"Right-wing extremists" vow to return to DC for Biden's inauguration

These Trumpist militia members are American Isis and Trump is their Ayatollah. They are no different that Isis. Their Flag is like Isis’. They act like Isis. They have the same strategy as Isis. There philosophy is really no different from Isis. American Isis needs to be dealt with.

So where does your "isis" fit in with the riots that BLM had in 48 of America's 50 largest cities last year? Where does it fit in with the billions of dollars of damage done? With the hundreds of people killed? With the thousands of businesses looted and destroyed? With the millions of lives disrupted? And why did it all stop after the election? Was anything accomplished by any of it? Are we now free of racism and do black lives matter more now with police blowing rainbows at criminals?
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Will these Right Wing extremists do more or less damage than their counterparts (ANTIFA) did at the last Inauguration?

Hopefully. We can't be outdone by a bunch of skinny, wormy fuckers in mom jeans, now can we?

You mean it's a contest?

Change a few words around and people would easily mistake this thread as an argument between fans of two competing sports teams...
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Will these Right Wing extremists do more or less damage than their counterparts (ANTIFA) did at the last Inauguration?

Hopefully. We can't be outdone by a bunch of skinny, wormy fuckers in mom jeans, now can we?

You mean it's a contest?

It should be. Blood for blood, I always say.

Besides, now that China took our football games away with their damned virus, what better thing to do than riot?
Christ! I have so many Marxists on ignore that I can't even figure out what's going on in my own thread.

I'm gettin' too old for this shit. :laughing0301:

Just like I have so many Fascists on ignore as well. And, yes, some Marxists as well.
... your side was tearing down American cities during the past 8 months
The pathetic attempts at diversion merely expose an impotence in defending the indefensible.

Social protests, for any cause, that are sometimes marred by unjustifiable violent elements, cannot be equated with a mob of goons, incited by lies, attacking the U.S. government.

View attachment 440007
"Oh, yeah! Well, what about...?"
Sez the uninvited voyeur from unknown parts of the globe
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Will these Right Wing extremists do more or less damage than their counterparts (ANTIFA) did at the last Inauguration?

Hopefully. We can't be outdone by a bunch of skinny, wormy fuckers in mom jeans, now can we?

You mean it's a contest?

It should be. Blood for blood, I always say.

Ah, the old McCoy/Hatfields. Oh, what a wonderful time. And let's bring back the Spanish Inquisition while we are at it. Fun filled times.
Please don't kill too many people in your Jihad.
I'm not worried.

Biden will hide in his basement, the cowardly liberals are all locked down for fear of Wuhan Virus, and the police fall back and lets Antifa burn and riot, capture their own police stations and occupy them...capitulate.

So who's going to be in danger?

Trump's assault on the Capitol may produce new cases of covid.. He's really been the champ of superspreader events.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and invest this country. Your thread confirms that.Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.
Talk Radio created this, and now that Trump has amplified it, it's out of their control. Let's see how many people these Jihadis murder.
These Trumpist militia members are American Isis and Trump is their Ayatollah. They are no different that Isis. Their Flag is like Isis’. They act like Isis. They have the same strategy as Isis. There philosophy is really no different from Isis.

American Isis needs to be dealt with.


these aint AmeriCAN...

these are AmeriCUNT...

AmeriCANs showed up to the election and kicked orange lunatic cult leader out, saving the country and the planet... just like in the hollywood movies...
They are absolutely convinced that killing innocent people will be an act of patriotism.

That's how they've been indoctrinated. It appears they're absolutely serious. Like a Jihadi.

Lots of Jihadis and suicide bombers have been recruited on social media..
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Will these Right Wing extremists do more or less damage than their counterparts (ANTIFA) did at the last Inauguration?

Hopefully. We can't be outdone by a bunch of skinny, wormy fuckers in mom jeans, now can we?

You mean it's a contest?

It should be. Blood for blood, I always say.

Ah, the old McCoy/Hatfields. Oh, what a wonderful time. And let's bring back the Spanish Inquisition while we are at it. Fun filled times.

We already did that Spanish Inquisition thingy. You've forgotten about the Mueller hearings and the impeachment already?
How disappointed will you be if "american isis" doesn't show and
Mac1958 is representative of many libs who were proud of the leftwing rioters

But now fake indignation over the pushback those “peaceful protests” caused

I supported the earlier riots. I was probably one of the biggest supporters. They had a valid reason to protest. An unjust, justice system.

While I still supported the people's right to protest here, protesting a fair election isn't exactly a noble cause.

You supported the riots, eh? Was that a freudian slip or do you mean to say you support setting fires and looting as a means of protest? It's only OK when the violence is directed towards innocent bystanders?

I supported it all. Just as Thomas Jefferson did,

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

People tried to peacefully protest. Trump called them SOB's and called for them to be fired. As Jefferson notes, it escalated from there.

The earlier protests have brought about the start of some actual change. These only helped bring down Trumpism.
Blacks are not automatically Democrats. The rioters and looters were criminals not BLM or antifa. Right wing conspiracy propaganda strikes again. Fox prime time is also complicit if not all of it....
The riots erupted under the banner of Black Lies Matter so the onus falls on them

if some of the rioters had been shot and others arrested and sent to prison the lib “Summer Of Love” would have ended on Day One and no innocent person would have died or been injured

and the violence on Wednesday would not have happened either
These Trumpist militia members are American Isis and Trump is their Ayatollah. They are no different that Isis. Their Flag is like Isis’. They act like Isis. They have the same strategy as Isis. There philosophy is really no different from Isis. American Isis needs to be dealt with.

So where does your "isis" fit in with the riots that BLM had in 48 of America's 50 largest cities last year? Where does it fit in with the billions of dollars of damage done? With the hundreds of people killed? With the thousands of businesses looted and destroyed? With the millions of lives disrupted? And why did it all stop after the election? Was anything accomplished by any of it? Are we now free of racism and do black lives matter more now with police blowing rainbows at criminals?
BLM was started to fight injustice and work within the system. Their Protests were mostly peaceful, but there were cases of violence and rioting when some of those protests got out of control. Those that were involved in the looting and destruction needed to be and were arrested and prosecuted. Nearly all Democratic leaders were unanimous in condemning the violence and asking for calm.

The goal of American ISIS and the insurrectionists that seized the Capitol Building was disruption of our Constitutional process. Their goal was political intimidation. Their violence was not incidental to peaceful protests but part and parcel of it. Trump, and his minions, rather than seeking to calm the mob, encouraged them to incitement. Trump’s purpose was a coup and delegitimization of our democracy.
No, I'm asking you seriously. I know of no one who wants to kill people.
the left did kill people - though perhaps the twisted perverts only wanted to vent their personal demons and things got out of hand

but innocent people have been injured and killed during the lib Summer of Love

Isn't it weird how the FBI never released the fact that the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was a leftard?

Makes you wonder why.

That's because they have to reason to believe that he was politically motivated. He didn't vote. His mind was drug addled with enough internal problems to put an entire Mental Ward on it's knees. He was the classic case that MOST Mass Murderers are. You can stop trying to put the old left spin on things on this one. He was a fruitcake with a lot of guns, simple as that.
Isn't it weird how the FBI never released the fact that the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was a leftard?
Thanks to the corrupt or incompetent FBI I no longer have faith in the GBI either
Sez the uninvited voyeur from unknown parts of the globe
You can pretend to be from wherever you wish.

We in the U.S will resist attacks foreign and domestic upon our democratic system of governance
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Will these Right Wing extremists do more or less damage than their counterparts (ANTIFA) did at the last Inauguration?

Hopefully. We can't be outdone by a bunch of skinny, wormy fuckers in mom jeans, now can we?

You mean it's a contest?

Change a few words around and people would easily mistake this thread as an argument between fans of two competing sports teams...

Except, in the even of two compe4ting sporting teams, people rarely die.
How disappointed will you be if "american isis" doesn't show and
Mac1958 is representative of many libs who were proud of the leftwing rioters

But now fake indignation over the pushback those “peaceful protests” caused

I supported the earlier riots. I was probably one of the biggest supporters. They had a valid reason to protest. An unjust, justice system.

While I still supported the people's right to protest here, protesting a fair election isn't exactly a noble cause.

You supported the riots, eh? Was that a freudian slip or do you mean to say you support setting fires and looting as a means of protest? It's only OK when the violence is directed towards innocent bystanders?

I supported it all. Just as Thomas Jefferson did,

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

People tried to peacefully protest. Trump called them SOB's and called for them to be fired. As Jefferson notes, it escalated from there.

The earlier protests have brought about the start of some actual change. These only helped bring down Trumpism.

How uninformed can a person be not to understand that those protests in Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, NYC, etc. had absolutely nothing to do with anything Jefferson wrote?

Those antifa and BLM rioters were not patriots. They were trying to bring about a Marxist overthrow of the country.

The Trump-supporting protesters in DC protesters were protesting the fact that the Marxists succeeded.

Man, you missed that by at least ten miles.
Last edited:
How disappointed will you be if "american isis" doesn't show and
Mac1958 is representative of many libs who were proud of the leftwing rioters

But now fake indignation over the pushback those “peaceful protests” caused

I supported the earlier riots. I was probably one of the biggest supporters. They had a valid reason to protest. An unjust, justice system.

While I still supported the people's right to protest here, protesting a fair election isn't exactly a noble cause.

You supported the riots, eh? Was that a freudian slip or do you mean to say you support setting fires and looting as a means of protest? It's only OK when the violence is directed towards innocent bystanders?

I supported it all. Just as Thomas Jefferson did,

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

People tried to peacefully protest. Trump called them SOB's and called for them to be fired. As Jefferson notes, it escalated from there.

The earlier protests have brought about the start of some actual change. These only helped bring down Trumpism.

I see. You support arson, theft and lawlessness. Old men being sucker punched and head stomped. Mothers and children cowering in fear as their car is assailed in the middle of the street by thugs. You support pointless, irrational terrorism against civilians.

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