Right wingers: You're losing badly, its snowballing, and gaining momentum

Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

Conservatives and liberals will always exist. The country's problem right now is that there aren't enough moderates to keep you extremists in line. Too many extremist libs (and your counterpart cons) trying to polarize the country.
And yet the Republican party grew it's voter base by 1 million in 2012 while Democrats lost 4 million voters. When you trolling hacks want to talk about why Republicans closing 2% of the gap between 2008 and 2012 I'll listen to stupid threads like this.

If the Republican party is shrinking or dying then the Democrat party is mid way through a heart attack. I base this off actual numbers, not opinion polls... voter turn out > what some hate filled liberal hack thinks
See how that works, 'big guy'?

Chicken way out...FWIW.

lol, wtf are you going on about. I directly engaged a poster, not you BTW. Im looking for feedback from him, not you. are we clear?

You directly engaged no one. BTW, no, you are not clear. Anyone can respond to anything.
If you want 'feedback' from a specific poster, 'big guy', then take it to the bull pen or to a PM.

Now, is that clear?

Right wingers: You're losing badly, its snowballing, and gaining momentum

Whoahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hold-on, there!!!! It appears they're attempting to get more-"progressive"!!

At CPAC, they've had a workshop, teaching them how NOT to sound like....

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Of course politics is marketing...[and it matters]

It does to the moronic herd... or, as I like to call 'em... democrats. (additional idiocy deleted to cut to the chase)

Says the girl parrotting the party line.

Polly want a cracker?


Nutballs can only dream about having the conversational range a monkey can teach a parrot.
Nutballs are more like a tire spinning in a mudhole.
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From what I understand, Republicans still don't think their is anything wrong with their product. They seem to think that they just need a new sales pitch. AMC used to think the same way, even after producing the Gremlin and the Pacer.

It is best for everyone to just let them keep thinking that way.

That bolded bit... that's your problem. You 'understand' jack shit... but, like most whinging liberals, a lack of understanding does not influence your opinion.

Believe it or not, the Dems are not the biggest problem that the GOP has. Their biggest problem is their slightly retarded cousins, the Tea Baggers. How many more elections will the Baggers cost the GOP before they destine them to extinction. Karl is now going after them with the help of money from his billionaire buddies, but is it too little, too late. It is going to be a great show!
not one single intelligent response from anyone on the right. What the OP stated is true in one format or another. The GOP is in deep shit because they wont recognize a changing nation, the OP makes claim to this as well.

Perhaps one of you intellects on the right can actually post something of substance to refute the OPs original post. As it stand now, none of you can ever come close to dealing with these truths.

Deep shit lol, nothing chaged. Repubs still hold the house and still will hold it in 2014 with the pissed off gun nuts voting. In case you didnt know they are ticked off at the president.....
Of course politics is marketing, and the fact that the GOP hasn't figured that out yet is a big part of its problem.

I'd like to know if the GOP message would work on its own merits, but the party's messengers are so loony that they make the party an easy target for their opponents.

Image plays a huge role in politics, even if we don't like it.


Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

The fact that image plays such a significant role is a symptom of a much larger cultural problem.

But, either way, the GOP has to play the hand it's dealt.


:eusa_shhh:Well little one...its not the GOP that dealt this one...it was the Libs. And now they have realize the hand they have...is nothing more than a bluff. Its best if you come to your senses and fold.
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

And what do you get ? Higher taxes, 47 million on welfare, a society of leeches ,a country full of illegal non assimilating scum bags, bigger government , and spending 4 billion a day more than we take in, dumb ass- :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

And what do you get ? Higher taxes, 47 million on welfare, a society of leeches ,a country full of illegal non assimilating scum bags, bigger government , and spending 4 billion a day more than we take in, dumb ass- :cuckoo::cuckoo:

:eusa_pray:And what a shame. The left believe thats an improvement. Just wait till its hits them in the * * *.
Yep, the dems have proven that marketing can get the least qualified person in American history elected to the highest office, twice. Truth is no longer a factor, lies, deceit and marketing is all it takes to convince gullible people to vote for an individual. What does that say about the country?

The fact that image plays such a significant role is a symptom of a much larger cultural problem.

But, either way, the GOP has to play the hand it's dealt.


:eusa_shhh:Well little one...its not the GOP that dealt this one...it was the Libs. And now they have realize the hand they have...is nothing more than a bluff. Its best if you come to your senses and fold.

Does anyone know what this means?

I wonder if the OP also considers Wailker winning the recall in Wisconsin and michigan going to a Right to work state equals the left is winning?
The fact that image plays such a significant role is a symptom of a much larger cultural problem.

But, either way, the GOP has to play the hand it's dealt.


:eusa_shhh:Well little one...its not the GOP that dealt this one...it was the Libs. And now they have realize the hand they have...is nothing more than a bluff. Its best if you come to your senses and fold.

Does anyone know what this means?

Hey....you know how it goes, when Teabaggers attempt to be cryptic. They tend to confuse themselves, after a short period-of-time.
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Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

Well, if the nation is finally going off the cliff with your statist collectivism, your secular paganism, your insanity, welcome to your victory of ashes. . . . You are the decline and fall of America; you are infanticide and sexual depravity. It is not the judgment of men that matters, but God's in the end. The majority of humanity, it's gaggle of gapping mouths and empty minds, will not hold against God's judgment.

As if the brave and the righteous have ever cared what the murderers and sexual degenerates of paganism thought about them. . . .

Is that your measure of the good and the right, the current/latest political fad? Explain, if you can, how abandoning, in favor of your stupidity, has mired the world over again and again for centuries in tyranny and depravity, the founding classical liberalism of the Founders a good thing?

Life is eternal. Our sojourn on this Earth, this life, is merely a test . . . then the judgment.
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

The fact that you had to make a thread such as this one tells me the liberals are worried. Thanks for the encouragement. - Jeremiah

It's called "gloating" son.

That you define gloating as "worried" means you may have a legal case against the public schools you attended.


Exactly right. Im gloating. Not at Democrat victory. Im not a Democrat or liberal. I, like many, just became outraged at the behavior of the Republican Party from 2009-today, we warned them to knock that radicalism shit off, and they just kept doing it until the pushed us all away.

So yeah, Im gloating and talking shit to those fucking idiots who hijacked the party I once belonged to.
Right wingers: What is your answer to combat the political momentum you are facing? Demographics are going against you. The coming generation's upbringing of sharing and being unselfish is going to hit mainstream soon. Society is war weary, and sees the GOP as being at fault for it. Gay marriage is a losing issue for the right. So is abortion.

The snowball effect is kicking in now. You have Bill O'Reilly losing his temper. You have a SC Republican saying "Its good politics to oppose the black guy in the White House" (seriously, thats what he said).

You have the housing and job market creeping into a better state. You have Wall Street hitting record highs. You have the deficit starting to show signs of stability. You have the 2 wars coming to an end. You have the Tea Party looking more looney by the week.

Is the right wing about to become nothing more than a fringe alternative lifestyle?

You socialists and leftists wish that was the case, but its not. young people of all races are waking up to the fraud that is obama and liberalism.
they want freedom and the ability to make something of themselves rather than becoming slaves to the government.

liberalism is losing support every day as americans see their paychecks shrink and gas prices go up.

you fools elected the worst possible person to further your cause, its really becoming funny to watch him collapse in his own pile of bullshit and lies.

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