? it is still her Child. Just because some asshole rapped her does not mean half the DNA that made the kid wasn't hers. It does not mean if she has the kid she wont love it. Some might not, Some might. Woman should make the Decision on a case by case Basis. But I see no problem with encouraging woman to think about Keeping the kid, and trying to find something good that come out of something so bad. Like a Child to love and cherish.

You have to be kidding!!!!!
it is fair to have questions. if you had no questions, you would have no heart. but no one is wise enough to make those decisions for others.... and certainly the government shouldn't be the determinative factor in something so complicated.

Understood; but should there be some decisions for which we do not allow anyone to make for themselves?

of course. but this isn't one of them. there's no societal agreement on it. and, frankly, the fact that it's mostly men who want to make those decisions for women is a little insulting.

my feeling also, is that the very people who oppose reproductive choice object to government funds being spent to care for children, or pay for day care to allow the mothers to have job training or education. they even hate programs like WIC and Head Start. In the most extreme cases, as in the case of the recent legislation proposed by the tea party types the minute they got to congress.... which would have banned even birth control.

The reality is that each of us has to make our own moral choices on this issue. I cartainly don't need anyone else making that type of decision for me. And given that our religious beliefs are usually the basis for whatever decision is made in this regard, it wouldn't be appropriate for anyone to impose their religious judgment on others.

I think you have introduced several other issues into the argument which really have no bearing on the central issue I am talking about. Which is the right to life for the unborn; the fact that I am male has no bearing on whether I think an abortion is in fact murder. As a member of society I should be able to voice an objection to allowing anyone to commit what amounts to legal murder. Human life should be preserved whether it's still in the womb or not.

It's not question of God and religion either, an atheist or non-atheist oughta have the same reverence for life and an aversion to allow legalizing it's ending. It's true that for many it is a religious issue; I do not think however that legalizing abortion should be decided based on that, and in fact I don't think religion should have anything to do with it at all.
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Understood; but should there be some decisions for which we do not allow anyone to make for themselves?

of course. but this isn't one of them. there's no societal agreement on it. and, frankly, the fact that it's mostly men who want to make those decisions for women is a little insulting.

my feeling also, is that the very people who oppose reproductive choice object to government funds being spent to care for children, or pay for day care to allow the mothers to have job training or education. they even hate programs like WIC and Head Start. In the most extreme cases, as in the case of the recent legislation proposed by the tea party types the minute they got to congress.... which would have banned even birth control.

The reality is that each of us has to make our own moral choices on this issue. I cartainly don't need anyone else making that type of decision for me. And given that our religious beliefs are usually the basis for whatever decision is made in this regard, it wouldn't be appropriate for anyone to impose their religious judgment on others.

Finally! A Socialist/Progressive Nanny Stater possibly making some progress. You're getting there. Now let's get Big Government out of our personal lives in other areas as well. Keep going, you're almost there. :)

How is Big Government intruding in our lives by making laws forcing government to stay out of our lives? In this instance, government is restricting government from intruding into a woman's personal life through Roe v. Wade by keeping abortion a personal decision.
Because 7 months prior to birth, it's not a child.

Biology 101.

it requires human blood chock full of oxygen and antibodies to continue living.

Other than a living human being, what other living OR non living object requires that?

Graduate level biology

we devalue "life" all the time. the issue is not whether the cells are living, but whether the government should intervene to protect those cells over the will of the woman. and, if government *should* step in at some point, then at *what* point?

*That* is what was decided, largely, by Roe v Wade.
Hey...I am not against right to choose.

I simply responded to "dontbestupid" who said...well....a stupid thing.

You see...he tossed in the word "child" in the debate and that is disingenuous...

For the right to life believers see human life as starting at conception...they never use trhe word "child" for it is not a child until it is functioning withought attachement to the placenta....it is still a fetus when still attached.

But to not respect the religious and emotional beliefs of those that feel that a fetus should be deemed as a living human being is irresponsible. For it IS a living human being in an early stage...as oxygen and HUMAN antibodies are necessary for its survival....and you cant "survive" unless you are already alive......

To ridicule those that believe this and slander them is irresponsible. They have a valid argument....
Oh I agree 100% and would never support Forcing them into it. I support Abortion in some cases. Rape being one for sure, But I do think we should encourage alternatives to it.

Santorum is saying he would force raped women to carry through with their pregnancy.
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Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

Amen, brother! That seems to go for both sides of the aisle. It's time for a change.

Sigh...we can dream.

Yeah, the Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters really are very disingenuous. They act all high & mighty preaching about Government intervention in Citizens' private lives while at the same time pushing for it on most other occasions. I've learned to never trust them anymore. They're very dishonest & hypocritical.
it requires human blood chock full of oxygen and antibodies to continue living.

Other than a living human being, what other living OR non living object requires that?

Graduate level biology

we devalue "life" all the time. the issue is not whether the cells are living, but whether the government should intervene to protect those cells over the will of the woman. and, if government *should* step in at some point, then at *what* point?

*That* is what was decided, largely, by Roe v Wade.
Hey...I am not against right to choose.

I simply responded to "dontbestupid" who said...well....a stupid thing.

You see...he tossed in the word "child" in the debate and that is disingenuous...

For the right to life believers see human life as starting at conception...they never use trhe word "child" for it is not a child until it is functioning withought attachement to the placenta....it is still a fetus when still attached.

But to not respect the religious and emotional beliefs of those that feel that a fetus should be deemed as a living human being is irresponsible. For it IS a living human being in an early stage...as oxygen and HUMAN antibodies are necessary for its survival....and you cant "survive" unless you are already alive......

To ridicule those that believe this and slander them is irresponsible. They have a valid argument....

I have no problem respecting others' beliefs. I expect mine to be respected as well. People who are opposed to a woman terminating a pregnancy simply shouldn't ever terminate a pregnancy. they have no right to impose their will on me or anyone else.

I don't think that's a lot to ask.

You know, I saw a show recently, can't even remember what i was watching, and they talked about how anti-choice rabid loons are targeting doctors by making public their addresses and routines.

And as that information is being made public, those doctors are being murdered by the rabid rightwingnut lunatics. I have no respect for that and I won't respect that. They aren't owed respect for that.

I'm kinda funny about things. I think respect is a two-way street.

Let me know when the anti-choice brigade makes room for any alternatives but their own. It seems to me no one is forcing anyone to terminate a pregnancy against their will. Yet they want to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term... even when the woman didn't choose to have sex. And, if they're opposed to choice, how dare they be opposed to birth control and sex education.

The problem isn't a lack of respect from the left. The problem is the heavy-handedness of the religious right.

rant over. sorry. :redface:
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Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

You're calling Rand Paul a Nanny Stater.


Obviously not, Rachel Maddcow wannabe. I was commenting on you Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters' dishonesty and hypocrisy. You love Big Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives. It's only this one issue you guys freak out over. You're just very disingenuous and inconsistent.
Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters should be all for Big Government intervention in this issue. They enjoy & promote Big Government intervening in our personal lives on almost every other occasion. They're not very honest & consistent.

You're calling Rand Paul a Nanny Stater.


Obviously not, Rachel Maddcow wannabe. I was commenting on you Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters' dishonesty and hypocrisy. You love Big Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives. It's only this one issue you guys freak out over. You're just very disingenuous and inconsistent.
Not at all.

Rand Paul supports making abortion illegal. Your hero is a phony.
You're calling Rand Paul a Nanny Stater.


Obviously not, Rachel Maddcow wannabe. I was commenting on you Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters' dishonesty and hypocrisy. You love Big Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives. It's only this one issue you guys freak out over. You're just very disingenuous and inconsistent.
Not at all.

Rand Paul supports making abortion illegal. Your hero is a phony.

apple doesn't fall far from the tree

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