Right-wing Blame Game Continues: Blaze Insinuates Trayvon Martin Was A Troublemaker

Yeah but im being trashed by people of no quailty, so its quite meaningless.

Don't blame me that you set yourself up for the jab...you gave me a softball.

I am not blaming you, I am laughing at you and once again another attempt at your brand of childishness.

Youve been owned Son, if you had bothered to read additional comments you wouldnt look like the ass you do now. Just saying

Oh a the t copycat.
yes,yes it typically takes a few off you parrots to trash me.

Like I said you set the joke up perfectly,so try not to be such a sourpuss dear.

You have such a low wit, it isnt much fun toying with you. Ankle biter
Let me get this straight. You feel that because Trayvon was suspended from school, it supports Zimmerman's argument that Trayvon was the aggressor? Utterly ridiculous. You have no idea why he was suspended; and even if you did - even if it was for a violent offense - his suspension has absolutely nothing to do with this incident.

Uh Jose, Zimmerman is Hispanic like you. Aren't you ashamed of your race right now? Or are you still pretending he's White?

And Zimmerman being Hispanic means....what exactly?

It means he wasn't white,, contrary to the most ardent wishes of the race baiters.. dang.
Not surprisingly, you fail to see the point of the thread. There is no proof that Trayvon was suspended for a criminal act; and his alleged suspension (for whatever reason) has nothing to do with his killing. His being allegedly suspended from school doesn't excuse his killing or his killer's reasoning for shooting him.

Of course it doesn't but if it's true, it supports Zimmerman's story that Martin was the aggressor.

Let me get this straight. You feel that because Trayvon was suspended from school, it supports Zimmerman's argument that Trayvon was the aggressor? Utterly ridiculous. You have no idea why he was suspended; and even if you did - even if it was for a violent offense - his suspension has absolutely nothing to do with this incident.

I suspect that at some point,Trayvon stopped and attacked Zimmerman. According to the police report, Zimmerman had been knocked on his back, as evidenced by the fact that the back of his shirt was wet and grass clinging to it. He had a bleeding injury on the back of his head as well as blood on his face, possibly from a nose bleed. He was treated by an EMT at the scene.

My take on it is that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, probably by tackling him as he had learned in school playing football. Then jumped on him and was hitting him in the face. And, the cry for help that a witness heard came from Zimmerman.

It is a damned shame that Zimmerman couldn't defend himself without shooting Trayvon, but with Trayvon on top of him slugging him in the face, he acted in self defense.

Read the police report instead of the newspaper and see if you think this is not a reasonable guess of what happened.
Let me get this straight. You feel that because Trayvon was suspended from school, it supports Zimmerman's argument that Trayvon was the aggressor? Utterly ridiculous. You have no idea why he was suspended; and even if you did - even if it was for a violent offense - his suspension has absolutely nothing to do with this incident.

Uh Jose, Zimmerman is Hispanic like you. Aren't you ashamed of your race right now? Or are you still pretending he's White?

And Zimmerman being Hispanic means....what exactly?

Now you're finally admitting he's Hispanic? What took you so long? Hey, better late than never i guess. Progress at last. :)
Right wing blame game?

Didn't I read where some witnesses coming out in Zimmerman's defense and saying he was being attacked.....WERE BLACK

I guess you people just won't be satisfied until you incite blood on your hands.
I am not blaming you, I am laughing at you and once again another attempt at your brand of childishness.

Youve been owned Son, if you had bothered to read additional comments you wouldnt look like the ass you do now. Just saying

Oh a the t copycat.
yes,yes it typically takes a few off you parrots to trash me.

Like I said you set the joke up perfectly,so try not to be such a sourpuss dear.

You have such a low wit, it isnt much fun toying with you. Ankle biter

PlasmaDork is now USMB's "Pit Yorkie"...:lol:
Right wing blame game?

Didn't I read where some witnesses coming out in Zimmerman's defense and saying he was being attacked.....WERE BLACK

I guess you people just won't be satisfied until you incite blood on your hands.

Yup. CNN & NBC wont be truly happy until the riots begin. This is their Rodney King Redux. They absolutely love it.

If we have zimmerman saying coon on the recording, being white or not white is meaningless.

That we can agree on. But shame on the Liberal Press for rushing to push their 'Evil Whitey kills Black Kid' Race-Baiting farce. They've hit rock-bottom for sure.
Oh no...the press is a long way from hitting bottom in the honor and integretiy parade. Give them time my friend. They ALWAYS manage to outdo themselves.
Right wing blame game?

Didn't I read where some witnesses coming out in Zimmerman's defense and saying he was being attacked.....WERE BLACK

I guess you people just won't be satisfied until you incite blood on your hands.

Yup. CNN & NBC wont be truly happy until the riots begin. This is their Rodney King Redux. They absolutely love it.
They have to make news nowadays insteadof just reporting it. They have to help Obama distract the populace away from his failures.
Hey, maybe the NBPP, Sharpton, Jackson can get the KKK to join them and they go lynch Zimmerman..

I bet the media and some here would say he got what was coming him..
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Is there no shame on the fringes of the right? A boy's life tragically ended at the hands of a community watchman who was told by police to back off - a teen armed with only a bag of Skittles and a can of tea (oh, and of course the hoodie that Fox's Heraldo Rivera blames for the incident) - and all the right can do is look for excuses to defend the alleged shooter and reasons to blame the victim. Glenn Beck's The Blaze website has stooped to a new low.

Sharpton Calls for Arrest of George Zimmerman After Shooting of Trayvon Martin in ‘Self-Defense’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

We’re also learning more about Trayvon Martin. According to reporters he had been suspended from school. The International Business Times says Martin’s suspension was due to last for 10 days. But what exactly was he suspended for in the first place? Sources sympathetic to Martin say he was suspended for “excessive tardiness.” However, a quick review of both the local policies for Martin’s school, the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, and of the Miami-Dade school district’s district-wide policies, raise some doubts. According to Miami-Dade policy, in order to get a suspension of 10 days, Martin would have had to either commit “repeated, serious or habitual” acts of the following:

• Cheating/Misrepresentation
• Confrontation with a staff member
• Defiance of school personnel
• Distribution of items or materials that are inappropriate
for an educational setting*
• Failure to comply with previously prescribed corrective
• False accusation
• Fighting (minor)
• Harassment (non-sexual or isolated)
• Instigative behavior
• Leaving school grounds without permission
• Joining clubs or groups not approved by the School Board
• Libel
• Petty theft (under $300.00)
• Use of profane or provocative language directed at someone
• Prohibited sales on school grounds (other than
controlled substances)
• Possession and/or use of tobacco products
• Slander
• Vandalism (minor)

Or even occasional offenses from the following:
• Assault/Threat against a non-staff member
• Breaking and Entering/Burglary
• Bullying (repeated harassment)*
• Disruption on campus/Disorderly conduct
• Fighting (serious)
• Harassment (Civil Rights)**
• Hazing (misdemeanor)
• Possession or use of alcohol and/or controlled
• Possession of simulated weapons
• Sexual harassment**
• Trespassing
• Vandalism (major)

Or of the following:
• Grand theft (over $300.00)
• Hate crime
• Hazing (felony)
• Motor vehicle theft
• Other major crimes/incidents
• Sale and/or distribution of alcohol and/or controlled substances
• Sex offenses (other) (including possession and/or
distribution of obscene or lewd materials)

Or possibly even of the following, each of which carries a minimum suspension of ten days:

• Aggravated assault
• Aggravated battery against a non-staff member
• Armed robbery
• Arson
• Assault/Threat against M-DCPS employees or persons
conducting official business
• Battery or Aggravated battery against M-DCPS employees
or persons conducting official business*
• Homicide
• Kidnapping/Abduction
• Making a false report/threat against the school*
• Sexual battery
• Possession, use, sale, or distribution of firearms, explosives,
destructive devices, and other weapons.

But whatever the reason, it‘s a case that you’ll probably be hearing more about in the future.

Notice the last sentence. They've just called into question Trayvon's character, questioning the reason for his suspension followed by a list of serious crimes that could get a student suspended, but "whatever the reason". You know, we're not saying that Trayvon Martin was a dangerous teen who got suspended from school for committing criminal acts, but here's a list of serious crimes - including rape and murder - that could get a teen suspended from school.....just sayin'.

What's next - drag his parents into it? Let's see if they have a criminal record; if they raised that boy right.

Beck left off one more reason for possible suspension. How about:

-Using a firearm to murder an unarmed person.

Beck is a paranoid psychopath
Is there no shame on the fringes of the right? A boy's life tragically ended at the hands of a community watchman who was told by police to back off - a teen armed with only a bag of Skittles and a can of tea (oh, and of course the hoodie that Fox's Heraldo Rivera blames for the incident) - and all the right can do is look for excuses to defend the alleged shooter and reasons to blame the victim. Glenn Beck's The Blaze website has stooped to a new low.

Sharpton Calls for Arrest of George Zimmerman After Shooting of Trayvon Martin in ‘Self-Defense’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

We’re also learning more about Trayvon Martin. According to reporters he had been suspended from school. The International Business Times says Martin’s suspension was due to last for 10 days. But what exactly was he suspended for in the first place? Sources sympathetic to Martin say he was suspended for “excessive tardiness.” However, a quick review of both the local policies for Martin’s school, the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, and of the Miami-Dade school district’s district-wide policies, raise some doubts. According to Miami-Dade policy, in order to get a suspension of 10 days, Martin would have had to either commit “repeated, serious or habitual” acts of the following:

• Cheating/Misrepresentation
• Confrontation with a staff member
• Defiance of school personnel
• Distribution of items or materials that are inappropriate
for an educational setting*
• Failure to comply with previously prescribed corrective
• False accusation
• Fighting (minor)
• Harassment (non-sexual or isolated)
• Instigative behavior
• Leaving school grounds without permission
• Joining clubs or groups not approved by the School Board
• Libel
• Petty theft (under $300.00)
• Use of profane or provocative language directed at someone
• Prohibited sales on school grounds (other than
controlled substances)
• Possession and/or use of tobacco products
• Slander
• Vandalism (minor)

Or even occasional offenses from the following:
• Assault/Threat against a non-staff member
• Breaking and Entering/Burglary
• Bullying (repeated harassment)*
• Disruption on campus/Disorderly conduct
• Fighting (serious)
• Harassment (Civil Rights)**
• Hazing (misdemeanor)
• Possession or use of alcohol and/or controlled
• Possession of simulated weapons
• Sexual harassment**
• Trespassing
• Vandalism (major)

Or of the following:
• Grand theft (over $300.00)
• Hate crime
• Hazing (felony)
• Motor vehicle theft
• Other major crimes/incidents
• Sale and/or distribution of alcohol and/or controlled substances
• Sex offenses (other) (including possession and/or
distribution of obscene or lewd materials)

Or possibly even of the following, each of which carries a minimum suspension of ten days:

• Aggravated assault
• Aggravated battery against a non-staff member
• Armed robbery
• Arson
• Assault/Threat against M-DCPS employees or persons
conducting official business
• Battery or Aggravated battery against M-DCPS employees
or persons conducting official business*
• Homicide
• Kidnapping/Abduction
• Making a false report/threat against the school*
• Sexual battery
• Possession, use, sale, or distribution of firearms, explosives,
destructive devices, and other weapons.

But whatever the reason, it‘s a case that you’ll probably be hearing more about in the future.

Notice the last sentence. They've just called into question Trayvon's character, questioning the reason for his suspension followed by a list of serious crimes that could get a student suspended, but "whatever the reason". You know, we're not saying that Trayvon Martin was a dangerous teen who got suspended from school for committing criminal acts, but here's a list of serious crimes - including rape and murder - that could get a teen suspended from school.....just sayin'.

What's next - drag his parents into it? Let's see if they have a criminal record; if they raised that boy right.

Beck left off one more reason for possible suspension. How about:

-Using a firearm to murder an unarmed person.

Beck is a paranoid psychopath

Is Zimmerman enrolled in the School where the list came from? Really?

I think YOU are an Idiot and should leave Beck alone and deal with your own foibles of reading comprehension. :eusa_hand:
Is there no shame on the fringes of the right? A boy's life tragically ended at the hands of a community watchman who was told by police to back off - a teen armed with only a bag of Skittles and a can of tea (oh, and of course the hoodie that Fox's Heraldo Rivera blames for the incident) - and all the right can do is look for excuses to defend the alleged shooter and reasons to blame the victim. Glenn Beck's The Blaze website has stooped to a new low.

Notice the last sentence. They've just called into question Trayvon's character, questioning the reason for his suspension followed by a list of serious crimes that could get a student suspended, but "whatever the reason". You know, we're not saying that Trayvon Martin was a dangerous teen who got suspended from school for committing criminal acts, but here's a list of serious crimes - including rape and murder - that could get a teen suspended from school.....just sayin'.

What's next - drag his parents into it? Let's see if they have a criminal record; if they raised that boy right.

Beck left off one more reason for possible suspension. How about:

-Using a firearm to murder an unarmed person.

Beck is a paranoid psychopath

Is Zimmerman enrolled in the School where the list came from? Really?

I think YOU are an Idiot and should leave Beck alone and deal with your own foibles of reading comprehension. :eusa_hand:

good grief...who else are they going to drag into this mess...ALL of the right wing wasn't enough for them..:cuckoo:
Beck left off one more reason for possible suspension. How about:

-Using a firearm to murder an unarmed person.

Beck is a paranoid psychopath

Is Zimmerman enrolled in the School where the list came from? Really?

I think YOU are an Idiot and should leave Beck alone and deal with your own foibles of reading comprehension. :eusa_hand:

good grief...who else are they going to drag into this mess...ALL of the right wing wasn't enough for them..:cuckoo:

They won't be happy ubntil al lthe Cities are burning.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciJpVP0CQ4E&ob=av2e]Heart - City's Burning - YouTube[/ame]
Good thing...

This message is hidden because Plasmaball is on your ignore list...
Of course it doesn't but if it's true, it supports Zimmerman's story that Martin was the aggressor.

Let me get this straight. You feel that because Trayvon was suspended from school, it supports Zimmerman's argument that Trayvon was the aggressor? Utterly ridiculous. You have no idea why he was suspended; and even if you did - even if it was for a violent offense - his suspension has absolutely nothing to do with this incident.

Uh Jose, Zimmerman is Hispanic like you. Aren't you ashamed of your race right now? Or are you still pretending he's White?

My gawd, you are one stupid motherfucker. The name is Josef K. Josef, not Jose. And it's not my real name; it's the name of the protagonist in a Franz Kafka story. My actual first name is Patrick. Anyway, when have I ever 'pretended' that he's white? Never mind. You're a clueless hack. Go put on your tinfoil hat and stick your head in the microwave.

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