rick scott Acknowledges Biden 'Absolutely' Won Fair Election

I wish more Democrats had done the same thing after 2016
Show me one single democrat that said their was massive vote fraud. One. There were none. What a pathetic attempt to cover for the orange slob and his delusional cult.
Try reading the whole post asshole.
I did. It was dumb. The democrats never claimed the election was stolen in 2016. They correctly claimed a huge russian propaganda campaign occured.
Well, poster 123........it is show or go time.

Prove it.
Or quit coming on to social media sites and simply whining about what you 'think' happened....what you 'hope' happened.

Show or go.
Batter up, 123.
How about YOU go and quit contaminating threads with your bullshit? You have not proven the election was legit you only spouted Democrat and MSM talking points. Which is all you ever do BTW.
I wish more Democrats had done the same thing after 2016
Show me one single democrat that said their was massive vote fraud. One. There were none. What a pathetic attempt to cover for the orange slob and his delusional cult.
Try reading the whole post asshole.
I did. It was dumb. The democrats never claimed the election was stolen in 2016. They correctly claimed a huge russian propaganda campaign occured.
No whats dumb is you trying to claim the left didn't claim the 2016 election was stolen it is however the goalpost moving we have come to expect from the left. You can keep spinning untill screw yourself into the floor if you like I'm not going to waste anymore time enalbing you life is to short to argue endlessly with partisan idiots who like to pretend their sides shit don't stink.
People didn't vote for Trump.

Trump wants to outlaw mail in voting..
Voting should be done at the polls if at all possible. That's why we have polls dufus. Mailing everyone a ballot is horseshit. Democrat horseshit and, 74,222,958 people voted for Trump so your statement is bullshit. You are either an ignoramus or a DNC shill or both, they go hand in hand.
People didn't vote for Trump.

Trump wants to outlaw mail in voting..
Voting should be done a the polls if at all possible. Mailing everyone a ballot is horseshit. Democrat horseshit. And YES 74,222,958 people voted for Trump. You are either an ignoramus or a DNC shill.

Its a clever way to stop the elderly who can't stand in line and people without transportation from voting... and that is Trump's intention.

Biden beat Trump by 8 million votes and more than 50 EC votes.
Its a clever way to stop the elderly who can't stand in line and people without transportation from voting... and that is Trump's intention.

Biden beat Trump by 8 million votes and more than 50 EC votes.
Funny, that never stopped any of those people in the past before now did it? We didn't mail ballots to everyone when Obama got elected.......I went to the polls to vote and most there were 'elderly' and doing just fine. You swallow the DNC crap like a cheap whore you know that? BTW we have always had absentee ballots but those were requested not just handed out like candy at Halloween.
Unfortunately, since the courts refused to examine the mountain of evidence for election malfeasance, all we have is people's opinions.
Actually you have certified election results from 50 states both Red and Blue.
You also have the courts dismissing 60 challenges as specious
None of which addressed the massive mail in ballot fraud.

Not playing your silly conspiracies

You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts
I wish he would tell the people of Florida this and they would believe him.

But this is after he joined the challenge of Pennsylvania's electoral college results.

More republicans need to come out publicly and say this.

There are people who do not want to see the United States degenerate into pure chaos. The real issue is how entitled the Progressive Socialists are. Enough so to dare anyone in their path to do something about it. That is how much power they have acquired. Politicians that are great are far and in between. Competent ones is a victory in itself. We saw many incompetent ones during the last year. And most of them, Progs. Why? Because they love monster sized government. And give themselves the power to control us, the little people. The media and the entertainers are their shill ambassadors of Prog agendas promotion. When men and women who live in the upper level of luxury using the capitalist goodies created while forcing socialist policies on the peasants while pretending to like us rift raft is despicable. They want to control us. As to make sure we do not overrun and kill them. And they deserve to be killed. But they do not even worry about it. Which means they believe to be totally safe with their elite masters guaranteeing it.
These have not been explained. Why?
Yup, they were.
The vote was certified.
If there really was traction there....you'da thought the Elite Strike Force attorneys woulda drove that sucker home. But, alas.........

Many eyewitness saw trucks bringing in freshly minted ballots and T ones being erased
Show us. Prove it.
Batter up, Quasar.

Entire election was a massive fraud
See the response in the comment above.
Show or go.

You have n the election was legit......not prove
Ummm, don't hafto.
The 'certification' by each state did that.
Now......big reveal here.....it is up to YOU to prove that it was illegitimate.
Civics 101.

Mailing eryone a ballot is horseshit.
Ummm, the big 'reveal'......THAT never happened.
If he poster can prove what he asserts....
Well, what a great time to do it.
So do it.

Democrat horseshit and, 74,222,958 people voted for Trump
Yeah, so it seems
But, it was a 2-man race.
And guy #1, got over 7 million.....hold for it.......MORE!

We didn't mail ballots to everyone when Obama got elected.
Ummm, nobody did.
If you assert they did.......well, prove it.

the massive mail in ballot fraud.

Show us.
Show us you got game.
Prove it.
rick scott Acknowledges Biden 'Absolutely' Won Fair Election

MEANINGLESS. Since when is Scott the final arbiter of anything? Does he offer how he came to this conclusion with documentation?

What else has Rick Scott told you that you believed? If Scott had come out yesterday declaring Trump absolutely won the election, would you believe him and what would you be saying now?

I thought so.
Probably didn't want to get put through the struggle session with some crank "journalist".
These have not been explained. Why?
Yup, they were.
The vote was certified.
If there really was traction there....you'da thought the Elite Strike Force attorneys woulda drove that sucker home. But, alas.........

Many eyewitness saw trucks bringing in freshly minted ballots and T ones being erased
Show us. Prove it.
Batter up, Quasar.

Entire election was a massive fraud
See the response in the comment above.
Show or go.

You have n the election was legit......not prove
Ummm, don't hafto.
The 'certification' by each state did that.
Now......big reveal here.....it is up to YOU to prove that it was illegitimate.
Civics 101.

Mailing eryone a ballot is horseshit.
Ummm, the big 'reveal'......THAT never happened.
If he poster can prove what he asserts....
Well, what a great time to do it.
So do it.

Democrat horseshit and, 74,222,958 people voted for Trump
Yeah, so it seems
But, it was a 2-man race.
And guy #1, got over 7 million.....hold for it.......MORE!

We didn't mail ballots to everyone when Obama got elected.
Ummm, nobody did.
If you assert they did.......well, prove it.

the massive mail in ballot fraud.

Show us.
Show us you got game.
Prove it.
You have several hundred affidavits
You have illegal election changes by key states that violated the constitution

it was 100 percent a Cuban election
Unfortunately, since the courts refused to examine the mountain of evidence for election malfeasance, all we have is people's opinions.
Pure nonsense.

Courts generally refuse to look at mountains of feces.

They don't ignore actual evidence.

Why did those Republican and Trump appointed judges do this??

Does that make sense....oh wait...You're a Trumper...stuff doesn't have to make sense...
I wish he would tell the people of Florida this and they would believe him.

But this is after he joined the challenge of Pennsylvania's electoral college results.

More republicans need to come out publicly and say this.

sure he did....sure

64 courts examined the "evidence" and found nothing, but continue to believe Donald's Big Lie if you must.
Courts did a cursory dismissal of the evidence. NOT ONE heard the case because that was the easy way out.
I wish he would tell the people of Florida this and they would believe him.

But this is after he joined the challenge of Pennsylvania's electoral college results.

More republicans need to come out publicly and say this.

“More republicans need to come out publicly and say this.”

That’s not going to happen.

Idiot rightists believe that propagating the Big Lie is an ‘act of defiance’ – when in fact it’s an act of willful ignorance.
“More republicans need to come out publicly and say this.”

That’s not going to happen.

Idiot rightists believe that propagating the Big Lie is an ‘act of defiance’ – when in fact it’s an act of willful ignorance.
Just what exactly is this 'big lie?' That Biden won is the big lie.

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