Right wingers: You're losing badly, its snowballing, and gaining momentum

Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?
lol, here you are big guy. Complete context you asked for, here it is. Again, ill ask, are you referring to Lee Atwater. Sure seems like it if you mean what you say.

See how that works, 'big guy'?

Chicken way out...FWIW. :thup:
Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

lol, here you are big guy. Complete context you asked for, here it is. Again, ill ask, are you referring to Lee Atwater. Sure seems like it if you mean what you say.

I have no idea who Lee Atwater is.
See how that works, 'big guy'?

Chicken way out...FWIW.

lol, wtf are you going on about. I directly engaged a poster, not you BTW. Im looking for feedback from him, not you. are we clear?
I have no idea who Lee Atwater is.

Watch a political documentary called "Boogie man". Now, in my opinion this twerp (Lee Atwater) is the guy responsible for the way campaigns are run now a days. Which you mentioned have become unsavory. Check out the movie. One of the better produced politically charged documentaries I have seen.
The OP's post is juvenile posturing based on his (or her?) limited uderstanding of American politics.

What are conservitives losing, anyway?

An MSNBC poll?

regardless, waxing poetic on this topic will make little different. The GOP is in deep shit. I can site the 51% total Obama won on November but looking deeper Obama winning FL and VA ,along with Ohio says a lot. If the GOP was as strong as FOX news and other would have us believe the GOP would have surely won 2 out of three of these states.

So, you think that winning an election with 51% against a milquetoast establishment candidate makes the Democratic Party some kind of political juggernaught?

We shall see.
Evidently, you understand little. Looking at politics as marketing may be part of your problem.

Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


It does to the moronic herd... or, as I like to call 'em... democrats. These people sacrifice their ability to think for themselves to get free shit.

Says the girl parrotting the party line.

Polly want a cracker?

I have no idea who Lee Atwater is.

Watch a political documentary called "Boogie man". Now, in my opinion this twerp (Lee Atwater) is the guy responsible for the way campaigns are run now a days. Which you mentioned have become unsavory. Check out the movie. One of the better produced politically charged documentaries I have seen.

I'll try to check it out. But in my opinion your dear leader has introduced the tactics of Alinski into politics, a carry over from his community organizing days, and appears to believe they are effective governing tools. My question is do we really want our leaders to have to engage in divisiveness, personal attacks and character assassination every election, because that is the precedent being established, or should politics be a discussion of policy, vision and ideas?
The OP's post is juvenile posturing based on his (or her?) limited uderstanding of American politics.

What are conservitives losing, anyway?

An MSNBC poll?

regardless, waxing poetic on this topic will make little different. The GOP is in deep shit. I can site the 51% total Obama won on November but looking deeper Obama winning FL and VA ,along with Ohio says a lot. If the GOP was as strong as FOX news and other would have us believe the GOP would have surely won 2 out of three of these states.

Rs lost - what? - 4 out of 5 or is it 5 out of 6 of the popular vote of the last general elections. And watching pathetic CPAC - they're putting all their eggs into the new kids and they were falling all over each other today. Even they can't get it straight.

And,d why are the loosers, the have beens and the never was, never will be the heart of the "new" GObP?
Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


It does to the moronic herd... or, as I like to call 'em... democrats. These people sacrifice their ability to think for themselves to get free shit.

Says the girl parrotting the party line.

Polly want a cracker?


Interestingly, THAT very lie is all they had at CPAC today.

I think we'll be hearing that lie a lot in the future cuz, its really all they've got.

And, if they continue to lie and to tell THAT lie over and over, they'll lose again and again.

Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon.

It's easy to share other people's money.
Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


It does to the moronic herd... or, as I like to call 'em... democrats. These people sacrifice their ability to think for themselves to get free shit.

I think it's much more than that. I'd guess image plays a significant role for at least half of voters out there. Those of us who are politics geeks are a pretty small minority.


I agree...when obama was ducking and ditching the WH press corps and real "media", he was going on radio shows with DJ's where lets say their audience is less than informed, doing People magazine interviews etc..I thought well good luck with that, we have issues and we need help, serious focused help...not schlock, hes grasping at straws.

but, he was right.

He and his handlers knew what he needed to do, be a celebrity, super star etc etc....Chris rock said he America's Dad....no, hes not a Dad, hes your uncle who wants to be your friend, who gives you shit and never ever tells you the truth, that there are hard choices to be made, don't indulge in impulse, instant gratification 9 of 10 times leads to bad decisions/results..etc.......

hes wants to be our buddy not a father or dad or similar authority figure, thats to tough for him, so he took the easy way out.....but he succeeded, remember he has ( like the right) a 25% segment that will and would vote for him even if he set them on fire, he only needed another 26% and he got it.....see, he 'cares about them'...:lol: and the fools bought it...as fools do.
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon.

It's easy to share other people's money.

When the coming generation understands that it has to earn a living, I believe those values may be amended a little.
The OP's post is juvenile posturing based on his (or her?) limited uderstanding of American politics.

What are conservitives losing, anyway?

An MSNBC poll?

regardless, waxing poetic on this topic will make little different. The GOP is in deep shit. I can site the 51% total Obama won on November but looking deeper Obama winning FL and VA ,along with Ohio says a lot. If the GOP was as strong as FOX news and other would have us believe the GOP would have surely won 2 out of three of these states.

Rs lost - what? - 4 out of 5 or is it 5 out of 6 of the popular vote of the last general elections. And watching pathetic CPAC - they're putting all their eggs into the new kids and they were falling all over each other today. Even they can't get it straight.

And,d why are the loosers, the have beens and the never was, never will be the heart of the "new" GObP?

:lol: right, like Hillary is going to carry the banner for you? :lol: gosh your dumb:rolleyes:
Bet this helps them a whole bunch:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PGfCX9sJqqc]CPAC slavery - YouTube[/ame]
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

The fact that you had to make a thread such as this one tells me the liberals are worried. Thanks for the encouragement. - Jeremiah

It's called "gloating" son.

That you define gloating as "worried" means you may have a legal case against the public schools you attended.
Gloating about nothing is still nothing.
See how that works, 'big guy'?

Chicken way out...FWIW.

lol, wtf are you going on about. I directly engaged a poster, not you BTW. Im looking for feedback from him, not you. are we clear?
We love responding to stupid people. The big zero being elected twice by idiots is obamaturd.
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

What an utterly stupid post. Conservatism is not out of style. It will make a comeback. Mitt Romney wasn't a hardcore Conservative. People voted for Obama because they failed to see a difference.

People are starting to wake up and see Obama is nothing more than a serial campaigner. I predict a Republican landslide in 2016 (seeing that we nominate a true, limited government Conservative).

To the social issue bit: You're treating life and the institution of Marriage like it's just politics. It's more than that. It's called morality. Just because opinion may shift, it doesn't mean we lose our morals. Murder is murder, and a child still deserves a mother and a father.

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