Rick Santorum-- the new flavor of the week


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Probably take about 1 week to figure out that this guy is very pro-union and never saw an earmark he did not like. HE IS A CAREER POLITICIAN as well, been trying to get back in there ever since the voters of Pennsyvania got rid of him.

Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

Hey, Newt - you’re not the only one in the race with some serious baggage. Man-of-the-hour Rick Santorum, riding high after his Tuesday hat trick of wins in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado, has said and done plenty of things that could come back to bite him in the primaries or general election if he gets that far. Here are POLITICO’s top 10:

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/72607.html#ixzz1lqtLKerK
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Ron Paul is about the only small government canidate running...Yet the republicans HATE HIM.
Well, Mathew, they are Republicans. LOL

What absolutely cracks me up is that these voters don't know who Santorum is, they profess to not want a career politician and they voted for one, they are anti-union and Santorum voted down the right to work clause 3 different times, he was a huge ear marker even defended it in one of the early debates and now it's rah, rah, rah and they go vote for a guy that they have stated that they don't want. :lol::lol:
You can expect more threads started by libs insulting him in the days to come...
Probably take about 1 week to figure out that this guy is very pro-union and never saw an earmark he did not like. HE IS A CAREER POLITICIAN as well, been trying to get back in there ever since the voters of Pennsyvania got rid of him.

Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

Hey, Newt - you’re not the only one in the race with some serious baggage. Man-of-the-hour Rick Santorum, riding high after his Tuesday hat trick of wins in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado, has said and done plenty of things that could come back to bite him in the primaries or general election if he gets that far. Here are POLITICO’s top 10:

Read more: Rick Santorum's top 10 problems - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

You know, slandering everyone else doesn't make Romney any better.

He's still a creepy-ass Mormon with a record of sliming working folks.

I do find it amusing that the worst you can find to say about him is that he's "pro-Union".


You mean he thinks that the people who do the work should enjoy some of the rewards? Oh, the horror!

Out there, some rich douchebag might be deprived of a Polo Pony, and we can't have that.
of the three.....Santorum has the best shot at beating BO.....not too much baggage....polls already indicate that he can beat BO....

he's a clear pro-American christian conservative alternative to the anti-American marxist muslim.....
of the three.....Santorum has the best shot at beating BO.....not too much baggage....
....And, not too-much of a grasp on....


Yep.....he's losin' it......
Right now he is my flavor of the week because he is not Romney (pro hiking the minimum wage, author of obamacare in MA, owner of Bain capital and Gordon Gekko wanna be) and not Newt Gringrich (Mr Family values, the guy with the personality of a cactus and the combat record of Sir Robin from Monty Python.

This year has truly been a barmicide feast for Republicans.

(note bene, as much as I am dissing Romney and Gringrich, they ware way better than the Obamination currently in the white house.)
Here's my thought on Santorum.

He's in the position he's gotten to because, honestly, no one else is really likable...

Gingrich has a ton of baggage and Romney is just kind of this weird Automaton from the Planet Kolob, and neither one really inspires.

Romney will probably get the nomination, but they'll have to be dragged along kicking and screaming the whole way.

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