Rigging the Election – Video III

Project Veritas Video III is now live. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. Consume at your own risk......

I've seen his so called "films" in the past.

They're either out right lies or edited to portray something that's not the truth.

When you have a credible and honest source let me know.
Project Veritas Video III is now live. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. Consume at your own risk......

I've seen his so called "films" in the past.

They're either out right lies or edited to portray something that's not the truth.

When you have a credible and honest source let me know.

The video is credible... deflections...

Guy is presenting minutes worth of conversation and you say that's edited together... weak.
Video: Hillary Clinton Approved Robert Creamer Plan Directly

Well looky looky here now.... The very thing stated in the video PRIOR to any "Donald Ducks" every showing up, magically appears.. Isn't that special?

Now being carried by Breitbart
Wow! If breitbart is carrying it literally nobody that matters will read it!

Maybe in the corrupt leftist world of THUGZ -N- Chubz.. Drudge and Breitbart are the two top sites on the interwebz Bozo
Maybe the two top sites among the alt-right. Among those with functioning brains they aren't even in the top 100 sites.
Who do the dweebs follow? Oh I know! Ariana Huffington, Rachel Madcow and Oprah.

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