Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Pew survey, 2007. No longer exists as link. We don't have a propaganda machine.

So we have your word, a known liar.
Quite the scumbag a-hole you are, you should work for Fox- USA Today:

The actual percentage of immigrants lacking legal permission who pay taxes is much higher, according to researchers. The institute's report estimates about a third of such immigrants nationally are homeowners, subjecting them to property tax payments. Another 50 percent are believed to pay income taxes. And as much as 75 percent of the population is believed to pay into the U.S. Social Security system (a system of benefits they wouldn't be eligible to receive anyway unless they became U.S. citizens).


So eat shytte and die, hater dupe.

I think it is quite funny that when you cuss you misspell the word like that makes a difference, what a pussy. Lol!

Is this the Pew study you said you couldn't find? Liar!
It says basically exactly the same thing, stupid. There's another survey that says illegal men work at 89% rate, after the GOP meltdown.

So illegals could get jobs yet we paid poor legal minoritys not to work for almost two fucking years?

What the hell?

Illegals can't get UE or welfare. But CAN work, pay taxes and own homes....
You got a link to all that and not a left wing nut website either.
Pew survey, 2007. No longer exists as link. We don't have a propaganda machine.

So we have your word, a known liar.
Quite the scumbag a-hole you are, you should work for Fox-

USA Today:

The actual percentage of immigrants lacking legal permission who pay taxes is much higher, according to researchers. The institute's report estimates about a third of such immigrants nationally are homeowners, subjecting them to property tax payments. Another 50 percent are believed to pay income taxes. And as much as 75 percent of the population is believed to pay into the U.S. Social Security system (a system of benefits they wouldn't be eligible to receive anyway unless they became U.S. citizens).


So eat shytte and die, hater dupe.
If illegal immigrants are paying all of this they are using ill gotten gains to do so because they stole those jobs from American citizens who wish they could afford their own homes.

Well they stole my identity. It was used by illegals in six states, I have spent hours and hours and over a thousand dollars to get it straightened out and it still isn't worked out.

According to liberal pieces of crap like Franco, it's ok, as long as it is me and not him, he is good with it.
Keep the GOP scam of easily faked SS IDs then, dupe, and obsess over idiotic walls....
Logic and pseudocons are mortal enemies. Your piss outlets absolutely depend on your willful stupidity and ignorance. Your credulity is their bread and butter.
Wow...four ranting like a lunatic posts in a row? Clearly the reality of this thread touched a nerve with this ultra-sensitive, fragile snowflake.

Facts tend to do that to the left.
If that were even remotely true - then people with visas could vote in our election. Only U.S. citizens have constitutional rights.

But that's not the discussion here. THe discussion is whether the president can discriminate against a group of non-citizens and prevent them from accessing the U.S. And the answer of course, is yes. Yes, he can.
Not allllll constitutional rights extend to non citizens but due process does. Right?

Your answer might be yes, but it seems many fed judges and constitutional scholars disagree with you.

What is this God damn bullshit of yours?

Do you really want us to hate you more to the point of flaming ?

Your choice girl..

What your suggestioning is assnine

Not allllll constitutional rights extend to non citizens but due process does. Right?

Your answer might be yes, but it seems many fed judges and constitutional scholars disagree with you.

Hey now, don't shoot the messenger.

Does The Constitution Protect Non-Citizens? Judges Say Yes

9 the circuit court go fuck off...you knew I was going to get tired of it girl, you an American citizen you get protection of the Constitution... You a born foreigner, hell no.


Its the Constitution of the United States ,

Not the Constitution of the world.

I guess you'll have to take your issues up with our government lol
Logic and pseudocons are mortal enemies. Your piss outlets absolutely depend on your willful stupidity and ignorance. Your credulity is their bread and butter.
Wow...four ranting like a lunatic posts in a row? Clearly the reality of this thread touched a nerve with this ultra-sensitive, fragile snowflake.

Facts tend to do that to the left.
Also, we're the center, and you're the misinformed, conspiracy nutjob far right ...
Now that one was just too damn funny to pass up. First there was famed Dumbocrat lunatic Howard Dean admitting that Obamacare did in fact have a panel of bureaucrats designed to ration healthcare - to the point where even he demanded the panels repeal:
First, a high-profile Democrat and one-time medical doctor is admitting that this board is a “health care rationing body.”
What?? Howard Dean Admits Palin Was Right All Along About ObamaCare

But the good times didn't just end there. Next up? Famed left-wing nitwit Paul Krugman - not only admitting that there would be "death panels" but embracing it in typical left-wing idiocy! We know how you live to deny reality snowflake - but this one is on video. Best of luck with it:

But the good times didn't stop there, my fragile little snowflake. Next up was Obama "czar" Steve Rattner openly lobbying for death panels:
WE need death panels. Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.
Beyond Obamacare

Done? Pfff! Not by a long shot. Then there was Dr. Donald Berwick - who Obama appointed head of Health and Human Services until his controversial comments about rationing healthcare care caused such an uproar, he was forced to resign.
Republicans caricatured Dr. Berwick as an advocate of health care rationing because of comments he had made before coming to Washington. He had, for example, lavishly praised the British health care system. In an interview with a biotechnology journal in 2009, he said, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
Obama’s Pick to Head Medicare and Medicaid Resigns Post

Like all emotional left-wing snowflakes, you believe that as long as you deny reality, it ceases to be reality. Unfortunately for you, that's simply not the case. You fell for the left-wing propaganda as you always do (a problem with the weak and simple minded). The Obamacare legislation clearly created the panel to ration healthcare. All you had to do was ask an adult to read it to you. But you've been dumbed down to the point that reading something and understanding it is far too much for you to handle.
Also, we're the center, and you're the misinformed, conspiracy nutjob far right ...
Well it's true that you are the center of the socialist/communist/marxist/fascist movement. There is no denying that.

However, in terms of the political spectrum in America, the "center" is the Tea Party. All they do is advocate for legal, constitutional government. Nothing less. Nothing more. Just obeying the U.S. Constitution as our founders did (the fact that you find that "extreme" is undeniable proof of how radicalized you are). To the left of them is the Republican Party which embraces a strong, large, centralized government just like the Democrats of the Kennedy-era did. To the left of them is the Dumbocrat Party - which is compromised of socialists (Bernie Sanders openly ran as a socialist and damn near won), communists, fascists, etc.

To the right of the Tea Party (again - ground zero - simply constitutional government) are the libertarians. To the right of them, the sovereign citizens. And finally, to the right of them, anarchists.
Pew survey, 2007. No longer exists as link. We don't have a propaganda machine.

So we have your word, a known liar.
Quite the scumbag a-hole you are, you should work for Fox-

USA Today:

The actual percentage of immigrants lacking legal permission who pay taxes is much higher, according to researchers. The institute's report estimates about a third of such immigrants nationally are homeowners, subjecting them to property tax payments. Another 50 percent are believed to pay income taxes. And as much as 75 percent of the population is believed to pay into the U.S. Social Security system (a system of benefits they wouldn't be eligible to receive anyway unless they became U.S. citizens).


So eat shytte and die, hater dupe.
If illegal immigrants are paying all of this they are using ill gotten gains to do so because they stole those jobs from American citizens who wish they could afford their own homes.

Well they stole my identity. It was used by illegals in six states, I have spent hours and hours and over a thousand dollars to get it straightened out and it still isn't worked out.

According to liberal pieces of crap like Franco, it's ok, as long as it is me and not him, he is good with it.
Keep the GOP scam of easily faked SS IDs then, dupe, and obsess over idiotic walls....

What wall am I obsessed with? You losing it loser dupe boy?
Franco has been given new talking points! He is almost to predictable. Gets caught lying and switches subjects! He is following his leadership well. Franco is a prefect Democrat, he gets spoon fed and doesn't think!
We have a Commerce Clause
You know what else we have that is far more important to the discussion? We have the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.
Section 212(f), states: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
It's so bizarre how the left hate the U.S. Constitution, hates U.S. laws, and is always looking to secure rights for foreigners while attempting to circumvent them with citizens.
You have to prove it is immigration and not tourism.
No such requirement is necessary. You can't lie your way into the reality you want. Neither President Trump nor the Supreme Court cares about your false narrative to advance your radical views.
You know how Trump's bs is stopping illegal immigration and the wall will work? LOL

US: Nearly 740,000 foreigners overstayed visas last year - ABC News
1 day ago - Nearly 740,000 foreigners who were supposed to leave the United States during a recent 12-month period overstayed their visas, the ...
Nearly 740,000 Overstayed US Visas In 2016: DHS Report - White ...
1 hour ago - Nearly 740,000 foreigners who entered the United States legally and were expected to depart between Oct. 1, 2015 and Sept. 30, 2016 ...
US: Nearly 740,000 Foreigners Overstayed Visas Last Year « CBS ...
1 day ago - The U.S. Homeland Security Department says nearly 740000 foreigners who were supposed to leave the country during a recent 12-month ...
The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor", and blame the left wing for it.
Quite the scumbag a-hole you are, you should work for Fox- USA Today:

The actual percentage of immigrants lacking legal permission who pay taxes is much higher, according to researchers. The institute's report estimates about a third of such immigrants nationally are homeowners, subjecting them to property tax payments. Another 50 percent are believed to pay income taxes. And as much as 75 percent of the population is believed to pay into the U.S. Social Security system (a system of benefits they wouldn't be eligible to receive anyway unless they became U.S. citizens).


So eat shytte and die, hater dupe.

I think it is quite funny that when you cuss you misspell the word like that makes a difference, what a pussy. Lol!

Is this the Pew study you said you couldn't find? Liar!
It says basically exactly the same thing, stupid. There's another survey that says illegal men work at 89% rate, after the GOP meltdown.

So it is not the PEW study from 2007, interesting how you lie with such ease.
The Pew survey no longer is online, dumbass, USA Today says exactly the same thing 9 years later. DUHHHH. So you are the liar at this point, as always. LOL. And proved wrong AGAIN, as always.

I'm not lying slimeball, you have no proof the reports say the same thing. So, prove it you scum liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.
Franco has been given new talking points! He is almost to predictable. Gets caught lying and switches subjects! He is following his leadership well. Franco is a prefect Democrat, he gets spoon fed and doesn't think!
Dems aren't calling for impeachment, but an investigation. The 2007 Pew survey in no longer online. The USA Today article says the same things. 65% of illegal males pay taxes and 35% own homes. 90% or so work. Can you read....
So we have your word, a known liar.
Quite the scumbag a-hole you are, you should work for Fox, Breitbart, or Rush

- USA Today:

The actual percentage of immigrants lacking legal permission who pay taxes is much higher, according to researchers. The institute's report estimates about a third of such immigrants nationally are homeowners, subjecting them to property tax payments. Another 50 percent are believed to pay income taxes. And as much as 75 percent of the population is believed to pay into the U.S. Social Security system (a system of benefits they wouldn't be eligible to receive anyway unless they became U.S. citizens).


So eat shytte and die, hater dupe.
And notice I don't call you a liar, just a dupe. One's personal, the other political. And now a hater dupe. That's what happens in the angry New BS GOP...misinformation doe s that to you. The quote above is in answer to Trump bs, he said 5% lol...a disgrace.

Call me what you want, I don't really care. People that are pure partisan bull shitters such as yourself are fun to laugh at because you are ignorant, closed minded and lie at the drop of a hat.
My lies are that Dems aren't calling for impeachment and illegals pay taxes 67% and own homes 35%? You are an idiot.

Compared to RWers, Dems are saints.


Sure, I believe you because you are a liar.

I think Mr. Trump should be a "Chief Magistrate" "about Things", and stop complaining about the press.

There may be no figure more polarizing, frightening and bewildering than White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, a man who makes George W. Bush’s former chief of staff, Karl Rove, seem about as harmful as a zit. If this comparison seems facetious, chalk it up to the aftereffects of watching “Bannon’s War,” documentarian Michael Kirk’s latest effort for “Frontline” that premiers Tuesday at 10 p.m. on PBS member stations and online.
Also, we're the center, and you're the misinformed, conspiracy nutjob far right ...
Well it's true that you are the center of the socialist/communist/marxist/fascist movement. There is no denying that.

However, in terms of the political spectrum in America, the "center" is the Tea Party. All they do is advocate for legal, constitutional government. Nothing less. Nothing more. Just obeying the U.S. Constitution as our founders did (the fact that you find that "extreme" is undeniable proof of how radicalized you are). To the left of them is the Republican Party which embraces a strong, large, centralized government just like the Democrats of the Kennedy-era did. To the left of them is the Dumbocrat Party - which is compromised of socialists (Bernie Sanders openly ran as a socialist and damn near won), communists, fascists, etc.

To the right of the Tea Party (again - ground zero - simply constitutional government) are the libertarians. To the right of them, the sovereign citizens. And finally, to the right of them, anarchists.
No one in the world believes any of that but ignorant, brainwashed GOP rubes. Socialists are for fair capitalism. Communism is dead. Fascism is RW because it is capitalist and authoritarian.
I think it is quite funny that when you cuss you misspell the word like that makes a difference, what a pussy. Lol!

Is this the Pew study you said you couldn't find? Liar!
It says basically exactly the same thing, stupid. There's another survey that says illegal men work at 89% rate, after the GOP meltdown.

So it is not the PEW study from 2007, interesting how you lie with such ease.
The Pew survey no longer is online, dumbass, USA Today says exactly the same thing 9 years later. DUHHHH. So you are the liar at this point, as always. LOL. And proved wrong AGAIN, as always.

I'm not lying slimeball, you have no proof the reports say the same thing. So, prove it you scum liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.

This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
It says basically exactly the same thing, stupid. There's another survey that says illegal men work at 89% rate, after the GOP meltdown.

So it is not the PEW study from 2007, interesting how you lie with such ease.
The Pew survey no longer is online, dumbass, USA Today says exactly the same thing 9 years later. DUHHHH. So you are the liar at this point, as always. LOL. And proved wrong AGAIN, as always.

I'm not lying slimeball, you have no proof the reports say the same thing. So, prove it you scum liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.

This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
So it is not the PEW study from 2007, interesting how you lie with such ease.
The Pew survey no longer is online, dumbass, USA Today says exactly the same thing 9 years later. DUHHHH. So you are the liar at this point, as always. LOL. And proved wrong AGAIN, as always.

I'm not lying slimeball, you have no proof the reports say the same thing. So, prove it you scum liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.

This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
The proof is they both say the same thing DUHHH.Knucklehead!
Franco has been given new talking points! He is almost to predictable. Gets caught lying and switches subjects! He is following his leadership well. Franco is a prefect Democrat, he gets spoon fed and doesn't think!
Dems aren't calling for impeachment, but an investigation. The 2007 Pew survey in no longer online. The USA Today article says the same things. 65% of illegal males pay taxes and 35% own homes. 90% or so work. Can you read....

Proved you wrong on the Dems not calling for impeachment. Al Green a Democrat on the House floor called for Trumps impeachment and several others have done as well, so please, you are lying when you post that. Just stop the lying.

So, 35% of illegal male immigrants don't pay taxes, what about females? I would bet that is higher. If you or I don't pay taxes we go to jail, but let's excuse the illegal immigrant. 65% don't own homes and that number should be a lot higher, they should not be able to buy home in this country, they are lawbreakers and low lifes. 90% work? Might want to check that.

I can read and you are a liar because even when shown you are wrong you continue to lie!
The Pew survey no longer is online, dumbass, USA Today says exactly the same thing 9 years later. DUHHHH. So you are the liar at this point, as always. LOL. And proved wrong AGAIN, as always.

I'm not lying slimeball, you have no proof the reports say the same thing. So, prove it you scum liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.

This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
The proof is they both say the same thing DUHHH.Knucklehead!

What a disconnect!!! LOL!!!!!!
The Pew survey no longer is online, dumbass, USA Today says exactly the same thing 9 years later. DUHHHH. So you are the liar at this point, as always. LOL. And proved wrong AGAIN, as always.

I'm not lying slimeball, you have no proof the reports say the same thing. So, prove it you scum liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.

This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
The proof is they both say the same thing DUHHH.Knucklehead!

At least I am not supporting illegal activity like you are. Congrats loser boy!
And people legally holding visas or with approved refugee status. Listen it's okay if you don't want to believe me. We'll let the courts handle this. :beer:
If that were even remotely true - then people with visas could vote in our election. Only U.S. citizens have constitutional rights.

But that's not the discussion here. THe discussion is whether the president can discriminate against a group of non-citizens and prevent them from accessing the U.S. And the answer of course, is yes. Yes, he can.
Not allllll constitutional rights extend to non citizens but due process does. Right?

Your answer might be yes, but it seems many fed judges and constitutional scholars disagree with you.

What is this God damn bullshit of yours?

Do you really want us to hate you more to the point of flaming ?

Your choice girl..

What your suggestioning is assnine

Not allllll constitutional rights extend to non citizens but due process does. Right?

Your answer might be yes, but it seems many fed judges and constitutional scholars disagree with you.


I am going to start flaming you because I am tired of you saying a non citizen that dont even live here has the right to the Constitution of the United States.

Did you know, that nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics?

Anyone being prosecuted under the authority of the United States, has recourse to our fundamental law.

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